Revision notes on family theories by Functionalists, Marxists, Feminists etc.

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THEORRETICAL PERSPECTIVES OF THE FAMILY                and say: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge." Quran 20:114 FUNCTIONALISTMARXISTLIBERAL FEMINISMMARXIST FEMINISMRADICAL FEMINISMPOST-MODERNISMNEW RIGHTThey believe that the family is functional, it works and is universal. It is needed as it is part of the organic analogy. They believe, the nuclear family transmits norms and values to the next generation order to produce consensus thus culture of society and social order.1) Murdoch- researched 250 countries across the world found family existed in all of them. He identified 4 functions of the family. SEXUAL, EDUCATION, ECONOMIC, REPRODUCTIVE.2) Parsons- researched white middle class families in USA. Found 2 functions. PRIMARY SOCIALISTION AND STABILISATION OF ADULT PERSONALITIES. -Argues that the family acts as a personality factory, producing children whose behaviour is shaped by individualism and achievement.-Warm bath theory- suggests family helps parents gain stability and satisfaction from having children and sustain each
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other emotionally, physically, and sexually. It also provides means of relaxing and relaxing from modern living.Men and women have clearly defined, separate roles.Instrumental = menExpressive = womenThey believe that the family oppresses its members and the nuclear family is an ISA and family legitimises inequality. Supporting capitalism. 1)Althusser-ISA- family, education and religionRSA- police, courts and law which are physical forms of control.2) Engels- men are bread winners as they oppress women. They are glorified prostitutes in the home used to produce the next work force.Also, believes the main function of the family is the reproduction of the capitalist system. As ...

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