The Effects of the Media on Criminal Behaviour

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The Effects of the Media

on Criminal Behaviour

The Hypodermic Syringe Model

This theory is a passive audience model, and states that the media almost ‘injects’ the audience with the contents of the media, which are opinions, or a message and then the audience accepts the attitudes, opinions and beliefs. In some cases, the audience responds to the message in terms of their behaviour, they may end up repeating violent behaviour that they have seen in the piece of media. If this behaviour is deemed as criminal, and members of society are repeating it, then ultimately, a criminal or violent society may be created. This means that it is individually deterministic and that we are almost being ‘brainwashed’ into acting in the way of the message. The audience has no active part in interpreting the message, and the theory suggests that the mass audience are like ‘sheep’. We are easily led and not self-aware. However, if the message becomes corrupted, i.e. through perhaps, culture bias, then the message may be interpreted in a different way to which the sender has encoded it. E.g. If the message is about two white male criminals, then it may be internalised by white males, but not by Jamaican males, meaning that the behaviour would be repeated in certain members of society.

This model was a response to the German fascists and capitalist societies, explaining how propaganda works.

The Two-Step Flow Theory

This theory states that a message is not simply interpreted by an individual; it is interpreted in a social setting. The first step is that the mass audience receives the message. The second step is that each individual shares their interpretation of the message with others and alter their interpretations to coincide with others in a social setting. This is why it is called the two-step flow theory. Katz and Lazarsfeld who developed this theory stated that there is not a direct impact on the audience but the influence of friends and family, or ‘opinion leaders’ plays a key part in the impact that the media does have. This means that if the message is not shared in a social setting, then there may be no impact at all, and the message is forgotten about. However, if people whom we deem to have admirable qualities and whose onions we respect discuss their own ideas and experiences about a message in the media, then we discuss it also, and our own interpretations change. This is when action over the message may be taken. If the opinion leaders happen to have criminalistic interpretations of the message, you are likely to change your own interpretations slightly to allow for criminalistic ideas, and group behaviour may change as the ideas of a group change. This could explain gang behaviour and how it may start, and highlights how people with power and influence can almost force their opinions on others.

However, this means that people are easily influenced by others and conditioned by their environment, without being able to rise above it and change their own behaviour and ideas. This theory, therefore, is also deterministic.

Uses and Gratifications Model

This theory is an active audience model, and is about how or why people use the media. Different people can use each media product, in different ways or for different reasons, to gain different personal gratifications. It is based on the idea that two people can be accessing the same media product, but using it for two very different reasons, therefore each media product does not have just one meaning. ‘Reality is socially constructed’.

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McQuail suggested that there are four main types of use. The first is Diversion. This use is for entertainment reasons, i.e. television etc. The second is Personal Relationships where the audience gains companionship with the characters, or through discussion with others about television. The third is Personal Identity, where the user accesses the mass media in order to identify with certain characters, i.e. they have qualities in which you deem yourself to have or are going through experiences of which you have already experienced. Lastly, is where the audience accesses the media in order to become informed. This includes watching the news and ...

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