Outline and discuss the view that the nuclear family is the ideal family

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1 (b) Outline and discuss the view that the nuclear family is the ideal family. (30 marks)

The idea of the nuclear family is located within the theory of the Functionalists.

The functionalists talk about society being like a human body. The organic analogy incorporates the ideas of a system to emphasise the inter-relatedness and mutual dependency of the major situations of society. They see the family as changing and responding to the needs of society. Functionalists argue that the nuclear family developed as a result of industrialization. The nuclear family has evolved, according to the Functionalist perspective because it is best suited to an industrial society, its smallness of scale makes for ease of geographical and social mobility, and it provides a haven for its members. It fits the needs of an advanced industrial society, in the same way that the larger extended families fitted the needs of an agricultural society.  

However Functionalists have been accused of idealising the family. Marxists are critical of the family and society. They believe society is based on a conflict between the classes – working class and ruling class. The family helps to maintain class differences in society as the rich can afford to give their children a better start in life than the poor, e.g. pay for a better education, and get them a good job either in their own business or their friends businesses. Marxists believe the family socialises the working class to accept that it is fair that the classes are unequal. Functionalists also tend to ignore the diversity of the family life in the industrial society. For example, there is little reference to lone parents, cohabiting families and reconstituted families.

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The New Right are keen on the nuclear family they believe that a nuclear family should be based on heterosexual adults being married and becoming parents. They feel that the nuclear family is the building block of society. They believe that the nuclear family is the ideal family because it teaches morality and discipline to the children. They also feel that it is ideal as separate roles are performed by men and women and are determined by biology. They believe that all other arrangements are deviant and a threat to society.

Feminists however disagree with the new right view ...

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