Using the information from the items and elsewhere, assess explanations for inequalities in the domestic division of labour.

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Shareen Akhtar

Using the information from the items and elsewhere, assess explanations for inequalities in the domestic division of labour. (20 marks)

The term domestic division of labour refers to the division of household tasks, roles and duties. The ideology involving domestic chores states that it is the women’s job to carry out most of the domestic responsibilities within the home. The males’ job is to carry out the role of the primary economic provider and bread winner. As Parsons claimed, the women take on an expressive role whilst the male takes on an instrumental role.

Societies within family life are organised around gender roles. Certain roles are allocated to family members depending on their gender. What is masculine and feminine vary from one society to another.  Sociologists argue that gender roles are socially constricted rather than biologically determined. They are based upon primary socialisation rather than any biological factors.

Designated domestic roles and duties did not exist in pre-industrial times. During this period, males and females shared domestic and agricultural duties equally. The family was seen as a productive unit where all members were required to work together, despite gender or age.

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Industrialisation, however, brought about a major change to the family system. During the industrial revolution, women and children were made to work in factories. After Industrialisation, however, education and factory laws were introduced which prohibited women and children from working. This meant that children had to attend school whilst women stayed at home and carried out domestic chores. Males were then left to go out and provide economically for the family. These unequal family roles are known as segregated roles. Feminists argue that this is evidence of patriarchy as male have more freedom and control in the family.

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