Nic otine replacement treatment (NRT) - smoking cessation program.

Nic otine replacement treatment (NRT) - smoking cessation program. How it works: NRT lessens the nicotine withdrawal and the cravings by supplying the body with nicotine without out the carcinogens, tar or toxic gases that cigarettes contain. People often become addicted to the nicotine because it increases certain chemical levels such as dopamine and norepinephrine in their brains. After quitting from smoking, the levels of these chemicals drop and the bodies react by having nicotine withdrawal symptoms. NRT increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine just like nicotine does. If the NRT doses are taken as directed, the chemical levels in the brain are kept at a constant level so withdrawal symptoms will be reduced when a person stops smoking. The nicotine replacement therapy types include nicotine patches, nicotine gum, lozenges, inhalers, tablets and nicotine nasal spray. When a smoker has a cigarette, the nicotine in the smoke moves quickly across the tissues in their lungs and then into the bloodstream. Nicotine patches The nicotine patches are an effective way of releasing nicotine into the bloodstream via the skin. These patches are attached to the upper body; they slowly release the nicotine which is absorbed through the skin. The patches are available in three strengths, designed with the main aim to gradually decrease the smoker's addiction to the

  • Word count: 987
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Medicine and Dentistry
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Argos and Harvey Nic

Introduction In this assignment I will be writing about the difference between customer service and selling skills i will also be describing why customer service is essential in retailing, the two organisations that i will be looking at is Harvey Nichols and Argos, i will be looking at how they offer customer service in these two organisations. Definition of customer service and sales Customer service is the skill to provide a service or product in a way that is satisfying the customer needs, while the definition of sales is the exchange of goods or service for a quantity of money. Why customer service is essential in retailing? Customer service is the key for a successful business because without customers there's no business. Good customer service is a vital element in retailing because if a customer feels that the organisation has valued them then they will come back again and again and also they will recommend other people about the business and how it values its customers. Good customer service is important because it not just customers who benefit from good customer service, staff to for the

  • Word count: 2156
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Business Studies
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Business Strand A

Background I am producing a piece of coursework investigating The National Ice Centre, also known as the Trent FM Arena. The Trent fm arena is located in Nottingham, England. Just east of the city centre, it is close to the historic Lace Market area. As well as hosting ice skating and ice hockey, it also doubles as the Trent FM Arena Nottingham, where many popular bands play, and it serves as a conference centre. The site has had an ice stadium on it since 1939, but the old building was showing its age: hence its nickname, "The Barn". Several buildings were demolished to make way for the new arena, including an Art Deco warehouse on the opposite side of Barker Gate, and bodies had to be exhumed from a nineteenth century graveyard found under the car park. This obviously led to some controversy at the time; but The Old Cricket Players pub was initially spared. It was eventually pulled down to make way for an apartment block called the "Ice House". The Ice Stadium closed in April 2000 and was demolished soon after to make way for the building of the second public rink. The current building was first announced in September 1995 at an estimated cost of £13 million - part of which was to come from National Lottery funds. The plans were unveiled in October 1996, by which time the British Olympic Association had got behind the proposal. The first public skating session took

  • Word count: 1769
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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Business Strand B

Customer Service Customer service (also known as Client Service) is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase of goods or services. Includes advice, assistance, range of goods, quality of goods and after sales care. What customers expect from a business - examples of good customer service Why are customers important? Customers are important because they provide the main source of income. Happy customers "promote" the business and also repeat business. If a customer is unhappy then they will tell others that the business is bad and then you lose potential customers. Who are the NIC customers? The NIC'S customers are mainly ice skaters, Panthers Ice Hockey team fans, Professional skaters and concert viewers. They are important because they bring in the most income for the NIC . What does the NIC offer to their customers? The NIC offer disabled access and seating, 2 rinks for professional and non professional skaters, Choice of shows and a wide range of food and good facilities. I am now going to consider the 3 main groups of customers in greater detail and say what they expect in terms of service, whether those expectations are met and improvements the NIC could make: The Nottingham Panthers: The Panthers expect the changing facilities to be clean, for there to be Lockers and Clothes hooks for them to hang their clothes. They expect

  • Word count: 3011
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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Development Variations

Development Variations Why have some countries developed to a greater extent that others? Introduction In geographical terms, development is a broad measure of the economic strength of the economy and the social position that it provides, through health system, education infrastructure etc. How we measure development: Development is measured by several economic and social indicators however some are more helpful than others. The indicators I am going to use are: * Birth Rate (Number of births per year/1000) * GDP/capita (Gross Domestic Product ( measures value of good and service produced in the year) * Life Expectancy ( The age you can expect to live to) * Illiteracy rate (% of the population unable to read and write) * Infant Mortality Rate (Number of infants who die before their first birthday) * Exports (The amount of good sold to other countries) * Imports (The amount of goods bought from other countries) I am trying to explain why some countries have managed to develop to a greater extent than others, and instead of concentrating on MEDC's like UK, U.S.A, Japan etc I will be investigating the contrast between an NIC and an LEDC. I have chosen China as my NIC as it has developed rapidly and is closing the development gap with the MEDC's, and I have chosen Uganda for my LEDC which has seen much more limited development for the majority of people and shows few

  • Word count: 2127
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Geography
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Business Strand C

Strand C Investigating job roles and working arrangements Job Roles Define the term 'job role' A 'job role' is what the worker has to do in his or her job for example their responsibilities that the business expects you to fulfil while you re in your job. It refers to their behaviours, rights and obligations in their job; it also is your power as a worker. Your job roles will change according to what jobs they are in, if you change job then your job roles will also change. A job role describes the role of the job it does describe the person who works in that job. One persons job role may include more responsibility than another job this may be because they are higher up in the business hierarchy than the other person. How are job roles defined in a business? Relate to Organisational charts and job descriptions. Each job role will have a specific job description, which outlines all the key responsibilities and duties that the person holding that position will have. For example, a teachers job description lists their role as a tutor, subject teacher, any additional management responsibilities, duty to write reports, attend parents evening and any other duty as required by the head teacher. This would be the hierarchy that is used in a school: In a company there is normally 4 main layers, these layers are directors, managers, supervisors and operatives. Although on the

  • Word count: 3791
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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BTEC Unit 8: The Roles of Network Components

Assignment 3: The Roles of Network Components By Josh Hancock This book explains the Roles of Network Components. Farnham College 9/12/2008 Assignment 3: The Roles of Network Components Chapter 5 Chapter 5a Network Components Servers A server is a definition that is used for two things, a piece of software that is designed to provide services to users on the same, or another, computer. The other use of the word server is, the physical computer that runs the server programs, such as a Network Operating System (e.g Windows Server 2008). Network Interface Cards (NIC) Network Interface Cards, sometimes referred to as NIC's, are a piece of hardware which is designed to allow a computer to communicate over a computer network. The Network Interface Card gives the computer the ability to plug in a network cable (Ethernet cable or Coaxial cable, depending on the ports on the NIC) to access the network. Workstations A workstation is a high end microcomputer (also known as a Personal Computer or PC) that is designed for the purpose of running technical or scientific programs. A workstation is intended to be used by one person at a time although they run multi-user operating systems. Also on a computer network used in a business for example, the computers used by the users are also known as workstations. Wireless Devices Wireless Devices in a network are designed to

  • Word count: 2036
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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Strukturalizm, jeden z najwazniejszych kierunków nowoczesnego literaturoznawstwa w XX w., uksztaltowany po 1930. Zwiazany scisle z rozwojem metod badawczych lingwistyki strukturalnej, a takze rosyjskiej szkoly formalnej. Przeciwstawial sie metodom genetycznym w badaniach literackich. Struktualizm zostal najpelniej sformulowany w latach 30. i 40. XX w. przez tzw. praska szkole jezykoznawcza (do której nalezeli R. Jakobson, J. Mukarovský, F. Vodicka). Do glównych tez struktualizmu naleza: ) traktowanie utworu literackiego jako wypowiedzi, w której glówna role odgrywa funkcja estetyczna. 2) kazdy, najmniejszy element struktury dziela cos znaczy, a calosc jest wysoko zorganizowanym tworem semantyczno-jezykowym. 3) jezyk poetycki trzeba interpretowac w odniesieniu do systemu jezyka ogólnego i tradycji literackiej. 4) utwór literacki nalezy do zjawisk semiotycznych (semiotyka) i w tym charakterze musi byc rozwazany jako skladnik spolecznej sytuacji komunikacyjnej (twórca - odbiorca). 5) badacz literatury powinien dokonywac zarówno synchronicznego opisu struktury dziela (np. system wersyfikacyjny), jak i diachronicznego. Struktualizm rozpowszechnil sie w okresie II wojny swiatowej i po jej zakonczeniu glównie w USA (np. prace R. Welleka), a takze we Francji ( R. Barthes, T. Todorov) i ZSRR (J.M. Lotman i in.). Strukturalizm, kierunek w nauce uwazany

  • Word count: 5775
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Maths
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Charakteristika Jany Eyrov Na začtku knihy se setkvme s hlavn hrdinkou, Janou Eyrovou. Poznvme j jako sirotka. Jana bydl u Rdů, ale nenachz v nich pravou rodinu, po kter cel svůj ivot tak tou.

Charakteristika Jany Eyrové Na zacátku knihy se setkáváme s hlavní hrdinkou, Janou Eyrovou. Poznáváme jí jako sirotka. Jana bydlí u Réédu, ale nenachází v nich pravou rodinu, po které celý svuj život tak touží. Je u nich osamelá, nikdo jí nemá rád, všichni jí ignorují a casto se k ní chovájí doslova krute. Vyrazují jí ze své spolecnosti a nesmí se úcastnit žádných návštev. Jana již od útlého detství trpí neprítomností lásky v jejím živote. Chce milovat a být milována, ale ve skutecném živote, ve skutecné spolecnosti nic podobného nenachází, a tak jediná láska, kterou má, je její panenka _ 27_ Jana touží po domove, po míste, kde by jí prijmuli, kam by patrila a kde by našla opetovanou lásku. Tento nedostatek nejdríve reší únikem ze spolecnosti za pomoci knížek, ale po urcité události se její prístup k životu a ostatním závratne zmení. Po desivém zážitku v Cerveném pokoji Jana zacne být troufalá a nebojácná a od té doby ji každé vítezství nad ostatními zvedá duveru v sama sebe. Jana zacíná byt ke svému okolí uprímná a nestydí se vyjádrit svuj vlastní názor._35_ Snaží se být samostatná a svobodná. Nekdy jsou její reakce dokonce naprosto zarážející, v porovnání s jejím predchozím chováním a Jana si dokonce svoji náhlou výbušnost uvedomuje. _14_

  • Word count: 1321
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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A PROJECT REPORT On INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATION Undertaken at NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE (NIC) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, GOVT. OF INDIA CGO COMPLEX, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI TECNIA INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES SUBMITTED BY: DHRUVIKA PATEL M. C. A . ENROLLMENT NO.-0371704404 NIC ID-9238 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is a great sense of satisfaction and a matter of privilege to me to work at National Informatics Centre, New Delhi. I wish to express my heartiest thanks to Border Road Organisation Division for providing me the opportunity to under go training in the esteemed organization. Under such a nice environment, systematic work approach and target oriented task management of this division provided me with the much-desired training experience needed for future software professional. It is my pleasure to thank Shri. K.C. Dwivedi, Senior Technical Director and Head of Shipping , Road Transport and Highways Informatics Division, NIC, to whom I owe a lot for giving me an opportunity to do my training in this organization; I also owe a special thanks to Dr. J.K. Ghosh ,Technical Director, and Mr. Pravin Srivastava,System Analyst, Shipping , Road Transport and Highways Informatics Division, NIC for allowing me to do project under their guidance. My

  • Word count: 9522
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Engineering
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