Describe how to identify the target market for your coffee shop.
Unit 10 A 2 P 2 Describe how to identify the target market Business Idea My business idea is the Coffee Shop, as the name suggests I would sell the coffee under the name "Coffee Paradise". The Coffee Shop would be a new creation, so completely new business set-up would be required, not replacing existing one or franchise. As I said my business name would be "Coffee Paradise", this will be brand new business. I do not want change some existing business into my paradise because the costs of it could be much higher than it's worth it even if some benefit of it would be somehow already prospering coffee shop. I want my business to be mine from the beginning and in this case I choose to set-up a new business from the foundations to make it exactly as I want it to be - look, place, staff. In order to find if my business is going to a success I have to assess the suitability of my product and whether the plans fit the situation I will put my business into. My coffee shop will be a small business, which will operate as a sole trader, so I have to think about what type of risk I will be taking by setting up the business. I also have to consider whether my plans can actually work in practice and whether I considered all the factors, for example: are the funds available or will my coffee shop be able to deal with the competition in surrounding area. Business Objectives The
STARBUCKS / COSTA COFFEE: Marketing analysis of two leading brands in the coffee shop market
Academic Year: 2008 / 2009 Semester 1/ Semester 2 Module code: MK1016 Module title: Marketing Principles Subject Area: Marketing Module Leader: William Mott Assessment: Group Presentation Weighting: 50 % STARBUCKS / COSTA COFFEE Marketing analysis of two leading brands in the coffee shop market MALLET Magali POUMAROUX Aurélia VEILLE Julianne I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................3 A. WHEN AND WHY DO PEOPLE GO TO COFFEE SHOPS? 3 B. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND STARBUCKS 3 C. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND COSTA COFFEE 4 II.CONTROLLABLE.....................................................................................4 A. 4 P STARBUCKS 4 ) PRODUCT 4 2) PRICE 5 3) PLACE 6 4) PROMOTION 6 B. 4 P COSTA COFFEE 6 ) PRODUCT 6 2) PRICE 7 3) PLACE 7 4) PROMOTION 8 III. UNCONTROLLABLE...............................................................................9 A. PEEST ANALYSIS 9 ) POLITICAL AND LEGAL FORCES 9 2) ECONOMICAL FORCES 10 3) ECOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL FORCES 11 4) SOCIAL AND CULTURAL FORCES 12 5) TECHNOLOGICAL FORCES 15 B. COMPETITORS 16 ) THE COFFEE SHOPS 17 2) STORE CATERING 18 3) PUBS 19 IV. SWOT ANALYSIS.................................................................................19 A. STARBUCKS 19 B. COSTA COFFEE 21 V. MARKET
Handbook for Managers of a Coffee Shop Chain
Handbook for managers The Best Coffee in Town Wellcome to our company! We would like to wellcome you in our company and our amazing team of The Best Coffee in Town. It is great to have you with us and to have an opportunity to work together. We believe that you will feel comfortable working in our team and we hope to be a valuable working opportunity. We believe in equality and we treat each other as well as our customers with all the respect we want for ourselfs. We hope that your stay at our company will be enjoyable and that we can provide you the best working environment. So good luck in your new possition and do not hesitate to ask for further information. Sincerely, Dušan, Jakub, Iveta, Sofia and Petra Contents WELLCOME LETTER......................................................................................... 2 Purpose of the hanbook........................................................................................... 4 Company description.............................................................................................. 6 Mission........................................................................................................ 6 Vision.......................................................................................................... 6 Organizational
Coffee Republic in Domestic Market
Contents . Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. The Marketing environment of Coffee Republic 4. Core Competencies 5. The Micro environment a. SWOT analysis 6. The Macro environment a. PEST analysis i. Political factors ii. Economical factors iii. Socio-Cultural factors iv. Technological factors 7. References 8. Appendix Executive Summary This report outlines findings of PEST and SWOT analysis conducted on Coffee Republic's Micro and Macro environment. Coffee Republic was founded as a result of "The market gap" for a 10 minute gourmet coffee experience at an affordable price in UK (Anyone can do it - Sahar Hashemi, 2001). And this market gap was recognized by Bobby Hashemi and his sister Sahar Hashemi who formed Coffee Republic in 1995. Coffee Republic today has more than 46 stores all over UK and has recently shown its horizontal growth by going international. Coffee Republic will enter the Bulgarian market under a franchise arrangement with Property Links International (Overseas Property Mall, Jan 2007) and into Turkish market via agreement with Ada Kahve Gida Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited (Business Times, March 2007). PEST analysis on one hand shows importance of Socio-Cultural factors which affects Coffee bars outlets in UK, the SWOT analysis shows that Coffee Republic's main weakness of not having enough outlets in UK and its lack of advertisement makes
Market Research for Subway sandwich shop
Subway MARKET Research Task 3 Primary Research Primary Market Research - Involves collecting information to meet your specific needs (Field Research). Primary Research can be: Qualitative: Gathering descriptive information, usually representing verbal or narrative data through open-ended interviews or focus groups. Open-ended interviews are involved around leading questions. An interview likes this gives you lots of information, but it’s time consuming for both you and interviewee. Benefits are that you will learn a lot about the groups your studying and common trends, emotional motivators, and general likes and dislikes of your primary market. Focus groups is a group discussion lead by a professional who ask questions about e.g. a product to gain their view and likes/dislikes. Quantitative: Gathering numerical information that can be analysed statistically through surveys. Surveys take longer to develop, but are easier to administer than other types of market research. Also since they take less time to complete, people are usually more willing to complete them. Subway Primary Research Pie Chart sourced from - Primary Research Primary Research (also known as field research) is the act of collecting original primary data. Primary Research can be accomplished through various methods, including
Globalization - Coffee & Value Chain. What is the likely value chain of a coffee shop? For example, how did the varieties of coffee beans get there? What is the likely effect of market globalization on coffee shops? Do technical advances play any role in
Imagine you are studying for your international business class at a local coffee shop. The manager spies your textbook and remarks, "I don't get all that foreign business stuff. I don't pay much attention to it. I'm a local guy running a small business. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about any of that." The manager's comments make you realize there is much more to business than just local concerns. What is the likely value chain of a coffee shop? For example, how did the varieties of coffee beans get there? What is the likely effect of market globalization on coffee shops? Do technical advances play any role in the shop's value chain? Does globalization imply any negative consequences for the worldwide coffee industry? Justify your answer. The coffee shop manager is naïve to think he is simply a local guy running a small business and that international business is somehow irrelevant, as it pertains to the growth or success of his business and the affects it has on others within the coffee value chain. Coffee is imported from various countries such as Brazil, Vietnam, Columbia, Indonesia, Mexico, India, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, and Peru. These countries happen to be the top ten green coffee producers of the world. The two types of coffee plants most widely cultivated are grown in tropical and subtropical
Coffee market and Starbucks company overview
. Coffee market and Starbucks company overview Coffee has always been regarded as the preferred beverage during the 1950s. However, its superiority was surpassed by soft drinks as the country's favourite beverage in the mid-60s as observed from Fig. 1. The reason for its decline is that coffee is often regarded as "old fashioned" beverage for older people with limited options: regular or decaf (Source: Starbucks Story 0502. p. l). Consequently, the coffee industry was experiencing a vicious cycle of brand identity crisis where heavy discounting and promotions were the norms as customers tried to shop on price as coffee has been reduced to commodities. Therefore, there was a significant decrease in the gross profit margins where there was 1% profit per cup and this trend forced management to reduce advertisings budget. To exacerbate the situation, management resorted to reducing product quality by gradually increasing the proportion of African beans from 5% to 15%, using puffing technology to fill 16 oz. containers with 13 oz. "fast roast" beans, and even packaging high-end coffee in standard jars to reduce complexity (Egan, Golovcsenko, 2002). Fig.1 Cups of Coffee per person per day (Source: US Bureau of the Census) Despite the ferocious competition in the coffee industry, opportunity still exists in "gourmet coffee" where coffee buying decision-process can be driven
Market research for a kosher shop
Task 5: Analysis of Data Analysis of Survey: I have collected a large amount of data from the survey I carried out in part 1 of the coursework. I felt it was important to ask both men and women, as they both go shopping. So I asked 14 women and 11 men. What age category do you fall in? My first question was very important as I needed to know what age group the people I was surveying as younger people may buy sweets and older people may buy meat and fish. 40% of the people I asked were aged between 26-35. 32% were aged over 35. 6% were aged between 18-25. 2% were aged under 18. From this I can see the majority of people I interviewed were between 26 and 35 years old. Where do you live? This is an important question because I need to find out where to locate my shop. Obviously I would liken it to be local and convenient for people to go and buy certain products from. 40% of people live in Cockfosters. 28% of people live in East Barnet. 20% of people live in Hadley Wood. 8% of people live in Enfield. 4% of people live somewhere else. It is clear to see that the majority of people live in Cockfosters, maybe this would be a good place for my shop to locate. Where do you currently buy your kosher food? Most people that I interviewed currently buy kosher food in World of Kosher in Cockfosters. I needed to find this out to know which shops I would have the
"Fresh Brew" is a new retail outlet, which is on the verge of setting up in Dubai - The coffee shop would deal with various varieties of coffee and confectionery's.
"Fresh Brew" is a new retail outlet, which is on the verge of setting up in Dubai. The coffee shop would deal with various varieties of coffee and confectionery's. The coffee shop will be owned by John Samuel in partnership with a local. I've been hired by Mr. Samuel to draw up a marketing plan in order to make the new venture a success. The coffee shop would employee around ten people, six waiters, 2 people brewing the coffee, a cashier and a cleaner for cleaning up the place. The customers will be offered a lot of varieties of coffee flavors to choose from such as, Espresso, Latte, Malts, Cappuccino, Mocha, Iced Eskimo, Arabian Heights, Tropical Iceberg, Frappicino and Fresh Brew Ice Blended. There would also be a variety of confectionaries such as croissants, pastries, sandwiches, sundaes, mousse, rum balls and sodas. Mr. Samuel felt the need of setting up a coffee shop in Dubai because of the lack of coffee shops and he felt there was a growing demand for coffee. He feels his coffee shop would run successfully as he's going to introduce new varieties of coffee's and pastries, which are not sold by other coffee shops in Dubai. " Fresh Brew's" main competitor will be Gerard's, a local firm that is already running successfully all over Dubai. After a lot of research on location I've decided that the best place for the coffee shop to be located would be a
Fairtrade and the Market for Coffee beans
Currently, the price of coffee in the market is very high, but farmers receive less money than what they do. Furthermore, when world coffee prices rise, the price that customers pay in the shops usually goes up too. Yet, when world coffee prices fall, the price in the shops doesn't come down. According to, coffee is a multi-million dollar industry, but the profits don't go to the farmers who actually work so hard to grow the coffee beans, and carry all the risks of failing crops or falling prices. Most of the profits go to the shippers, roasters and retailers. For example, while a cup of coffee costs $4-5, farmers get only 10% of that cost. To sum up, this is unfair with farmers who should receive more money for their coffee products. Besides the price of coffee beans is low, speculators also make the price pressure with the farmers’ productions. For example, after harvesting the coffee beans, farmers immediately have to sell their products to collect the capital and prepare for next season. That is the reason why farmers don’t have good price. In order to get price stability, Fair Trade has emerged to help farmers with their products. According to, Fair Trade coffee producers are small family farms organized in cooperatives or associations which the farmers own and govern democratically. So, after joining Fair Trade, the price of coffee