The effect of appearance on the percieved criminality of young individuals

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In British society appearances matter; without even thinking about it we form opinions about the people around us based on their face and hairstyle, the clothes they are wearing, their gender, and though it is something many would deny, often ethnicity also plays a part. These prejudgements can be based on many things: images and stories in the media, past experiences, and conversations with family and friends. This study focuses on perceptions of the criminality of young individuals based on their appearance; specifically ethnicity, gender, and style of clothing worn.

Police statistics show evidence of racial prejudice in the force, in 2005/06 black individuals are almost seven times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people, Asians are about twice as likely to be stopped and searched as whites. [1] To see examples of young people being labelled as potentially criminal because of their clothing you just have to look back at news stories over the past year. Bluewater shopping centre in Kent took the decision to ban hooded sweatshirts and baseball caps from the premises. The manager claimed that individuals wearing these items were responsible for intimidating other shoppers. [2] Whilst this is probably true, it is unlikely that all young people wearing such garments behaved in an intimidating or illegal manner.

The aim of this study is to investigate whether stereotypes linked to ethnicity; gender and clothing style affect how the potential criminality of young individuals is perceived by other young people. The question to be piloted is “How are young people’s perceptions of the criminality of other young individuals affected by the appearance of the latter?”. I am interested to discover whether young people from certain ethnic backgrounds are perceived as being more criminal than others, whether boys are perceived as being more criminal than girls or vice versa, and whether wearing certain styles of clothing affect how the potential criminality of young individuals is perceived by their peers. Due to practical constraints of time and resources, and because this is only a pilot study, I will only be comparing two different ethnic groups, and two different styles of clothing.

My research objectives are to:

  1. Construct a questionnaire that will enable me to research the perceived criminality of young individuals based on their appearance.
  2. Select a valid sample from an appropriate sampling frame.
  3. Carry out my questionnaires effectively as a pilot study.
  4. Process my findings in conjunction with my research aims.
  5. Evaluate the research process and consider any possible improvements that could be made should I convert my pilot into a larger study.

I will use an opportunity, quota sampling method. My sample will be drawn from the 6th form students at one school; it will consist of 6 males and 6 females; 8 white, 2 African/African Caribbean, and 2 of Bangladeshi, Pakistani or Indian origin. As the sample is only drawn from individuals attending one school in the suburbs of a large city, it is important that I take into account the fact that the young people may come from similar backgrounds or had similar experiences, so their opinions are not necessarily representative of young people in the United Kingdom as a whole.

A questionnaire will be used as participants may feel more able to give honest answers than in an interview situation, it also eliminates the possibility of interviewer bias. Also, it is a convenient and less time consuming method. A combination of closed and open questions will be used so that I will gather both easily comparable quantitative data, but also qualitative data to give me a fuller understanding of the issue.

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I will need to operationalise the concept criminality, in this study I will focus on street crime, and a particular list of offences that are more commonly associated with young people, these are: vandalism, street robbery, car theft, physical assault, illegal drug use, drug dealing and shoplifting.

 I also need to operationalise the concept of appearance. In my study this involves gender, ethnicity and clothing style. I will use images of African/African Caribbean and white males and females, dressed in two styles of clothing. The first style of clothing will include hooded sweatshirts, baseball caps, branded sportswear such as ...

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