The boundaries between culture and nature have collapsed and the body has become flexible
The boundaries between culture and nature have collapsed and the body has become flexible: 'Flexibility is an object of desire for nearly everyone's personality, body and organisation' (Martin 1994: xvii). The body has become plastic, a lifestyle accessory, a thing to be sculpted, shaped and 'stylized' (Featherstone 1991a). It has been transformed from a biological fact into a 'project' (Giddens 991) and a 'performance' (Goffman 1971b). Contemporary culture is marked by a quest for physiognomical and physical regimes of embodi-ment that are based on the assumption that the surface and the interior of the body are amenable to reconstruction or re-incorporation. As Anthony Giddens (1991: 7-8) has argued: 'The reflexivity of self in conjunction with abstract systems pervasively affects the body [ . . . ] The body is less and less an extrinsic given functioning outside the intern-ally referential systems of modernity, but becomes itself reflexively mobilised.' These claims, which transform our ideas about the body from obdur-ate matter to flexible performance, have powerful empirical points of reference in popular culture and new technologies. The organ transplant trade raises questions not only about the ownership of the body but also about its boundaries (Elshtian and Cloyd 1995). The notion that nature constitutes an absolute limitation is an idea in
General Management Training at Meadowlea Daries
General Management Training at Meadowlea Dairies Prepared for Psychology at Work Assignment PAW4c By Jennie Miller FL98 08 May 2007 Word Count = 1565 Word Limit = 1500 General Management Training at Meadowlea Dairies Contents . Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. Purpose of the training scheme 4. Effectiveness of the current training scheme 5. Criticisms of the process 6. Suggestions for Improvement/Plan of Action 6.1. Assess training needs 6.2. Establish training objectives 6.3. Develop and test training materials/methods 6.4. Implement 6.5. Evaluate 7. Conclusions 8. Bibliography 9. Appendix . Executive Summary This report will give an overview of the current training and induction given to general managers and an evaluation of its effectiveness. Appropriate revision of the process will be completed including the realisation of a plan of action for required improvements. 2. Introduction Meadowlea wishes to improve the training giving to the General Manager on their appointment to the position. This re-evaluation is occurring because: - * Trainees have complained of boredom during the training period * Trainees have indicated that the training received did not adequately prepare them for the job. Training currently consists of: - * Brief Induction * 6 weeks - Delivery Rounds * 2 months - Production Section * 2 months -
"News may be true but it is not the truth, and reporter and officials seldom see it the same way" (James Reston, journalist).
"News may be true but it is not the truth, and reporter and officials seldom see it the same way" (James Reston, journalist) In modern society, journalists have a responsibility as public watchdogs. It is the role of the media to report facts in an objective and unbiased manner. But reporters are only human and one person's perception of the truth may not be the same for everyone. Mark Twain once stated: "If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed."1 People cannot simply accept what the media has to say as the truth, but must read between the lines to detect any bias or infliction of political agenda. Journalist Rabbi Shagra Simmons identifies seven "violations of media objectivity"2 which I will look at as a basis for investigation into how true the "truth" portrayed in newspapers and through broadcast news really is. The first of these violations outlined by Simmons is the use of misleading definitions and terminology. This can include changing the wording of a story to give more or less impact from a story. One example of this I have noted is the BBC's quoting of the Whitehouse press secretary on the issue of a Palestinian suicide bombing in October3. According to the official Whitehouse transcript4, press secretary Ari Fleisher stated: "It's another reminder of how it's so important for peace to be
Ict Access Coursework
Lucy Kitching TLA - 16447 Candidate no - 2090 Edexcel GCSE ICT Project 3 Access Part 1 - IDENTIFY Statement of the problem Mrs Dickinson is a proud owner of 'Lucy's Estate Agents', what is a well-known Estate Agent all over Britain. Mrs Dickinson owns ten different 'Lucy's Estate Agents' plotted all over Britain. The business is a family business that has Been up and running for about 6 years now. It has a good reputation to the public as it fits all of the public's needs. There is a variety of different customers starting with new home buyers going to business building buyers. Mrs Dickinson has set a target to achieve double as much customers as she has now for next year and in the companies total income have a 10% increase by next year. In order to achieve these targets Mrs Dickinson will have to find a solution to a large problem that she has recently had. As said above Mrs Dickinson has a major problem with recording the information of properties, customers and viewings on a system for employees that work for Mrs Dickinson running the business. At the moment the employees record this information on paper what has recently got out of hand as there have been a lot more customers lately so they have lots of unorganised stacks of paper showing lot's of information that they need for the future. The paper could easily get chucked away, lost, stolen and also if
Response letter from Alton Towers.
Alton Towers Alton Staffordshire ST10 4DB Dear Student Thank you for choosing Alton Towers as your research assignment, I am pleased to enclose our Student Information Pack herewith. As I am sure you can appreciate, we receive thousands of student enquiries every year ranging from 'How many people visit Alton Towers?' to 'Why has Alton Towers built a second hotel?' and I hope that some of your questions have been included and that the given answers will be of help to your project. However, if the information you have asked for is not included, it is because that particular material is either confidential or not available for public consumption. GNVQ Key stage 3 & 4 Science resource packs and GNVQ Key Stage 3 & 4 Design and Technology resource packs are two additional resources on Alton Towers that are available to purchase by calling 0870 400 3090. Yours sincerely Russell Barnes Divisional Director Alton Towers GENERAL ALTON TOWERS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What is Alton Towers? Alton Towers is a theme park resort aimed at families. It has the UK's most famous theme park on site, two hotels, a major conference centre, Spa and waterpark. Where is Alton Towers? Alton Towers is situated in 500 acres of Staffordshire countryside approximately 50 miles north of Birmingham and 50 miles south of Manchester. Its nearest train stations are
Demonstrate an understanding of a chosen organization, Marks & Spencer, in its technological and internet environment, including an assessment of its existing and potential customers.
Contents Page Introduction 2 Trends 2 3 3 SWOT Analysis 5 Porters Five Forces 6 Value Adding 6 Identification of current and Potential customers 7 Bibliography 8 Introduction The aim of the assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of a chosen organization, Marks & Spencer, in its technological and internet environment, including an assessment of its existing and potential customers. The concept of environment is vast and the effects of such environmental issues such as competition, global economy, political & social changes etc on the organization is complex and uncertain. Managers must understand long term planning of the business upon which they develop their strategies, including the purchase and use of suitable information technology to help achieve these goals, but also appreciate the culture and environment in which the business resides. Fig 1 The Organizational Environment. Strategic Management & Information Systems. The first part looks at the general trends of the telecommunications industry. Three main trends have been identified, Strategic Alliance, Outsourcing and ICT (Information Communication Technology), which I feel are likely to make a heavy impact on all organizations in the future. These trends also need to be assessed in relation a particular organization, Ericsson. The report concludes with
To what extent has McDonalds green movement in Singapore enabled the company to gain a Sustainable Competitive Advantage?
Samantha Sue Ann Liew 1223-035 IB DIPLOMA MAY 2013 EXAMINATION SESSION Title: To what extent has McDonald’s green movement in Singapore enabled the company to gain a Sustainable Competitive Advantage? 3579 words Excluding Abstract, titles, subheadings, bibliography, and appendixes. Candidate name: Samantha Sue Ann Liew Candidate number: 001223-035 Abstract ________________ This research question I aim to answer in this extended essay is “To what extent has McDonald’s Green Movement in Singapore enabled the company to gain Sustainable Competitive Advantage?” ________________ The secondary research from McDonald’s Corporation will be obtained through the corporation’s profile. This includes the mission and vision statements surveyed interviews with actual customers (Primary research), stakeholders’ reviews, income statement reports and annual sale revenues. This extended essay analyzes and evaluates the efficiency of the Green Movement Strategy as a sustainable competitive advantage. ________________ Since the opening of the Jurong Central outlet, there has been a significant increase in customers of 20 percent in compared with the other outlets in Singapore. The corporation has managed to save an estimate of UDS$1.3 million annually, while reducing energy, wood and water use since the implementation of the Green Movement. This has also earned
Produce a marketing strategy, either for a new or an existing product. I have chosen to base my project on an existing product called "Fanta". For this product I am going to invent a new flavour.
Introduction For my business project on Marketing, I have been set to produce a marketing strategy, either for a new or an existing product. I have chosen to base my project on an existing product called "Fanta". For this product I am going to invent a new flavour. "Fanta" is a product of the largest company in the world, "The Coca-Cola Company". There are many more products made by "The Coca-Cola Company" that include, Sprite, Diet Coke, Lilt, Cherry Coke, etc. Whilst researching I will come across The Coca-Cola Company, and this will also be presented in my assignment. Before doing this I am first going to analyse the product "Fanta" and research information on it, like comparing prices of Fanta with other products (soft-drinks), in shops and supermarkets. I am also going to make a (pilot) questionnaire for people to answer; with this I will make another questionnaire with similar questions than the first one, but with some open-ended questions that they will need to answer in writing. When all the questionnaires are completed, I will collect all the data and transfer it to graphs, to show each question with its data (graph). From the questionnaire I will be able to find out what new flavour to invent. Once I have found out the flavour I could then start designing my new product. This would include thumbnail sketches, chosen design from those sketches and then with
Corporate Comliance of Riordan. A Corporate Compliance Plan for Riordan will address many key concepts necessary to be in compliant with many federal laws which include breach of contract, enterprise liability, product liability, international contracts,
Corporate Compliance Plan Bridget Burns LAW/531 Business Law July 26, 2010 Monica Cosentino-Benedict Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer whose major customers are automotive parts manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers, the Department of Defense, beverage makers and bottlers, and appliance manufacturers (Riordan Manufacturing. 2004). Riordan is a private corporation created to conduct business for a profit. A Corporate Compliance Plan for Riordan will address many key concepts necessary to be in compliant with many federal laws which include breach of contract, enterprise liability, product liability, international contracts, property rights, form of business liabilities, and governance. Compliance is either being in accordance with established guidelines, specifications, or legislation or the process of becoming so. The Corporate Compliance Plan will detail appropriate conduct in an ethical and legal manner. Riordan's Corporate Compliance Plan will focus on managing the legal liabilities of Riordan officers and directors. To avoid risks, minimize liabilities, and benefit from opportunities a contract must be clear and concise, have no ambiguity, be in good faith, and be reasonable. Both parties need to stick with the provisions in the contract to avoid a breach in the contract. To solve a breach in contract, the company should use one of
Policies and Procedures. I will be analysing the rights of services within a positive care environment. Some of these rights will include confidentiality, anti-discriminatory practice, effective communication, empowerment and respect for individual choice
In this section I will be discussing and analysing how the Cedar Foundation create a positive care environment and what is meant by positive care, and how they promote the rights of service users. Part of this how its policies and procedures promote the rights through these. Also how the skills and qualities of care workers are very important. A Policy is a written approach that a care organisation has and its staff and workers must follow to create a positive care environment. A Procedure is when they follow it out and how to work and what to do in particular situations. A positive care environment and good practice involves upholding the care value base and the rights of service users by the use of; Confidentiality by keeping the service users information and problems quiet and in confidential. Anti-discriminatory practice, when a service user has a right not to be discriminated against. The Cedar Foundation promote Confidentiality through their Privacy Policy by stating that they do not pass on any information that you give to the organisation and that they follow the Data Protection Act 1998. They also promote Independence through their service called "Living Options and Accommodation Support" which gives the service user the right and independence to be able to live on their own with the help and support of the staff at the Cedar Foundation. Another right they