Strategic Marketing.

Full Time MBA Module: Strategic Marketing Lecturer: Muditha Cooray Deadline: 13 January 2003 Word count: 2932 "The current trend within marketing seems to focus upon developing consumer relationships through building sustainable brand equity. Therefore, I fear that global marketing is being reduced to clever interactive marketing communications" Discuss using examples from at least one industry sector. GUO WEILIN 0/01/2003 [email protected] Contents Introduction 1 2 Marketing and the changing role of marketing 2 2.1 WHAT IS MARKETING? 2 2.2 THE CHANGING ROLE OF MARKETING 3 3 Develop consumer relationships through building sustainable brand equity 4 3.1 WHAT IS BRAND? 4 3.2 WHAT IS BRAND EQUITY? 5 3.3 HOW TO BUILD AND MANAGE BRAND EQUITY? 6 3.4 THE IMPORTANCE OF BRAND EQUITY 8 3.5 BRAND EQUITY - THE BRIDGE TO CONNECT CONSUMERS AND ORGANISATIONS 9 4 Is today's global marketing being reduced to clever interactive marketing communications? 11 5 Conclusion 14 6 Bibliography 15 Introduction Today's world is characterized by changes and uncertainties given the exponential advancement of technology and deregulation, paralleled with globalisation, complexity and turbulence. Within this picture, the philosophies of marketing are changing accordingly, i.e. from product-oriented to consumer-oriented. Thus, building brand equity which coincides with the changing trend of

  • Word count: 3406
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Critically analyse the role of NATO in post-Cold war Europe, with special emphasis of the significance of the two rounds of enlargement, including the similarities and differences between them.

Critically analyse the role of NATO in post-Cold war Europe, with special emphasis of the significance of the two rounds of enlargement, including the similarities and differences between them. New World Order? New NATO? It is essential that NATO adjusted itself to new IR realm, where a tiny spark can ignite a global conflict. Therefore it is a global alliance that NATO should become to prolong its existence for next 50 years. To adjust its efficiency, it must enlarge. Four years after accepting new members - Hungary, Czech and Poland - NATO is on a crossroads. There are voices to be heard, louder and louder, that NATO is in crisis and its future seems uncertain. Contrary to what it may seem, it is not a question of internal dispute within the Alliance. During fifty years NATO's existence similar disputes happened quite often. But then, clear framework of Washington Treaty and a common (Soviet) threat were enough of a cure to heal most of them. Now its is different. It is not merely an incidental problem - it has come to question its existence, question the identity and future shape. Warsaw Pact seized to exist, Soviet Union has gone with the wind, communism is no longer a threat to Western Europe, German state is united and democratised. With NATO born in different world, is it still needed? Definitely a 'be or not to be question'... Unfortunately for political alliances,

  • Word count: 3561
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Politics
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Is it possible to sympathise in any way with the villains in the two dramatic monologues by Browning that you have read?

Amelia Horgan Poetry English Coursework Is it possible to sympathise in any way with the villains in the two dramatic monologues by Browning that you have read? In both "Porphyria's Lover" and "My Last Duchess" Browning criticises the position of women in Victorian society by showing the relationship between men and women through two dramatic monologues. In both of the poems the men appear to be the villains, in "Porphyria's Lover" Porphyria is killed by the man who she has run through the rain to seen. In "My Last Duchess" although it is unclear if the Duke had the Duchess killed or just sent to a convent, there is quite clearly something going on with the Duke saying "I gave commands/Then all smiles stopped together". The Duke and Porphyria's certainly do not appear to be anything but villains but perhaps there is a little more to both characters. Although the characters may not be as simple as being just villains, it is very hard to feel much sympathy for them. They are both jealous and controlling, especially the Duke who even has to have control of the picture of the Duchess - "None puts by/ the curtain I have drawn for, but I". Porphyria's Lover is even more jealous and kills Porphyria so that she could belong only to him "That moment she was mine, mine", with the repetition of mine emphasising the jealousy and selfishness of the character. The Duke and

  • Word count: 1458
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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What do we mean by business environment?

Title 2 Business Organisations simply mean a group of people working together as a team in a particular organisation by delivering products, goods and services to customer in exchange of profit. But, these organisation are influenced by many factors within the environment in which they operate and said to be the very dominant force in the shaping and moulding of the organisation.What do we mean by business environment? Business environment is a set of influence, which shapes and moulds an organisation. There are number of factor which shapes and moulds an organisation. In other word, the development and strength of an organisation lies on these seven main influence such as ways of doing thing, rules and regulation, principle and procedures, attitude and behaviour, product and service, framework of an authority and finally the channel of communication. As everyone knows, different people have they own of ways of doing thing because they are not necessary to have the same thought with others and maybe it all depends on some sort of style or tradition, which need to be followed. For an example, a football team has many strategic such as 4-4-2, 4-4-3, 3-5-2 and so on. But, they use different strategic when facing different opponent or maybe changes their strategic when it comes to a certain circumstance e.g. player got sent off or injured, difficulty in defending, urgency to

  • Word count: 1817
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Geography
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P&P- MRS BENNET PRESENTATION P&P is a romantic comedy full of lively characters, sharp wit, verbal banter and comic pauses. The central concern of this "comedy of manners" is Mrs. Bennet's dogged efforts to find suitable husbands for her eldest daughters. Mrs. Bennet's judgements cannot be trusted, for she is a nagging wife, an ineffectual mother, and a social misfit throughout the novel. Her repeated and continued foolishness is one of the things that holds the plot together into a unified whole. Mrs. Bennet is 'a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discontented, she fancied herself nervous. The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news.' Mrs. Bennet fails by all relevant criteria according to the standards of the society. She is inconsiderate, ill-mannered, and vulgar. As a parent, she is partly responsible for the superficial characters of her three younger daughters. She thinks of marriage as a means of social and economic advancement. She has no feminine charm. On the whole, she is a failure both as a wife and a mother. Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, their five daughters, and the various romantic adventures at Longbourn. The parents' characters are greatly contrasted, Mr. Bennet being a wise and witty gentleman while Mrs. Bennet is permanently

  • Word count: 1812
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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In this section I will explain and explore the 7 functional areas of my 2 chosen businesses Sainsbury's and Caf Field.

Section B - Functional Areas In this section I will explain and explore the 7 functional areas of my 2 chosen businesses Sainsbury's and Café Field. These functional areas are: Marketing, Human Resource, I.T and Administration, Finance, Research and Development, Production and Customer Service. Also I will show how each functional area use I.T and how it affects other areas, and relate it to each of the businesses. Moreover, I will explain how they work with other functional areas to improve the business to achieve their aims. Marketing Marketing is the process of executing the marketing mix which consists of the 4 P's. - Product - Involves the actual goods that need to be sold. - Price - The pricing strategy that the product will be sold at. - Place - Where the product will be sold eg Tescos, Currys etc. - Promotion - Any special offers to attract customers eg. Buy One Get One Free. Marketing is the business function where they researches the market for information on competitors and customers and how to sell their product. They also advertise their product using a variety of mediums eg. T.V, radio, magazines etc. The research they carry out is called market research and consists of surveys, internet surveys etc. There are 2 types of market research: - Field Research - where they actually go out and research for themselves which is more expensive but more accurate.

  • Word count: 3950
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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Cousin kate analysis

Cousin Kate The poem 'Cousin Kate' is about a young cottage maiden who falls pregnant b the 'Lord of the manor', she thought he loved her but he didn't and when he found out she was pregnant he 'changed [her] like a glove', now he is marrying her cousin, (Kate) 'bound you with his ring' and she is left with no' one because as she pregnant and not married no-one wants to speak to her and everyone where she lives thinks she disgusting an 'unclean thing' The poem is written by Christina Rossetti and is set in the 19th century; the setting is a small plantation in a small village. The main themes within 'Cousin Kate' are love and relationships and how people can get hurt and let down easily by the other person. The cottage maiden's love I think was naïve but I think she did truly love him, he obviously didn't feel the same way and used her for what he could get from her, and he succeeded, he took he virginity from her and thought nothing of ending the relationship with the cottage maiden even though (I think) she was a young innocent girl. The relationship between 'Cousin Kate' and the Lord is true love, he has finally realized he cannot keep getting young girls into trouble and must be serious about Kate if he is prepared to marry her and as Kate is a 'good and pure' girl it is even better. The lord asked for Kate's hand in marriage and she accepted. The cottage maid thought

  • Word count: 1285
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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A business plan with supporting analysis and justification.

The business Plan. Synopsis. For this assignment we as a group have been asked to produce a business plan with supporting analysis and justification. The aim of the business plan is to focus on convincing the company stakeholders of the viability of your company start up. The justification includes evidence relating to the rigour of the product selection and the content of our plan. Introduction. A business plan is a written documentation of which describes the business, the objectives of the business, its strategies, the market of which the business is in and the financial forecasts. The business plan has many functions, from securing external funding to measuring the success with the business itself. It essential when starting up a business for a business to have a realistic working business plan. Our business plan is a statement of intent and provides details on how we as a company are going to develop our business, when we are going to do it, who's going to play a part and how we as a group will manage the money. The Business Plan. The executive summary: Our company is a Young Enterprise company trading in imported and homemade products for the product market. We as a company aim to produce and sell a variety of greeting cards and candles of which are homemade to the general public. An aging population will enhance demand for specific card types. The types of

  • Word count: 3252
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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'Save the teenagers from the evil inventions' - essay on the social impact of computing

"Hi! What did you do last night?" "Oh I talked to someone whom I've never met before. He's so cool I've got to meet him!" "Wow!" This might not make sense to you but it is a conversation you might hear in a teenage community. It is a lot different from those days when everyone used to read books, and a terrible problem has been recognised due to the adult's ignorance. The fast developing computing systems have enabled us to carry out many tasks - easier research, word processing, shopping from home... etc., and amongst them is 'easier communication'. For older generations, it probably means an easier way to keep in touch with their old friends or as a mean of exchanging information and ideas. This was probably the main intentions of ISOC (Internet Society), the current internet director. Despite this, by the age of about 15, most children are so sophisticated in their internet use and that they are curious and adventurous, anxious to be independent and sometimes rebellious. For these reasons, many people, especially the teenagers, are using 'chat rooms' on the internet - where they can talk to people they don't know online. It is now the third most popular way of using the web. The advantage is that the person you are talking to doesn't know who you are. Many people who are less confident in speaking in front of the others find that it is easier to start building their

  • Word count: 827
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: ICT
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Hobson's Choice Summary

'Hobson's Choice' Revision Notes Hobson's Choice The play was written in 1915 and was first produced in America in 1915. The play is set in Salford, now part of Greater Manchester, in 1880. ACT ONE Scene One The curtains open to reveal the interior of Hobson's Boot Shop in Salford. Hobson's two younger daughters, Alice and Victoria, are at the counter. The door opens from the living quarters and Maggie, Hobson's elder daughter, enters. The girls briefly comment on the fact that their father is late getting up. The reason for his lateness is soon made clear - a late night at a Freemason's meeting, when, no doubt, the drink flowed freely. Albert Prosser enters (26, son of a solicitor and a lawyer himself). It is obvious he has come to see Alice and they have been seeing each other behind Hobson's back. Albert turns to leave as soon as he hears that Hobson is still at home. Maggie's business sense surfaces and she 'persuades' Albert to buy a new pair of boots and leave his old ones for repair. Scene Two We meet Hobson and see the growing conflict between him and his daughters. He is about to go out for his morning drink at the Moonraker's Inn. His daughters tell him to be home in time for his dinner. He sits down and tells them he is tired of being bossed about. He refers to them as 'the rebellious females of this house'. He says he has noticed them getting

  • Word count: 6739
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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