Sociology Family Unit - Family Concepts and Definitions

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Emma Rudd BMA

26th November 

Sociology – Family Unit - Family Concepts and Definitions  

What is the Family?

The majority of the world’s population experience a form of family; this can involve a wide variety of options. For example, in the Toda culture in India a woman may be simultaneously married to several men at the same time. In the Netherlands gay couples can marry, in Bali twins can marry, as it is believed that twins have already been intimate in the womb, in the Banaro culture of New Guinea the husband is forbidden to have sex with his wife until she has born a child by another man chosen specifically for this purpose.

In Western culture the nuclear family (both parents and children) is seen as the natural / desirable way to live. This is known as the dominant ideology. Even though there are diverse types of families in Western culture the nuclear family is seen as the ‘best’.

Nuclear and Extended Families

There are a number of characteristics that are associated with the nuclear family. They are as follows:

It is a small compact structure that is composed of a mother, father and usually two or three children, who are biologically related.

It is assumed that the relationship between the adults is heterosexual.

The nuclear family is reinforced by marriage; it is assumed that marriage encourages fidelity and therefore family stability.

There is a clear division in labour; it is believed that the female role within the family should be primarily concerned with the emotional and nurturing roles of motherhood and housework, and that the male function is to economically provide, to protect the family, and to act as a disciplinary role model for the children.

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Although it is now more widely accepted that there may be some overlap between these roles and consequently men are doing more childcare and housework than in the past. Nevertheless, the belief that the main responsibility for parenting lies with mothers is still very powerful.

The extended family is a grouping consisting of all kin. There are two main types:

The classic extended family where several nuclear families are linked through kinship ties and live in the same home together or nearby.

The modified extended family where related nuclear families, although they may be living far apart form each other nevertheless maintain ...

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