The Gender Transformation of Caesar
The Gender Transformation of Caesar Shakespeare's Julius Caesar opens with the concurrent celebrations of Caesar's defeat of Pompey and the annual fertility festival of Lupercal. The coupling of the two historically separate events each celebrating distinct gender roles dramatically highlights the importance of gender characterization. Rome's patriarchal society demands a leader who embodies the virile spirit of the state with leadership marked by strength, courage, and constancy. Caesar quite fittingly assumes this role as he returns valiant and victorious from the battlefields; thus, in order to remove him the strong ruler of Rome, Caesar's enemies must retrench his masculinity. Roman society considers women as the embodiment of weaknesses, thinking that their physical, mental, and political inferiority make them of little use beyond reproductive purposes, explaining why aspirants to the throne feminize the identity of the masculine warrior figure to position him as unfit for the crown. The portrayal of the two female characters of the novel, Portia and Calphurnia, captures the prevailing stereotypical perceptions of women. Caesar's wife, Calphurnia, demonstrates women's predisposition towards fearfulness and superstition when she pleads with Caesar to remain at home after dreaming that a statue made in the likeness was Cesar pouring forth blood. Calphurnia establishes
Discuss issues with biological therapies
Discuss issues with biological therapies Biological therapies arise from the medical model of abnormal behaviour: mental disorder is an illness which results mainly from a chemical imbalance. Biological treatments are designed to redress this imbalance, through the administration of chemical drugs known as chemotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and, in rare cases, psychosurgery. As well as mental disorders, the biological approach also gives an explanation and treatment for stress and the role of stress management. This approach also shows the link between stress and the immune system. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are also explained by the medical model. Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to treat mental disorders. For example anti-anxiety drugs consist of a class of drugs called benzodiazepines and minor tranquilliser designed to reduce levels of anxiety. These include Librium and Valium which were introduced in 1950s, and soon became the most prescribed drug in the world. However, the side-effects include drowsiness, dependence, withdrawal and toxicity However, benzodiazepines have been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and panic. Gelernter and found them to be more effective than a placebo for social phobia and Lecrubier found that 60% of patients with panic disorder remained free of panic while on medication. Antidepressant drugs are
Artificial Cardiac Pacemakers
Research questions : Why is the constant beating of the heart important? What causes the heart to beat abnormally? What are the implications of having an abnormal heart beat? What is an artificial pacemaker and how does it regulate an abnormal heart beat? How are artificial pacemakers implanted? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an artificial pacemaker? What are some alternatives used instead of artificial pacemakers? The importance of the heart The heart is an essential organ possessed by every living human. It is vital as it pumps blood rich in oxygen (received from the lungs) to every living cell within the body and pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs (from the body)1. In the opposite diagram of a human heart, the blue sections represent the transport of deoxygenated blood and the red sections represent the transport of oxygenated blood. The heart is necessary in sustaining the lives of every single human being. This is because without oxygen, cells cannot carry out the process of cellular respiration (the release of energy from glucose). This means that the body cells will have insufficient energy to carry out regular functions needed for sustaining life. Every single cell in the human body is affected by the beating of the heart, as enough oxygen has to be supplied for them to function properly. Without the constant beating of the heart,
How do individual differences influence stress levels?
How do individual differences influence stress levels? The extent to which stress can affect a person is largely dependant on the type of personality they possess. An individual with a Type A personality is categorised as having aggressive tendencies combined with being a competitive high achiever with a fixation on time management. It is thought that these types of traits lead to increased stress levels and blood pressure, which in turn increase the possibility of developing coronary heart disease (CHD). This theory was tested by Friedman and Rosenman in the Western Collaborative Group Study (1960). They used around 3000 middle aged men that lived in California, and tested them for indicators of CHD before assessing their personality. After eight years they found that twice as many participants diagnosed as Type A died of cardiovascular trouble than those diagnosed as Type B (personalities lacking in the traits characteristic of Type A). It was also found that Type As are more likely to smoke and had higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels, all of which are causes of cardiovascular problems. This does show a correlation between this type of personality and stress related death, but not a definite cause and effect. The experiment also does not take into account that many Type As had a family history of cardiovascular problems, which is indicative of genetic condition
How does Lady Macbeth change throughout the play, "Macbeth"?
How does Lady Macbeth change throughout the Play? "Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be What thou art promised;" These are the powerful opening lines of Lady Macbeth - the most infamous and indomitable female character in all of Shakespeare's many works, who defies the position of order and gender of her time and used power and ambition to achieve her dreams. Her opening scene in I.v where she is reading the letter from her husband, which proclaims the witches' prophecy, and the following soliloquy are the first exposure to her character, as it allows us an insight into her most intimate thoughts and feelings. At the idea of her husband being possibly made King she jumps straight to the conclusion that he will be, "and shalt be what thou art promised". This is shocking to the audience as her superstition shows her underlying hunger for power by the fact she takes three deranged, women on a moor as the literal truth - any excuse for her to rise in authority. Shakespeare's use of the witches adds drama because at the time the play was written, during the reign of James I, witchcraft and heresy were deemed punishable by death and to "consult with any evil sprit" was illegal under the 1604 Witchcraft Act, so they would have seen it as a scandal that Lady Macbeth believed the witches. She seems even more ruthless by the fact that automatically she presumes that they will
Assess the view that religion is a conservative force within society (40).
Assess the view that religion is a conservative force within society (40). A number of sociologists argue that religion is a conservative force in society, that is, it produces stability not change within society and it reinforces the shared needs and values of society. For some sociologists this is a positive effect - the view of consensus theorists, for others it is a negative one - the view endorsed by conflict theorists. Durkheim is a consensus theorist, sometimes referred to as the father of functionalism, he supports the view that religion is a conservative force in society, reinforcing the existing society of society. He argued that religion should not be explained in terms of human ignorance, but as a result of shared social needs. He adopted a broad definition of religion throughout his analysis and defined it as a unified belief system of beliefs about the nature of sacred things. For Durkheim, shared religious belief systems were central to societal consensus as they set rules for social interaction and offered social solidarity and value consensus. In his book, "Elementary Forms of Religious Life", he examined the sources of order and stability in society and highlighted the part that religion played in sustaining this order. Durkheim viewed religion as being a major source of social integration - all religious activity has one main function - the
Experiment to Determine Acidities of Wine. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the total and volatile acidities of each of the wines and compare them.
Experiment to Determine Acidities of Wine The purpose of this experiment is to determine the total and volatile acidities of each of the wines and compare them. Acidity is a major contributor to the taste of wines. This is especially important in white wines, because there are very little tannins found in it, so acidity can affect the taste of the wine much more than in red wines. In this experiment, 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide solution is needed for titrations. Because this is not a standard solution, it is first standardised using oxalic acid. In order to calculate the total acidity of the wine, a titration with 0.1M sodium hydroxide is carried out with a pH meter. The pH of the wine and sodium hydroxide solution is measured when a certain volume of NaOH is added each time, and a titration curve of volume against pH is plotted. The volume for the solution to reach a pH of 8.2 is recorded. This is because NaOH is a strong alkali and wine is a weak acid, so the pH lies more to the side of the alkali. A pH of 8.2 as the equivalence point is a value agreed on by winemakers. In order to calculate the total acidity of the wine, a representative acid must be used. This must be chosen because wine contains multiple different acids, which require different moles of NaOH to neutralise them. Tartaric acid was chosen as the representative acid for the wine, because it is thought to
The effect of drugs on the nervous system
The effect of drugs on the nervous system A drug is defined as a substance that, when absorbed into the body, alters a normal bodily function. Some are able to do this, as they are capable of producing an array of different effects on the nervous system. The reason why affecting the nervous system of an organism is potentially so significant is due to the nature of it. The fact the nervous system directs the functions of all the tissues of the body demonstrates its considerable role within the body. It can therefore be assumed that taking substances which affect how it works may lead to a distortion in the way your body is run, producing unsafe side effects. The term nervous system is actually used to describe two divisions. The central nervous system (CNS) is the part which contains the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) however, consists of all the sensory neurones used to detect stimuli. The PNS receives thousands of sensory inputs and transmits them to the brain via the spinal cord. The brain will then process this information, discarding around 99% of it as unimportant. After this sensory information has been processed, areas of the nervous system generate nerve impulses to organs or tissue and form a suitable response. As influences from chemicals are able to affect how the nervous system functions, it can be assumed that chemicals such as
Revision Notes. Substances Manufactured for use in Industries. Chemicals, alloys and polymers.
.1 Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid Uses of Sulphuric Acid Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4, has many uses in our daily life. A few examples are: (a) Manufacture of fertilisers such as ammonium sulphate, (NH4) 2SO4 (b) Manufacture of electrolyte in lead-acid accumulators (c) Manufacture of soaps and detergents (d) Manufacture of pesticides (insecticide) (e) Manufacture of plastic items such as rayon and nylon (f) Manufacture of paints Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid in industry . Sulphuric acid, H2SO4, is manufactured in industry through the Contact Process. 2. The manufacturing of sulphuric acid, H2SO4, in industry involves three stages. Stage Aim Stage 1 Sulphur dioxide, SO2, gas can be produced by burning sulphur in air. S + O2 SO2 To produce sulphur dioxide, SO2, gas Stage 2 The gas mixture of sulphur dioxide and oxygen is passed over vanadium(V) oxide, V2O5 (catalyst) at a temperature of 450-500 ºC and under pressure of 1 atmosphere. 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 To produce sulphur trioxide, SO3 gas Stage 3 Sulphur trioxide, SO3, gas is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid, H2SO4 to form oleum, H2S2O7. SO3 + H2SO4 H2S2O7 Water is then added to the oleum, H2S2O7 to dilute it to produce sulphuric acid, H2SO4. H2S2O7 + H2O 2H2SO4 To produce sulphuric acid, H2SO4 The three stages involved in the Contact process Environmental
How liberal were Gladstone's domestic reforms during his first ministry?
How liberal were Gladstone's domestic reforms during his first ministry? Gladstone became Prime Minister for the first time in 1868, by winning the majority in the government. Gladstonian Liberalism united all members of the party and gave ordinary people hope and optimism to change their future. During his first ministry he introduced major reforms and policies which drastically changed the country, some of these included the reorganisation of the educational and civil services, rearrangement of the judicial system and the licensing act; he was also involved in developing Ireland and her political reform. Some of his policies supported his ideals of the government; however others contradicted his initial promises. Gladstonian Liberalism was based on principles which were to create a stronger and efficient government. Gladstone wanted to give all individuals freedom to manage their affairs without interference of the state and enable them to trade without restrictions. He believed that the state should involve itself as seldom as possible, and should not interfere with the economy or decide what should be taught in schools. Gladstone wanted to create a competent and cheap government with low taxes and rates, and didn't want to invest money in the public sector and instead to rely on private donations. Liberalism supported the idea of promotion by talent rather than