"HACER LO CORRECTO COMIENZA CON SABER QUÉ ES LO CORRECTO." ¿DE QUÉ FORMAS LA ACCIÓN RESPONSABLE DEPENDE DE UN PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO Y BIEN FUNDAMENTADO? PATRICIA MARTÍN SANCHIS Se dice que "hacer lo correcto comienza con saber qué es lo correcto" y así, una acción responsable depende en gran medida de un pensamiento crítico y bien fundamentado. De este modo, las acciones correctas parten de conocimientos correctos. Sócrates, en las horas finales a su muerte afirmó que en su interior habita y reside una Voz, que le disuade de aquello que pretende llevar a cabo. Esta Voz es la llamada conciencia, la cual dicta acerca de lo que es correcto o no y todos los humanos tenemos el privilegio de poseerla, como un perro lazarillo que guía nuestra vida por el camino apropiado. Para ello hay que educar la conciencia, domesticar a tal canino, ya que si un conocimiento correcto conlleva a acciones correctas, hay que desarrollar dicho conocimiento de manera que el sujeto sepa diferenciar entre lo bueno y malo y así cometer acciones acertadas. Por lo tanto, muchos de los que cometen acciones irresponsables lo hacen puesto que no poseen un pensamiento crítico y bien fundamentado lo cual justifica la importancia de aumentar los conocimientos. Póngase el caso de un niño pequeño, el cual no ha desarrollado un conocimiento propio e íntegro, por lo que comete actos no correctos,

  • Word count: 1077
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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"Here is a poet who won't stay silent". Discuss and compare three key poems written by Benjamin Zephaniah. Explore the cultural influences on his poetry, the message and the techniques he uses to impact upon his audience.

"Here is a poet who won't stay silent". Discuss and compare three key poems written by Benjamin Zephaniah. Explore the cultural influences on his poetry, the message and the techniques he uses to impact upon his audience. Benjamin Zephaniah is a Rastafarian dub poet who was born in Birmingham in the Handsworth area in 1958. His full name, Benjamin Obadiah Iqbal Zephaniah, is Christian, Jewish and Muslim. Benjamin considers himself to be a citizen of "England and the world". Benjamin left school at the age of 13. His first book was published when he was 22, it was called pen rhythm. First of all I will look at his poem, I Have a Scheme. This is a parody of Martin Luther Kings speech sometimes referred to as I have a dream. The first obvious similarity to MLKs speech is the title I have a Scheme which is similar to I Have a Dream. The tone in Benjamin's poem is more rhetorical and has a musical flow to it, whereas Martin Luther kings is more serious. I think Benjamin did this as he believes that nothing has changed since this speech, and he wants to show this. I think his message is that even though we have moved on since this speech we our still socially segregated between races in the UK, and things need to change which is a good point. I think he used good poetic techniques very effectively. His performance made this poem even better. The next poem I will be looking

  • Word count: 640
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Drama
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"Hippolyta and Titania are consorts who defy their Lords, but ultimately submit to their lordship". Examine how Shakespeare treats the female characters and explores the role of women in the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

"Hippolyta and Titania are consorts who defy their Lords, but ultimately submit to their lordship". Examine how Shakespeare treats the female characters and explores the role of women in the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is said to be written between 1594 and 1596. It is also thought it was written around the period 'Romeo & Juliet'. Similarities between the two do occur between the plays, for example the play of 'Pyramus and Thisbe' which is performed by Peter Quince's men has the same tragic ending as 'Romeo & Juliet'. William Shakespeare at this time was the play writer for Elizabeth I .Shakespeare therefore gave the female characters in his plays, some sort of power. By doing this Shakespeare could not irritate the Queen by creating a play which was based on male characters. During the time of Queen Elizabeth I's reign, there were religious tensions between Catholics and Protestants. The Queen tried to treat the two religions equally and by encouraging them to live in peace. (1). Despite her attempts to bring about peace within the religious community, she was ruling a country torn apart by religious tensions. Also during the time of Queen Elizabeth's life was in danger, her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots wanted to have her killed. Fortunately for Queen Elizabeth, her cousins' plot was uncovered and she was tried and sentenced to death in

  • Word count: 1903
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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"Hippolytus is an insufferable prig: Theseus an impetuous fool, but both are victims of the gods". To what extent do you agree with this statement?

"Hippolytus is an insufferable prig: Theseus an impetuous fool, but both are victims of the gods" To what extent do you agree with this statement. First the definition of insufferable, is extremely annoying, he would be annoying to the audience because his virginal behaviour would seem rather odd for a young man his age and the levels to which he takes it very extreme. He is very ignorant also, he maintain great amonts of praise towards Artemis, but doesn't do the same for Aphrodite, because he somehow feels his way, or her way of life is better, he doesn't have any real reason for following this and so he does appear self-righteous and ignorant. This is further emphasised by the fact that he doesn't even respect Aphrodite, and shuns her way of life. On the other hand I could take the line that he isn't annoying but rather loyal and determined to follow this way of life. He lives for himself and for no-one else, making him a free and independent spirit with a mind of his own. He doesn't hurt anyone in his puruits, he goes out hunting and, keeps himself busy, and so cant be accused of any evil or wrong doing, or even being idle. So this leaves me to think those who prefer Aphrodite would see him as the prig maybe, but those who prefer Artemis would see him otherwise, so looking at it balanced, on first impressions he just seems commited even if slightly innocent, but not

  • Word count: 658
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Classics
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"His nature is not remorseless, but to escape from a trap he has to act without pity." Consider Tennessee Williams' presentation of Tom in the light of this statement

"His nature is not remorseless, but to escape from a trap he has to act without pity." Consider Tennessee Williams' presentation of Tom in the light of this statement The character of Tom in Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie is perhaps the most interesting in the play, in that he is in some ways the most real character, even more so than Jim, in a world of memories. The main reason for this is that Tom is Williams' autobiographical character, which is especially evident in the narrative aspect. The early life of Williams was very much like that of Tom, with the same sort of domestic problems occurring, and so through Tom we have a window into Williams' life. Therefore Tom is going to be shown in a generally flattering life, as he is a reflection of Williams, and thus we see a character who is quiet, artistic, caring, tender and deeply regretful of having to abandon his mother and sister to their fate. Tom's actions throughout the play cement his quiet, caring nature, except for the odd argument, although even when he loses his temper completely he never strikes anyone, but does have some quite cutting things to say. However, at the end, he does the unexpected, leaving his mother and sister to fend for themselves. I do not believe this makes him remorseless, as he is within his rights to leave, and Laura isn't completely helpless - only in her mind (Jim's analysis

  • Word count: 939
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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"HITLER'S ECONOMIC POLICIES (1933-45) WERE ONLY CONCERNED WITH PREPARATION FOR WAR, AND THEN SUPPLYING THE NEEDS OF WAR."HOW FAR DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT? At the start of the period, Hitler had to deal with a number of problems-when the /Nazis came to power the German economy was not in a very good state and Hitler had this as his foremost concern. However, with the recovery of the economy came a clearer focus on preparation for war, and after the introduction of the 4-year plan in 1936, we can consider that there was a significant leaning towards this aim. In 1933, the German economy showed significant weaknesses in all its major areas. Although it was in fact at the end of the cycle of depression this was not yet clear and the recovery of the economy was of prime importance for Germany. Hitler himself also had little involvement at this stage- his interest was mainly ideological and he had limited economic understanding. Nazi economic policy in these early years revolved around traditional socialist principles; for example the nationalisation of industry, and focused on reducing unemployment and building up infrastructure. Schacht, who was in charge of running Germany's economy at the time, used deficit financing to encourage farming and small businesses with the aim of stimulating economic growth and promoting loyalty to the Nazis in a political twist to his

  • Word count: 1093
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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"How can West Ham United hospitality improve its communication?"

TITLE "HOW CAN WEST HAM UNITED HOSPITALITY IMPROVE ITS COMMUNICATION?" BACKGROUND The club was founded in 1895 as a company team of the Thames Ironworks. In 1900, the club became a limited liability company under the name of West Ham United, this proved to be vital for the progress of the club. In 1904, the club decided to move to its present ground in Upton Park. In 1992/93, the club was promoted to the FA Premier League, which is the top flight in English football and the best league in the world. The stadium has continuously been improved and at this moment the stadiums capacity is 30 000. Plans have been accepted and construction of one of the two stands has commenced. Once the new stands have been completed in 2003, the capacity would have increased to 46 000 and Upton Park would be one of the best stadiums in England. The ground is situated in Upton Park, East London and in the heart of one of London's ethnic minority communities. The Hospitality department at West Ham United is continuously improving. The Stadium has approximately thirty bars, kiosks and suites in total. This department is vital for the club as a whole and it plays a major part in the financial aspect of the club and also the attitude of the supporters as they provide a service to the supporters before and during the game. There are kiosks that provide fast food for the fans, and there are also

  • Word count: 1564
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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"How do the characteristics of the villages Navenby and Dorrington differ?"

"How do the characteristics of the villages Navenby and Dorrington differ?" This is the overall question that I have to answer in order to investigate the differences and similarities of the two rural villages: Navenby and Dorrington. To help answer this question I went on a field trip to Lincolnshire to take notes on the site, situation, size, morphology and services of Navenby and Dorrington. There are various elements in which I can investigate to identify these factors for my two chosen villages. These are: *Land use *Amenities or Services *Comparison of settlement patterns *Age of evolution of settlements *Site *Situation There are five questions I have devised to ask to make a basis for my investigation between Navenby and Dorrington: "How and why do the sites of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" "How and why do the situations of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" "How and why does the morphology of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" "How and why do the population sizes of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" "How and why do the levels of services of Navenby and Dorrington differ?" These questions are suitable in helping to answer the overall question because all of these things being asked are all characteristics of a village. Enabling to break them down means that we are able to look at the villages in a lot more detail and make notes on things specifically. To

  • Word count: 1702
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Geography
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"How does Dickens' create mystery and suspense in his writing?"

"How does Dickens' create mystery and suspense in his writing?" Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. Most of his books were written in the mid-eighteen hundreds and some of them include Great Expectations, Hard Times, and Little Dorrit. The three I will be referring to are Oliver Twist, The Signalman and A Christmas Carol. Back in Dickens' time there was a lack of education, a huge wealth divide between the rich and the poor, and the environment was unpleasant compared to todays. Dickens' creates mystery and suspense in his books through techniques of writing language, the background, the characters, and the weather. Dickens often has moralistic themes to his books, in A Christmas Carol, Scrooge changed from being a horrible man who hated Christmas, into a nice, pleasant gentleman, who came to like Christmas. One of Dickens' main techniques is his use of language. He used elaborate descriptions, alliteration, repetition, listing and onomatopoeia. An example of his elaborate descriptive writing is shown in 'A Christmas Carol' - "A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner." Another example of Dickens use of language is also in 'A Christmas Carol' -"The phantom slowly, gravely, silently approached." This is an example of tripling, and the word 'gravely' again refers to death. This piece of writing certainly does create mystery and

  • Word count: 1147
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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"How Does The 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle' Fit Into Brecht's Idea Of 'Epic Theatre'?"

Essay on "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" "How Does The 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle' Fit Into Brecht's Idea Of 'Epic Theatre'?" "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" by Brecht is an example of "Epic Theatre." Epic theatre is an anti-natural style of theatre, which brings forth a moral to the story rather than entertaining the audience. By the end of the play, the audience should leave the theatre without a sense of satisfaction because most problems are left unresolved. The audience should also be questioning their society. The person who just views the play would likely take it as fantasy and not reach the true depth of the play. The theme throughout the play is natural justice versus class justice, and that people should stand up for their rights. Brecht uses his own style to make "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" a form of Epic theatre, he sends out a moral to the audience, his moral is that resources should go to those best able to make use of them. Other plays may just be acted to entertain an audience. In epic theatre the moral revolves around the play while on the other hand in natural theatre, the characters revolve around the play and the audience feel the characters' emotions and feelings. The characters in other plays will be realistic, but in "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" the characters are unrealistic but the have to pretend to be realistic, the characters have no emotions, the

  • Word count: 1106
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Drama
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