Assess the Usefulness of Official Crime Statistics to a Sociological Understanding of Crime

Assess the Usefulness of Official Crime Statistics to a Sociological Understanding of Crime The Government publishes official statistics on crime in Britain annually. The main source of these statistics are gathered from recorded crimes by the police and courts and through the British Crime Survey (BSC) which is a large-scale victim survey conducted annually by the Home Office. The combination of both of these statistics should provide a picture of the full extent of crime in Britain, however, sociologists believe there are a number of factors that influence these figures and that these official statistics do not reflect a true representation of crime in Britain today. We shall explore these factors and perspectives further to assess whether the official statistics do serve a purpose in the reporting of crime in Britain. From the functionalist perspective Emile Durkheim stated that deviance is a necessary part of all societies and that police and the courts are necessary to keep deviance in check and to protect social order. Durkheim argued that crime is an inevitable part of society and that all social change begins with some form of deviance and in order for change to occur, and that yesterday's deviance must become today's normality. That a limited amount of crime is necessary and beneficial to society and that society could not exist without some form of deviance and it

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  • Word count: 2066
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Sociology
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Efectos de la pobreza en individuales

Efectos: La pobreza causa diversos efectos en la sociedad, tanto a individuales como a la sociedad en grupo. La razon de esto es que cada accion de un individual afecta a otro y a otro, es como una cadena de efectos lo cual concluye en un problema de sociedad. No importa si alguien goza de una vida lujosa, ya que la pobreza siempre afectara a todos los seres de la poblacion ya sean ricos o pobres por igual. Efectos de la pobreza en individuales: Devido a la pobreza hay diversos efectos que danan la vida de los individuales, estos efectos son a largo plaso, ya que es muy dificil salir de la pobreza aunque hay gente que se ha logrado superar pero esta es la racion minima de la sociedad. Ya que las posibilidades de superacion son minimas en este pais. Ejemplos de estos efectos son: - La prostitucion. Esto pasa ya que las mujeres no encuentran major trabajo que usar su cuerpo, ya sea para alimentarse ella misma o alimentar a miembros de su familia. A la ves hay veses que la misma pobreza las pone en un mundo de maltratos donde hay personas que abusan de la situacion en las que ellas se encuentran y lo que hacen es insitarlas a la fuerza a que trabajen como prostitutes fuera de su voluntad. - Robo: debido a la falta de comida, y de otras nesesidades primarias, las personas roban y se convierten en delincuentes. A la misma ves pueden haber muchas causas diferentes que llevan a

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  • Word count: 976
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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PYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, EMOTIONAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE LIFE STAGES There are 8 live stages in total; these are the stages a person goes through during the course of their life. These stages are conception, pregnancy, birth and infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, older adulthood and the final stages of life. Conception and Pregnancy Conception is when a live sperm penetrates a newly released mature egg successfully and the cells begin to multiply. The sperm meets the egg during sexual intercourse when thousands of sperm are released into the woman's vagina. It only takes one of these sperm to penetrate the egg, but even if intercourse takes place at the correct time in a perfectly healthy couple there is only a 30% chance of the woman becoming pregnant. Once the egg is fertilized it continues its journey to the womb, which usually takes a couple of days. When it gets there it embeds itself into the lining of the womb. The two cells, the egg and sperm, a known as haploid cells, when they fuse together they are called a zygote and are now a single haploid cell. The word Zygote comes from the Greek word "zugotos" which simply means joined. The zygote is now dividing rapidly into a hollow ball of unspecialized stem cells; this is now known as an embryo. The embryo continues to grow and develop rapidly, it starts to look more like a baby and grows organs

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  • Word count: 2608
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Healthcare
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Give practical examples of how Queensland could balance the rights and responsibilities of its service users to provide quality care.

AO1: Promoting The Rights And Responsibilities Of Service Users In Care Settings Task 1D: Give practical examples of how Queensland could balance the rights and responsibilities of its service users to provide quality care. In care settings the term quality practice is used to describe the promotion of service users` rights, which are essentially the same rights that are afforded to everyone else, such as the right to marry and freedom of expression; Care workers must actively promote the rights of service users in order to maintain quality practice. One of the toughest things is to balance out rights and responsibilities. It means taking ownership not only of your "stuff", but also keeping an eye out for the other people as well. For example, being responsible around the Queensland for the service users may mean cleaning up after your mess and taking care of your belongings, but it also means having consideration for others, keeping the group areas of Queensland in reasonable condition, etc. The responsibility extends beyond yourself, but to others in your environment as well. The service users are normally taught about "rights" early on as well. Rights are what service users are or "should" be entitled like confidentiality is their right. Service users are entitled to make everyday choices, such as what food they wish to eat, what time they go to bed and get up,

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  • Word count: 646
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Healthcare
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Titration Lab Report

CHEMISTRY LAB Titration Curves of Strong and Weak Acids and Bases Processing the Data: Questions: . Examine the time data for each of the Trials 1-4. In which trial(s) did the indicator change color at about the same time as the large increase in pH occurred at the equivalence point? In which trial(s) was there a significant difference in these two times? In all the 4 trials, the time taken for color change and the time taken for a large increase in pH was the same, leaving no significant difference between the two values. 2. Phenolphthalein changes from clear to red at a pH value of about 9. According to your results, with which combination(s) of strong or weak acids and bases can phenolphthalein be used to determine the equivalence point? The combination of a Strong Acid and Base will give us the equivalence point: there will be a color change of phenolphthalein at pH 9. It is also observed that the reaction between a Weak Acid and Strong Base can be used to obtain a pH of 9. 3. On each of the four printed graphs, draw a horizontal line from a pH value of 9 on the vertical axis to its intersection with the titration curve. In which trial(s) does this line intersect the nearly vertical region of the curve? In which trial(s) does this line miss the nearly vertical region of the curve? For Trials 1 and 3, the horizontal line from pH 9 intersects the S curve. For

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  • Word count: 1095
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Has the creation of the Single European Market been a success?

Has the creation of the Single European Market been a success? The Single Market was contemplated in the Rome Treaty. It consisted of an eight-year programme to be completed between 1985 and 1992 and one of the main objectives was to eliminate barriers that existed to trade in the then European Community. Its completion was considered to be one of the most ambitious targets and one of the most enduring successes.1 The Single European Act provided the legal framework that made the attainment of the target of a Single European Market by 1992 a realist possibility, through a process of harmonisation for existing legislation. The mobility of capital, labour and goods and services became reality in simultaneous with the establishment of a new European trading block in which competition between countries and companies has increased. The key objectives of the Community are in the Rome Treaty. In this essay I will analyse whether or not the Single European Market has been a success, defining success as 'a favourable accomplishment'. The original plans for a Common Market as known in the Treaty of Rome, which emphasized the creation of a Common Market and Customs Union between the member states, meant the removal of tariffs and other obstacles to trade between the original Six and, as expressed through the Common External Tariff (CET), the adoption of a Common Trade Policy

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  • Word count: 2227
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Politics
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The Weakness of the Directory was the main reasons for Napoleons rise to Power. How far do you agree?

The Weakness of the Directory was the main reasons for Napoleon's rise to Power. How far do you agree? On 10th November 1799 the Coup of Brumaire brought about a leader who would bring France's power to the forefront of Europe, a nation feared by all others. The coup was the final of a series of coups between 1797 and 1799. This shows that the Directory was extremely weak which caused Napoleon to rise to power, however there were other reasons as well, such as Napoleon's political connections, his success in wars and his own personal strengths, and the opportunities he creates for himself. The revolution in France was by no means a quick process, taking over ten years before stability was finally regained and Napoleon came to power. During the ten years there were many different types of government all with different ideas, however not one of the governments really affected the peasants, thus the people of France became fed up. Fed up of paying taxes to sort out the massive financial chaos, fed up of paying for pointless wars and so people just didn't care enough to stop Napoleon rising to power, despite warnings about him from Benjamin Constant, who believed he was to self-centred, which through policies in the Napoleonic Code actually turn out to be true. The revolution also created a whole in the army due to many of the military generals who were loyal to the king,

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  • Word count: 1481
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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Factors that affect learning for different individuals. The factors that currently influence my learning do have a strong impact; my chosen lifestyle means that I need to be employed and work a minimum of sixteen hours per week in order to pay the bills.

Task 2: Factors that influence learning vary between individuals, so factors that affect me may not necessarily affect others. David Kolb observed that "personal habits and routines, beliefs, cultural customs, values, motivation and career aspirations are all influences because they can affect attitudes to study and its priority over other demands on an individual, such as home life or work." (B. Stretch, M. Whitehouse. BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care Book 1: 279) The following diagram shows a range of influences that affect learning. The factors which are identified in the diagram that have the most impact on my learning are: time, friends, aspirations, employment, lifestyle and motivation. Some of these factors influence me negatively and some positively; although I have found that with experience and change in my surrounding environment that these factors differ. I have also found that with experience I have developed ways to overcome the barriers that influence my learning. The factors that currently influence my learning do have a strong impact; my chosen lifestyle means that I need to be employed and work a minimum of sixteen hours per week in order to pay the bills. The time that I spend at work means I have limited time to complete any college work so therefore I need to be motivated continuously to attend college, work and complete assignments. Not only

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  • Word count: 1641
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Healthcare
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The Importance of Being Earnest - 'We live, as I hope you know, Mr Worthing, in an age of ideals' what are these ideals in the context of the play in Act One, and how does Wilde present them to the audience?

'We live, as I hope you know, Mr Worthing, in an age of ideals' what are these ideals in the context of the play in Act One, and how does Wilde present them to the audience? In 'The Importance of Being Earnest', ideals are a dominant theme, and to that end are critical in determining the actions of the characters. Wilde is typically subtle in his presentation of these ideals, and consequently many of them come to be used as a means for satirising the society depicted. It is important to establish from the outset that Wilde's presentation of ideals utilizes the different characters as bastions for the various ideals, and in doing that subjects them to scrutiny when ridiculing their respective characterizations. One of the most important ideals presented is fittingly one of the first to become apparent; that being the division of the classes and the social status that they entail. On line 1 of the play, Algernon asks Lane, after playing the piano in the adjoining room: 'Did you hear what I was playing. Lane?' Lane's response: 'I didn't think it polite to listen, sir' is indicative of various aspects of his position. Firstly, his butlership requires that he should abstain from partaking in any activity considered to be distracting to his duties, of which listening to the piano would be one. Secondly, his position in society, that of one of the lower classes, demands utter

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  • Word count: 1196
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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paper cones investigation

Investigation Report Aim Theory When an object is dropped in air, it accelerates. If it is allowed to drop far enough then it can reach its terminal velocity. This is the maximum velocity of the object during its fall and occurs when the upward force of air resistance acting on the object equals the weight of the object. So at terminal velocity... (P.31, Complete Physics, 1999, Pople, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-914734-5) (P.33, Physics 1, 2000, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-78718-1) Looking for a formula for air resistance... F = force of air resistance ? = density of air = 1.2kgm-3 c = coefficient of drag for the object / dimensionless A = cross-sectional area of object hitting the air / m2 v = velocity of the object / ms-1 ( Looking for a formula for the weight of an object... W = m.g W = weight / N m = mass / kg g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81Nkg-1 (P.55, Physics, 1991, Robert Hutchings, Nelson, ISBN 0-17-438510-2) So putting these formulae together... From the Physics AS course, v = velocity x = displacement t = time so References to the specification Forces and Motion 2821 Forces, Fields and Energy 2824 Aim of your investigation The aim of this work is to investigate the relationship between the time taken for a paper cone to fall and the mass of the cone. Variables

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2095
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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