Food Safety -unit 3 health and social care
The food and safety act was introduced in the 1990. It is legislation which is wide-ranging on the food safety and consumer protection on food throughout Great Britain. The aim of the act is to Ensure that all food meets consumers expectations in terms of nature, substance and quality so that it is not misleadingly when presented, Provided legal powers and offences in the relations to the public health and consumers interest to Enable Great Britain part of the responsibilities in the European Union. The act covers activities throughout the food distributions from primary production to retail and catering. The Act was given the government to make regulations on matter on detail and the food standards agency are responsible for preparing specific regulation under the act.. The Legislation of the act does not specify what form this food safety training should be taken but most conscientious companies recognise the food training is quality controlled by individuals and a companies feels prose with the training they have provided and certificated. The act has many key provisions in the food laws which are contained in the regulations on more specific areas under the power of the food safety act 1990. In food business employee also has responsibilities under these regulations particularly with dealing with the below as it can re-enforces that are needed to train food handling
Unit 4: Development Through the Life Stages
Jessica Bascombe 20174011 Unit 4: Development Through the Life Stages M3: Cardiovascular System: With increasing age the heart becomes more vulnerable to disease as individuals age they develop narrow arteries and other blood vessels this is because the blood vessels become covered with fat such as cholesterol. This can cause high blood pressure this can lead to the risk of strokes and heart attacks. This could affect Eminem’s self esteem as he would have a lack of confidence and maybe scared to face the difficulty. Respiratory System: As individuals age they are vulnerable to diseases such as emphysema it is a disease in which the air sacs in the lungs become damaged this can cause a shortness of breath and heart failure. Elderly individuals are also vulnerable to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease this is when there is an obstruction on the airflow such as brominates. Eminem would become upset because he could have a chance of getting these type of diseases many parts of the body such as chest muscles and lungs may reduce because they are not working properly this is because the body of the individual is becoming weaker Eminem would have a lack of confidence and also may have a decrease in his self esteem as he wouldn’t socialize much with others. Nervous System: Nerve cell may begin to transmit messages more slowly and the waste products can collect in the
Research Methodology
Research Methodology Paper Donna L. Stefanick Psych 535 February 7, 2011 Dr. Frances Kelley Research Methodology Paper Research methods are a variety of techniques that people use when studying a give phenomenon. Research methods are well thought out and planned, scientific based and value neutral. This means that in order to have good research methods, a researcher must design the research in a way that maximizes the accuracy of the results. Research methodology is the framework used to study and compare different approaches of individual methods. Multicultural research, or sometimes called cross-cultural research, focuses on uncovering an individual's behaviors that are impacted primarily by cultural influences. It is designed to examine human behavior and test hypotheses about the influences of behavior and culture. The ability to conduct multicultural research is becoming more of a challenge for researcher as the United States becomes more culturally diverse. For researchers to conduct competent research, they need to consider how culture may influence areas like definitions of concept and methodological issues. Researchers need to consider how things like sampling, recruiting participants, developing and/or translating the instruments, and disseminating findings are affected by culture, race and ethnicity. This paper will compare and contrast the variables
Is war Inevitable?
What is war? Many people think of it as fighting for something and others think of it as a struggle. War is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as a quarrel usually between nations conducted by force. In my opinion war is never going to end, it is inevitable. If war comes to an end it will be from failure of human wisdom. As far as we know, war has always been part of our human history, and it probably occurred from time to time, in one form or another, even throughout our prehistory, that is, for as far back as humans existed. Why do people have war? My answer is so that they can accomplish political objectives, such as to move borders or move them back to acquire land or get it back, to acquire resources or get them back. Also they may join a war to protect an ally. I feel countries get involved in war for benefit for themselves. The reason why wars start is the exact same thing: where countries want other countries land, or resources. Or perhaps another country's government wronged them. There are also wars of religion. Then there are civil wars, usually occurring because the people are not happy with the government (not always though). Then there are people like Hitler, who have personal reasons. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, also called the Nazi Party. He was the ruler of Germany from 1933
Opposite Corners.
Opposite Corners Investigation: Given a 100 Square, I am to investigate the difference between the products of the numbers in the opposite corners of any rectangle that can be drawn on the 100 square. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 2x3 A rectangle has been highlighted in the 100 square 1 and 13/11 and 3 are the numbers in the opposite corners product of the number in these opposite corners are x13=13 1x3=33 The difference between these products is 33-13= 20 A rectangle has been highlighted in the 100 square 4 and 16/14 and 6 are the numbers in the opposite corners product of the number in these opposite corners are 4x16=64 4x6=84 The difference between these products is 84-64= 20 A rectangle has been highlighted in the 100 square 7 and 19/17 and 9 are the numbers in the opposite corners product of the number in these opposite corners are 7x19=133 7x9=153 The difference between these products is 153-133=20 Conclusion: I have Concluded that my prediction was correct and that a 2 by 3 rectangles have a
Understanding effective communication
2 of 4: Understanding effective communication P2: Discuss theories of communication This essay will discuss about theories of communication The communication cycle works when two individuals understand one another’s opinion or discussion. Communication cycle takes place when two people are interacting and to receive the message just to make sure that they understood what was said. Listening skills is another way to achieve effective communication which can develop the understanding of the viewpoint. There has been an argument about interpersonal communication which (Michael Argyle, 1972) has stated that “This skill could be learned and developed in much the same way as learning to drive a car.” He was talking about drivers that they have to control and manage their feelings, depends on what is happening on the road. What he’s trying to explain is that as a driver they also use their cycle skills such as constant. It means that the diver has to pay attention what is happening on the road to overcome hazards, plan how to respond, create response and then the repetition cycle will take account so that the diver will be able to get their destination. The communication cycle has a code which needs to be translated. The person has to find about what the other person is trying to say and to view their behaviour. Tuckman is an interaction that takes place in a group with