Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering

Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Introduction The first step to understanding genetic engineering and embracing its possibilities for society is to obtain a rough knowledge base of its history and method. The basis for altering the evolutionary process is dependant on the understanding of how individuals pass on characteristics to their offspring. Genetics achieved its first foothold on the secrets of nature's evolutionary process when an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel developed the first "laws of heredity." Using these laws, scientists studied the characteristics of organisms for most of the next one hundred years following Mendel's discovery. These early studies concluded that each organism has two sets of character determinants, or genes. For instance, in regards to eye colour, a child could receive one set of genes from his or her father that were encoded one blue, and the other brown. The same child could also receive two brown genes from his or her mother. The conclusion for this inheritance would be the child has a three in four chance of having brown eyes, and a one in four chance of having blue. Genes are transmitted through chromosomes which reside in the nucleus of every living organism's cells. Each chromosome is made up of fine strands of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. The information carried on the DNA determines the cells function within the organism.

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  • Word count: 1950
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Population Essay

"The new threat to the planet is not too many people but too few." Was once written by Michael Mayer. He claimed that the global population will rise to a peak and then sharply decrease. As we know at the moment it seems like there are already too many people on the world, leading to starvation, scarce natural resources, poverty, war and global competition for jobs. And it seems like the amount of people are continually increasing, but will it really last and will it be a problem? In Japan in fact the population is already starting to decrease, where the total fertility rate is only 1.2. That means that a woman in Japan will have an average of 1.2 kids in her life. One of the problems in Japan is that it is difficult to live there as an immigrant. This is due to the hard language and very few Japanese people speak English well. So it's not really attractive to migrate to Japan. And the women see kids the result for Japan is what's called an 'ageing population', where there will be older people, than younger people in the future. The picture beneath shows the current populations pyramid of Japan. As you can see, the life expectancy in Japan is high, as there are quite some people in their 85's-89's. What we can conclude from this pyramid is by the trend in it. [Source:] The number of kids in the groups of 0-15

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  • Word count: 1381
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Geography
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Police powers

AS Law Student Answers (Module 2568: Machinery of Justice) POLICE POWERS Police officers on patrol believe that a man that they see, Shane, is a suspect wanted for burglary. Outline the powers of the police to stop and search and if necessary to arrest the man. The police have the power to stop and search both people and vehicles in a public place under sections 1 to 7 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE). They can only do this if they have reasonable grounds for suspecting Shane of carrying some stolen goods or prohibited articles like drugs or offensive weapons. In Shane's case this can also include articles for use in connection with burglary or theft. However, there are safeguards built in to ensure no one is being picked on or harassed in any way. The police must give their name and station and the reason for the search, otherwise it is unlawful as was shown in Osman 1999 where Mr Osman was found not guilty of assaulting an officer because the officer did not give a reason for the search. Since Shane is on the street, only his outer clothing can be searched and the police must make a written report as soon as possible after the search. Code of Practice A states that the police must not act just because of a person's characteristics, such as their race, hairstyle or manner of dress. Even if Shane had previous convictions for possessing an

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  • Word count: 3561
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Law
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The potential of e-commerce

E-commerce Britain is turning into a nation. By 2001 over 10 million homes had access to the Internet compared with 6 million the year before. Also, many people access the Internet through cyber cafés and schools, colleges and universities. In recent years, more and more people (specifically the young) have turned to e commerce. Retailers simply cannot afford to ignore these developments. However, not all retailers are equally well placed to take advantage of this changing environment for trade. Recent events have demonstrated that selling via the Internet is not a guaranteed success for all companies. Some Internet ventures have collapsed even though billions of pounds were spent on trying to build the brands. These examples include: *, an on-line fashion and sports clothes retailer, which failed despite having £12million ploughed into creating awareness of it. * Webvan, which soaked up £700 million in an attempt to create a large-scale retailing chain in the USA. Webvan had to file for bankruptcy. Other companies are 'hanging in there', but have yet to make a profit. They struggle largely because they required an existing brand presence and needed to create one. Doing so is a long and expensive drag. The potential of e commerce E-commerce is seen as a major area of development over the next few years and virtually every well-known retailer is

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1211
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Media Studies
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"To Clone or Not to Clone- That is the Question".

One World Essay "To Clone or Not to Clone- That is the Question" For years and years, the cloning of living beings has just been an aspect of science fiction. Although several movies have been created based on human cloning as such, their scientific accuracy has made the general public dismiss them as something not capable of in the near future. When the first ever living clone of a six-year-old sheep was created (to the right), the world was in an uproar. Dolly, the sheep clone named after singer Dolly Parton, had been cloned from the udder cell of an adult ewe by a group of scientists in Scotland. People realized that this breakthrough could be a door to unimaginable technology, not necessarily positive. The notion that this discovery could change the world and lives was beginning to threaten the minds of activists and others. Many of the fears that come with these theories are within cultural and religious beliefs, or from being exposed to too many movies. Films of human cloning depict terrible things that happen to those that tamper with nature. A very famous example of this is Mary Shelley's tale of Frankenstein. Even through historic cases, such as where Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele flees to Brazil after the crash of the Nazi rule and World War II and attempts to use Hitler's tissue to create several more Hitlers, people have wondered whether it was truly possible. When

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  • Word count: 2981
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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The Psychodynamic Approach.

The Psychodynamic Approach The first man who began to study the Psychodynamic Approach was Sigmund Freud. When you talk about the Psychodynamic approach you can consider it as focusing on the role of internal process in shaping personality. As Robinson (1979) stated, concerns about motivation are always linked together with the psychology of personality. According to this, psychoanalysis is both a theory of motivation and a theory of personality. However, who was this Freud and what did he do to be this famous? Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was born in Moravia in the Czech Public. He lived in a middle class family and was the eldest of eight children. He studied in Vienna and most of his life he spent in this town. Later on he became a doctor and during that time he learned about hysteria disorders and techniques of hypnosis. These two were to play a big role in his career. Soon he became more specialized in neurological disorders and became a leading figure in the area. Freud became famous for his writings on psychoanalysis. In 1919 he granted the title of professor at the University of Vienna. Later on in his life he underwent a series of surgeries for cancer in the jaw. He died in London in 1939 at an age of eighty-three. Freud has become one of the most famous psychologists of all time. One of Freud's most fundamental assumptions, Physic determinism, was partially based

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 691
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Psychology
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"Who is the Real Monster in Frankenstein, Victor or his Creation?"

"Who is the Real Monster in Frankenstein, Victor or his Creation?" Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein in the early part of the nineteenth century. The novel was written at a time when Mary Shelley and her husband Percy were staying at the home of Lord Byron on the shores of Lake Geneva. Mary Shelley was born in 1797, her mother died shortly after her birth. As a child the idea of republicanism was implanted into her by her father. Her mother had been an early women's rights campaigner and had written several books on the subject. Her father, on the other hand, was very interested in alchemy and Galvanism. Galvanism was the idea of running electric currents through a body to restore it to life, invented by Luigi Galvani. In Frankenstein we are told of a man who creates a life. This creation is perceived by society and his creator to be a monster. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein explores a wide variety of themes, and raises some serious ethical issues. One such issue that comes up time and time again is that of who the real monster is, but what is a monster? The word monster can be described as behaviour crossing the boundaries of acceptability or seeking knowledge which should remain a mystery. For example in the novel Victors curiosity to follow ambitions no matter what the consequence. Stereotypically monsters appear ugly or abnormal. Over time the meaning of the word

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  • Word count: 1457
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Why are some pressure groups more successful than others?

Why are some pressure groups more successful than others? A pressure group is an organisation that may be formal or informal whose purpose is to further the interests of a specific section of society or to promote a certain cause; there are many reasons why a pressure group would want to do this too. There are various degrees of success with pressure groups, ranging from amending or passing Acts of Parliament to gaining public support. One thing that can alter a pressure group's success is whether the group is an insider or outsider group, and its relationship with the government. An insider group is one that operates within the political system and which normally has support from MP's, they are normally consulted by the government on matters that may affect the group or its members. The British Medical Association is an insider group and is consulted by the government regularly, recently they were included in discussions over the proposed NHS reforms and as a result of those talks the reforms were altered. Insider groups will have regular contact with MP's and other decision makers and so have more opportunities to influence them and their policies. However, an outsider group is one that operates outside the government, they have no special links with them but they still seek to influence decision makers by (usually) mobilising public opinion, an example would be Fathers

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1225
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Politics
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The use of pectinase in fruit juice production

The use of pectinase in fruit juice production I predict that there will be no juice produced to the apple sauce that had no enzyme and juice will produce to the apple sauce that had pectinase. A control is carried out in order to compare the rate of reaction between with pectinase and without pectin's. Pectin --> sugars + galataronic acid Pectin is a substance which helps to hold pant cell walls together. As a fruit ripens the plant produces proteolytic enzymes, which convert the insoluble protpectin of the unripe fruit into more soluble forms, causing the fruit to soften. When fruits are mashed and pressed to form juices these more soluble forms of pectin enter the juice, making it cloudy and causing the colour and flavour to deteriorate. Enzymes are specific in the reactions they catalyse, much more so than inorganic Catalysts. Normally, a given enzyme will Catalyse only one reaction, or type of reaction. The enzyme has an active site that helps it to recognise its substrate in a very specific way. Just like a key only fits into a specific lock, each enzyme has its own specific lock; each enzyme has its own specific substrate. This is called the lock and key theory. The enzymes never actually get consumed in the process; they just increase the rate of reactions. When enzymes denature the heat starts to destroy their shape and structure. The shape of the enzyme is so

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  • Word count: 1775
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Type of Ownership

Type of Business Ownership 4th October 2008 Types of ownership Sole proprietor- A sole proprietor is a single person owning a business. Sole trader have unlimited liability (all debts paid by the owner, personal possessions may be taken). Partnership- 2 - 20 partners own, control and finance the business. They have unlimited liability. In a partnership the partners need to draw up a 'Deed of Partnership' to verify their company and to describe each partner's role in the business. Private Limited Company (Ltd)- A Company owned by shareholders. A limited number of shares are issued (99); these are owned by family and friends of the business. The business has limited liability (the only money lost is the money already invested in the company such as the shares, set up cost and others. Personal belongings are safe). A lot of small businesses are private. Public Limited Company (PLC)- A Company owned by shareholders, unlimited amount of shareholders. It must have £50,000 of capital, and may allow its shares to be bought by the general public via the stock market. The business has limited liability. Every PLC must send an annual return to Companies House at least once every 12 months. Franchise- Franchising refers to the methods of practicing and using another person's philosophy of business. The franchisor grants the franchisee the right to distribute its products,

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 730
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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