Recruitment and selection
Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL. Report On Selection Practice CONFIDENTIAL For: Mrs Evans From Manpreet Chahal, (Recruitment Management) .0 Terms of Reference Write a report to describe the key ways in which Tesco Plc plan and carry out a selection interview in order to appoint an appropriate member of staff. Ensure that you include preparation, communication skills and selection and decision-making. 2.0 Procedures In order to find out how Tesco plan and carry out a selection interview in order to appoint an appropriate member of staff I will have to look at the key ways selection practice is dealt with. 2.1 Planning And Skills Audit 2.2 Preparation 2.3 Communication Skills 2.4 Selection And Decision Making 3.0 Findings 4.0 Planning And Skills Audit 4.1 Tesco might need to recruit for a number of reasons such as: o Maternity leave o Different work o Employee leaving o Sick leave o Extra work o High staff turnover 4.2 After Tesco has placed an advertisement anyone who applies for as job to work with Tesco becomes and applicant. Tescos make sure that everyone is given an equal opportunity and is fair to everyone this is why Tesco advertises job internally and externally. It gives an opportunity for people who are already working for Tesco to apply for the job that is being advertised. 4.3 Tesco then will invite the
Human Resource Management - Recruitment and Selection
CONTENTS PAGE . Introduction Task 1 . A report distinguishing between traditional personnel management and the new approach to human resource management, outlining their historical development. 2. The Human Resource department in TD Travel Group. Its role and purpose in the organization. Task 2 . An analysis of the objectives and the process of human resource planning. 2. An evaluation of the systematic approach to recruitment for NIS Europe. 3. An investigation of the selection procedures used for NIS Europe and TD Travel Group. 3. Evaluation and Conclusion 4. Bibliography Task 1 TASK 2 AN ANALYSIS OF THE OBJECTIVES AND THE PROCESS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING. Human resource planning is the task of assessing and anticipating the skill, knowledge and labour time requirements of the organisation and initiating action to fulfill those requirements. Human resource planning involves a strategy for the: * Recruitment * Retention * Utilisation * Improvement, and * Disposal of the human resources of a business. It needs to look at the following factors: * What are the skills and abilities of the current workforce? * What skills and abilities the organisation needs in the future? * Where can the organisation find its future supply of labour? * What are the future objectives of the business likely to be? * How will the business manage and obtain its
Business Process Reengineering - China Star Chinese Restaurant.
BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING -------China Star Chinese Restaurant Introduction China Star is a fifteen-year old, mid-size Chinese restaurant in Reston, VA that serves common Chinese dishes. It has a dinning area, and a smaller bar/administrative area that has a back door where customers come to pick up their telephone orders. The restaurant opens seven days a week. But its most profit comes from the $5 range lunch combination during weekdays. Dinner business had slowed down after several years of its opening, especially the dine-in business, the average table that the waiter serves each night is about five. Carryout orders constitute about one half of the restaurant's total sales. Reengineering Reasons The restaurant has been carrying its flat revenue for the past decade. With various restaurants opening in the area, and the Chinese food rivals developing in every shopping center offering chicken-fried rice of $4.75, China Star has neither product nor price to compete with. Its customer base has shrunk into office workers and residents within several miles. The restaurant is in an excellent location surrounded by numerous high-tech companies and rich residents, but has failed to take advantage of both, instead it has let its business fell into the typical "cheap carry-out Chinese food" image. The customers pay no interest in its old, typical Chinese restaurant
Business Process Reengineering: Future Wave or Past Fad.
Business Process Reengineering: Future Wave or Past Fad It is estimated that 75 percent of total costs and at least 50 percent of the value added in manufacturing firms are attributed to service activities (13). Service industries now account for seven out of every ten jobs in the United States. These kinds of statistics indicate that the service sector could benefit from examining an effective way to manage the supply chain of services. While much of what has been written about supply chain management has been geared toward manufacturing, such emphasis has been lacking with regard to the rapidly growing service sector. Certainly, some of the same concepts could be applied and expanded upon within the service industry. Currently some of the major players from the service sector successfully utilizing supply chain management include Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and many major grocery stores. The first stage in this process is to come to a clear definition of what supply chain management (SCM) entails and determine what really is the goal of SCM. Supply chain as defined by APICS, the Educational Society for Resource Management, includes "The functions inside and outside a company that enable the value chain to make products and provide services to the customer." (1, p. 93) APICS has an equally succinct definition of SCM, which is "The planning, organizing, and controlling of
Human Resource Management - Recruitment and selection.
CONTENTS PAGE TASK 1 . A REPORT DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN TRADITIONAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND THE NEW APPROACH TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, OUTLINING THEIR HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT. 2. THE HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT IN TD TRAVEL GROUP. ITS ROLE AND PURPOSE IN THE ORGANISATION. TASK 2 . AN ANALYSIS OF THE OBJECTIVES AND THE PROCESS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING. .1 Human resource planning (HRP) .2 Why human resource planning is necessary .3 The process of HRP .3.1 Forecasting demand .3.2 Forecasting supply .3.3 Closing the gap between demand and supply 2. AN EVALUATION OF THE SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO RECRUITMENT FOR NIS EUROPE. 2.1 The current approach to recruitment within NIS Europe 2.2 The evaluation of the systematic approach for NIS Europe 3. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SELECTION PROCEDURES USED FOR NIS EUROPE AND TD TRAVEL GROUP. 3.1 Summary 3. BIBLIOGRAPHY 4. APPENDICIES TASK 1 . A REPORT DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN TRADITIONAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND THE NEW APPROACH TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, OUTLINING THEIR HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT. Personnel Management is that part of management concerned with people at work and their relationships within an enterprise. The personnel function has traditionally been regarded as a primarily administrative, reactive, problem-handling function, concerned with hiring and firing, employee welfare and industrial relations.
Recruitment and selection.
Recruitment and selection Bowmer and Kirkland recruit people (take them on as staff) to keep their business running. They may need to recruit people because someone else is leaving or maybe a new position has become available. The recruitment process costs a lot of time and money, Bowmer and Kirkland will measure their success of the recruitment process by labour turnover, for instance if more people are leaving they have not recruited the right people, so they may decide to find out why this is by asking people in an 'exit interview' why they have made this decision. In the past Bowmer and Kirkland have sent managers on actual cources for interviewing skills, this was to make the recruitment proccess more effective. When a position becomes available Bowmer and Kirkland many different stages are gone through to make sure the recruitment is a success. Recruiting the right person is very important this is why the process seems so enlongated, they believe a business is as good as the people it employs, if they recruit someone who is not right for the position it will cause a lot of problems, mainly wasting time and money. Bowmer and Kirkland do not have a budget for recruiting so it can turn out to cost an awful lot. * Firstly have to decide wheather or not they actually want to recruit someone in that place, for this they will use a vacancy requisition form. This is used for
Recruitment and Selection.
It is necessary for businesses to recruit staff in order for it to operate. A business may need staff to fill vacancies that may arise following resignation of staff, retirement or even dismissal. It may also be due to growth of a business, because if a business decides to expand, then it will require more staff to support the running of it. Also, if job roles are changed, then it may also be necessary to hire new staff, or perhaps if staff within the business are promoted, then their positions need to be filled. To make sure that the correct people are selected for recruitment, the human resources department must put them through accurate and appropriate recruitment and selection processes. This needs to include careful consideration of the correct times and procedures of advertising jobs, assessing carefully application forms, CV's and letters of application. Creating job descriptions and person specifications is also important to outline the functions of the job. Lastly, it is important to shortlist the candidates correctly, to ensure they are suitable for the designated job. At Birmingham City Council, the Recruitment Team is responsible for creating and practicing first-rate recruitment and selection policies. The team work on acquiring recruitment policies and procedures, and offering advice on this. There are two main types of recruitment, which are internal
Recruitment and selection
Recruitment and selection Available vacancy Vacancies for jobs exist in businesses for one of the reasons below: > A new job becomes available because of the expansion of the organisation. When the economy is growing and people are becoming better off organisations take advantage of that and expand their operations. To do this they may take on extra employees. This is more likely to create new jobs, preferring instead to use other methods listed below under 'alternatives to filling a vacancy'. > Someone in the organisation has retired > Someone has been dismissed > Internal promotions have occurred- the vacancy arises because the previous holder has been given a better job either in the same business or establishment. This is dealt with below under 'filling the vacancy- internal candidates. > Someone has died- Some employees may die during their working lives. > There is a restructuring of the business, which means there are gaps to be filled in the organisation > Someone has left because they have found a better one or don't like there job. Alternatives to filling a vacancy Human resources management departments are under constant pressure to justify the filling of a vacancy because it will save the organisation money if they do not. There are several alternatives to filling a vacancy, all with benefits and all with disadvantages too: > overtime by the
Recruitment and Selection - Next
Recruitment and Selection E3 * Recruitment documents: * Choosing the best person Once a business has attracted applicants who match the person specification, the next stage is to gather information on each applicant. The main sources of information are: * Application forms * Curricula vitae (CVs) * Interviews * Testing * Taking references. * Person specifications: * Personal attributes and achievements A person specification is concerned with identifying those people who have the right qualities to fit the jobs you are offering.For example, the customer service advisor may require communication skills and be polite. The personal attribute they may need to posses might include punctuality and smartness of appearance. Personal achievements give a good indication of an individuals existing abilities. Personal achievements can be good indicators of qualities such as the ability to work in a team, to help others, to persevere. * Qualifications: Qualifications are another important part of the person specification. Qualifications are a good measure of prior learning. The idea of a qualification is that it prepares you to do a particular job or activity. Next always consider the level of qualification required by a job holder. * Experience: Someone with experience in carrying out a particular post or who has had particular responsibilities should be able to draw
Benefits and Problems of Recruitment and Selection
Table of Contents .0 - Introduction 2 2.0 - Recruitment and Selection 3 2.1 - What is Recruitment? 3 2.2 - What is Selection? 3 3.0 - Discussions 4 3.1 - Objectives of Recruitment and Selection 4 3.2 - The Benefits of Recruitment and Selection 5 3.3 - The Problems of Recruitment and Selection 6 4.0 - Conclusion 7 5.0 - Reference List 8 .0 - Introduction The sales force role in an organisation is one that must not be underplayed because they are considered as one of the most important individuals in an organisation. This is because the sales forces are the people who would be out on constant search for clients who would in return bring business and provide income to the company. Therefore, hiring the right sales person is one of the most important elements in determining the organisation's success as sales management is the fundamental management of any organisation's personal selling function, (Lawlor 1995, 76). Sales management is the function of planning, directing, and controlling the personal selling activities of a business unit, (Hair et al. 2009, 4). Personal selling is defined as personal communication with an audience through paid personnel of an organization. Hence, they must be able to liaise with people in the personal selling function or other functional areas in the organization including consumers outside the organization, (Ingram et al. 2006,