Sociology Test 3:
Describe the functions of a family. (9 marks)
Ans) Functionalists see the family as a ‘natural’ way to organize human life. Functionalists have tended to look towards the family as a vital social institution changed with the basic functions of socialization and system maintenance.
Fletcher proposes the main functions of a family as being procreation and child-bearing, the regulation of sexual behavior and the provision of a home. Fletcher states that the family structure provides an outlet for child bearing and raising. As the child is virtually helpless at birth, parental nurture and care is seen as vital during the early stages of a child’s social development and this is provided by the family structure. The family structure also acts as a regulator of sexual behavior. It defines the limits of sexual freedom and thus limits the chances of developing a sexually damaging relationship or petty sexual jealousies of developing. He views the family as a primary institution for the provision of love, care and emotional support for both children and adults and it provides a sense of belonging and serves to define role relationships between men and women. Fletcher states that people find comfort and security within primary social and sexual relationships and the "home" not only provides physical shelter, it also serves as the focal point of family structure and shows the division from the wider-social roles. Fletcher also argues that the family performs various non-essential functions which include, being a government of its own affairs, the economic consumption of goods, education, physical and mental health care, the first introduction to religious ideas and recreation.
Talcott Parsons argues that in modern industrial society, the family has become increasingly specialized and now performs only two basic functions – To reproduce and socialize children and to maintain and stabilize adult personalities. The stabilization of adult personalities involves ideas such as the emotional security provided by adult partners to each other, the definition and division of family roles such as mother, father, daughter, etc. and the way in which a division of labor is established between family members.
In conclusion, society has certain basic needs which must be provided if it is to continue to be stable, and these basic needs are provided by the family structure.