McGregor -Theory X and Theory Y
Introduction McGregor -Theory X and Theory Y McGregor, an American psychologist, built upon earlier studies into the psychology of the workplace. From these studies he constructed a model of management attitudes, and from this model demonstrated that managers, wittingly or unwittingly, strongly dictated the type and attitude of workers in their employ. McGregor firstly examined the work of Taylor. In the early 1900's the Classical and Scientific (Taylorian) schools of management, suggested that workers were to be given tasks in their simplest forms. Within such Taylorian businesses, the role of management was to ensure that the simplest, most efficient, and productive working methods were used. Employees would have nothing to contribute but their labour. It can be argued that the early success of Ford Motors was to a large part due to the implementation of this structure. The second element McGregor used was the more recently developed Human Relations School. Studies performed by students of the Human Relations School, such as Mayo, found that many employees would produce higher levels of output, and be more aware of quality issues, if they are brought into the decision making that affected their jobs, rather than being just told what to do, and how to do it . There was a recognition by the Human Relations School that employees would have needs over and above those of
Roles and Responsibilities of Staff Members at McDonalds.
Part A: Investigating a local business. Task 1 - Choosing a business. The business chosen to investigate is McDonalds, McDonalds is the worlds largest fast food chain with over 58 million customers using the restaurants daily. It has 1231 restaurants in the UK alone which is a total of roughly 48,000 employees in the UK and 1.5 million employees worldwide. McDonalds can be found in 119 countries around the world with more than 31,000 restaurants worldwide. Although it is criticised for being very unhealthy it has tried to change that by adding fruit and vegetables onto the kids menu to encourage children to eat 5 fruit and vegetables a day. McDonalds offers a quick and easy service, there are varieties of ways to order either order at counter and/or then get it delivered to your car, drive through, eat in or take away. At McDonald's restaurants there are lots of facilities along side the food including: toilets, phones and information leaflets. McDonalds has so many customers going to their restaurants everyday because the food is of a cheap price and so is easy for anyone of any income to buy, it is also easy to eat as it does not need any cutlery or plates. It is fast to buy and then to eat as it is intended to be. Another thing is that McDonalds is such a large business that it can afford to have lots of franchises, this means that there is always a McDonalds around
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is the name given to the process where parties in a dispute come to a compromise (or settle their dispute) without going to court.
Assignment 2.9 a)Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is the name given to the process where parties in a dispute come to a compromise (or settle their dispute) without going to court. The main reason people use ADR is to save the expense of using the courts and solicitors. There are four types of ADR mediation, negotiation, conciliation and arbitration. Negotiation is the simplest form of ADR. Where two people have a dispute they can negotiate a solution themselves. The advantages to the parties involved are that it is completely private and it's fast and cheap. This is where parties to a dispute cannot settle it themselves they may instruct solicitors who will negotiate on their behalf. Even when negotiation fails at these early stages of a dispute and court proceedings start, solicitors will usually continue to negotiate on their client's behalf. This results in many cases being settled out of court. Mediation is where a neutral person (the mediator) helps the parties to reach a compromise. The job of the mediator is to consult with each party and see how much common ground there is between them. S/he should act as a facilitator, taking offers between the parties. The mediator doesn't offer an opinion. Mediation is most suitable where there is some chance that the parties will co-operate. such a in family disputes. Mediation is not legally binding on the
Sainsbury's organizational structure.
Task 3 (E4, C2, A1) Sainsbury's organizational structure Businesses are structured into different into ways according to the way they operate and according to their culture. The structure of business can affect the way it works and performs. You need to understand the differences between the following types of structure: * Tall * Flat * Matrix * Hierarchical Flat and tall structure:- The term 'scalar chain is a rather old fashioned one and stems from the days when large organizations were bureaucratic, with lots of layers between the top and bottom. Scalar chain refers to the number of levels within the structure or hierarchy of an organization. The scalar chain set out the authority, responsibility and the framework that determined superior and subordinate relationships. The idea of setting out everyone's role and position is to make it clear who is responsible for what, and that there is clear line of authority. Matrix structure:- A matrix structure can be used to combine the grouping method we have identified. In such a matrix it is probable that each member of the organization will belong to two or more groups. A matrix is thus a combination of structures, which enables employees to contribute to a mix of activities. The matrix enables the organization to focus upon a number of aims at the same time, and gives it the flexibility to respond to new markets where
Outline and evaluate one Social Learning Theory explanation of personality development
Outline and evaluate one Social Learning Theory explanation of personality development Bandura believed that an individual's personality was developed as a result of interaction between the individual and their environment. He called this interaction reciprocal determinism, and suggested that people play an active role in determining their behaviour in an environment: they will behave in a certain way that is appropriate for the setting that they are in, but their behaviour may also change that setting. This, according to Bandura's social-cognitive theory, occurs by means of a process of observation and imitation, known as modelling. Modelling is spontaneous and requires no deliberate effort on the part of the learner or the model (the person whose behaviour is to be observed and imitated), and reinforcement is not necessary for such learning to occur. This means that the study explains what the Behaviourist explanation of behaviour could not: the ability to produce or reproduce behaviour without reinforcement. However, although unnecessary, reinforcement will affect the performance of the behaviour; this is known as vicarious reinforcement. Bandura's theory incorporates cognitive factors into its explanation, and for a model's behaviour to be imitated, there must be some internal mental representation of the model. There are five steps to the modelling process. The first
Outline and evaluate two social psychological explanations for aggression
Outline and evaluate two social psychological explanations for aggression While there are many different approaches in psychology, perhaps the most believable, and ultimately provable approaches to aggression come from the social psychological approach: social learning theory and deindividuation. While the two theories differ in their context, they both assert that the explanations of behaviour, in this case aggression, originate from the situational context emphasising little importance on other factors such as biology, evolution or cognitive processes. The social learning theory (SLT) approach to aggression largely originates from the somewhat infamous work of Bandura. While SLT comes under the large umbrella term of behaviourism, it goes far beyond the simple stimulus response model, explaining in depth more complex and perhaps realistic explanations for behaviour. Aggression is learned either indirectly: through observational learning and only replicated if vicarious reinforcement occurs, or directly. This is where aggressive behaviour is directly reinforced. While both are a form of operant conditioning, the direct approach parallels the ideas much closer. Bandura outlined the following four steps in the modelling process of SLT: Attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. Attention is increased if the model is more prestigious, attractive or similar. This causes
Discuss the view that stress is environmentally determined.
"Psychological research has provided evidence to support the view that stress can be caused by life changes. It has also provided evidence of individual differences in response to sources of stress." Discuss the view that stress is environmentally determined. Although stress is an unavoidable part of life and may not be entirely negative as it is able to increase motivation and arousal, psychological research has shown that it can be caused by life changes and can therefore be environmentally determined. Marmot et al (1997) recognised that an environment such as the workplace can cause stress. The results from lower-paid and higher-paid grades self-report questionnaires and five year follow up showed that the lower-paid grade had an overall increase in stress-related illnesses. Consent and debriefing would have been mandatory, however the sample of government civil servants was biased, which would therefore make it difficult to generalise findings. Nonetheless, Fox et al (1993) also concluded evidence that a personal in a low-control high-demand job would also suffer from stress related illness. The workplace can be deemed stressful due to environmental factors such as noise, temperature, control and workload, which are all potential sources. Life changes and daily hassles are also a cause of stress according to Holmes and Rahe (1967) retrospective study. With the social
Animal Farm
How does George Orwell reflect the Russian Revolution in Animal Farm? Towards the end of the First World War in 1917 the defeated Russian nation was forced to surrender to the mighty German army. This lead to the abdication of the Russian Monarchy and the installation of a liberal provisional government. Within nine month however, the provisional government was overthrown by a new system of government which had previously not been seen, Communism, which lead to the establishment of the Soviet Union. In 1945 George Orwell released his well respected satirical allegory of the communist government which was a parody of the soviet revolution in 1917. The book highlights the downfall of communism which eventually developed into a totalitarian dictatorship. In the book Snowball is a fictional character, a pig that is commonly believed to represent Leon Trotsky. The two characters display striking similarities, both appear to have the best interests of their nations at heart. Snowball is concerned with the improvement of conditions on the farm, such as the building of the windmill and the improvement of the animal's social welfare, which is apparent at the battle of the cowshed. This battle represents the civil war in Russia between the Tsarist forces and the Bolsheviks where the old regime tried to retake power. During the battle of the cowshed Snowball is in the thick of
Price as one of the 4 P's.
Task 12: Price Price is another one of the 4P's which is very important in marketing as most people cannot afford to buy anything no matter what the price is instead people's decision on buying a product is usually if the price right and if they can afford it. For price businesses use different types of strategies to price their products, incorrect pricing leads to costumers not buying their products therefore will loose income and turn bankrupt if a sol trader like I am. Price has always been a very important factor in the marketing mix but it's even more vital in today's competitive environment when businesses have to compete ruthlessly with their competitors. There are many factors that affect the price a business might charge. A business usually will look at its competitor's prices and see what they are charging then they can price their according. Also for a new business like mine I'm going to keep in mind that I am a new company without a reputation so I must have low prices other wise consumers will prefer to go to a well known brand so I have to try and get consumers attention. Other factors include looking at supply and demand once they research this they have to choose their strategies depending on the time and product. There are seven main strategies I will be looking at and comparing which one is best for my business and when. Penetration pricing: This is when
Economic and Social consequences of Unemployment
Economic and Social consequences of Unemployment Unemployment has both social and economic costs. According to ILO (International Labor organization), unemployment is defined as, '' people of working age who are without work, available for work and actively seeking employment.'' In other words, it is a state of an individual looking for a job but not having one. Unemployment is one of the factors crucial in determining the economic stability of a country. There are several factors which might lead to unemployment such as labor market conflicts (trade-unions) and downturns in economy. Seasonal unemployment occurs when a person is unemployed or their profession is not in demand during a certain season. On the other hand, cyclical unemployment is when there is less demand for goods and services in the marker so the supply needs to be reduced. There is myriad number of social and economic problems related with unemployment. The reason why government stresses much on reducing the unemployment levels is because it poses a great cost on an economy. In case of unemployed people themselves, they will receive less or no income based on whether or not they receive unemployment benefits from the government. Reduction in income means less spending and therefore lower standard of living. The cost of unemployment worsens the longer a person is unemployed because it affects as he becomes