El impacto de la guerra civil espaola en las mujeres de Espaa y visa versa

Brittany Rutledge Profesora Monsterrat Resumen Final 30 de abril de 2012 El impacto de la guerra civil española en las mujeres de España y visa versa La guerra civil española fue una guerra en España que ocurrió entre los años 1936 y 1939. Esta lucha fue entre la izquierda y la derecha del país. El autor del libro La guerra civil española, Pierra Vilar, presenta la guerra civil española como una enfermedad. Él describe que la guerra fue el resultado de un choque entre la izquierda y la derecha. Él habla de los problemas de centralismo y autoritarismo. Este libro ilustra las causas de la guerra civil española. Mujeres fueron una parte muy profunda de la guerra civil española. Antes de la guerra civil española, las mujeres en la sociedad española tienen un rol muy tradicional. Ellas fueron subordinadas y domesticadas. El autor del articulo Women and Images of Women in the Spanish Civil War, Frances Lannon, habla de las imágenes de la mujer durante la guerra civil española. Este artículo describe las normas sociales aceptables de la mujer antes de la guerra civil española, y las cambias de las normas durante la guerra, y las normas sociales que las mujeres quieren obtener. Durante la guerra, hay un gran aumento de la importancia de la mujer. La mujer se incorporó a la fuerza de trabajo y a la guerra también. Los roles de la mujer cambian

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  • Word count: 1738
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Mathematics Coursework: T-Totals T-Totals - 10x10 Grid 1+2+3+12+22= 40 T-Number=22 T-Total= 40 24+25+26+35+45= 145 T-Number=45 T-Total=145 61+62+63+72+82= 340 T-Number=82 T-Total=340 78+79+80+89+99= 425 T-Number=99 T-Total=425 For 10x10 Grid: * When the T-number is even, so is the T-Total. * When the T-number is odd, so is the T-Total. I will now find the rule which links the T-Number with the T-Total: n+(n-10)+(n-20)+ (n-21)+(n-19) =5n-70 When n= 59 =(5x59)-70=225 Testing: 38+39+40+49+59=225 As you can see my rule has worked. 9x9 Grid: 1+2+3+11+20= 37 T-Number=20 T-Total= 37 22+23+24+32+41= 142 T-Number=41 T-Total=142 46+47+48+56+65= 262 T-Number=65 T-Total=262 61+62+63+71+80=337 T-Number=80 T-Total=337 For 9x9 Grid: * When the T-Number is even, the T-Total is odd. * When the T-Number is odd, the T-Total is even. I will now find a rule which links the T-number with the T-Total: n+(n-9)+(n-18)+ (n-18)+(n-19) =5n-63 When n=44 =(5x44)-63=157 Testing 25+26+27+35+44=157 8x8 Grid 1+2+3+10+18= 34 T-Number=18 T-Total=34 20+21+22+29+37= 129 T-Number=37 T-Total=129 33+34+35+42+50= 194 T-Number= 50 T-Total= 194 45+46+47+54+62= 254 T-Number= 62 T-Total= 254 For 8x8 Grid: * When the T-Number is odd, the T-Total is odd. * When the T-Number is even, the T-Total is even. I will now find a rule which

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  • Word count: 1156
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Maths
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Surveillance in modern society

Nic Nobby November 22, 2010 Surveillance in modern society When we look back the last twenty or thirty years, there had not been any wars comparable to those in former years or centuries. Though, terrorism has become a terrifying phenomenon that occurs in the whole world. Nowadays, politicians are expected to prevent acts of terrorism such as an in New York, London or Baghdad. This issue might be summarized via the following statement: Preventing terrorism, we have to give up a certain amount of liberty. First of all, one can notice several measures that have been realized to increase national security in recent years. For example, biometric data - such as facial characteristics - is recorded on a chip in our passports (Moreover, politicians think of fingerprints being stored as well). New activities like scans of license plates are used to spot criminals. Additionally, people are monitored by cameras or wiretapping more often than ever before. While the Ministry of the Interior likes to expand its actions, Data protectionists strive for restricting surveillance. One should consider the tasks politicians like Mr. Schäuble are faced with. On the one hand, people expect a maximum of safety in their country. As an example, they do not want to be frightened by possible bombers at public places. On the other hand, they do not want restrictions on personal freedom such

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  • Word count: 475
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Describe & Evaluate Freuds Theory Of Psychosexual Development

Describe & Evaluate Freud's Theory Of Psychosexual Development There are five stages in psychosexual development that, according to Freud, must be successfully completed in order to achieve a balanced & stable adult personality. If someone, however, doesn't complete a stage successfully, part of their libido can become fixated at that stage & not allow progression. This can lead to abnormalities within the adult personality, where the child will continue to seek satisfaction at this stage. The libido is our unconscious sexual pleasure drive & is the focus for each of the five stages. A normal personality will occur only if no libido is fixated within a stage. The first stage is the oral stage & occurs from birth until roughly 18 months of age where it will finish with weaning. This is where the mouth is the focus of pleasure due to being nursed. Fixation would occur at this stage either due to not being nursed or if nursing stopped too soon. This would cause an adult to have a biting personality (sarcastic), envious & dependent. They may also bite their fingernails, smoke regularly or even suck pens. The second stage of psychosexual development is the anal stage that is from 18 months of age until 2 & half years. In this stage, the anus & the expulsion or retention of faeces is the focus of pleasure, due to the experience of toilet training. Any fixation at this stage

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  • Word count: 1321
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Psychology
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Redox titration of copper evaluation

Redox Titration of Sodium Thiosulphate against Copper (II) Sulphate My results from this titration can be seen in the table below: Rough st 2nd 3rd Final Reading/cm3 29.30 25.25 30.40 28.80 Initial reading/ cm3 05.05 0.80 6.20 4.55 Titre/ cm3 24.25 24.45 24.20 24.25 The concordant results I will be using in my calculation are the titres from my 2nd and 3rd titration as there are within 0.01 cm3 of one another. To calculate the average titre I will use the following method: Average Titre = (24.20 + 25.25) 2 = 24.225 cm3 In this titration there are two half equations that are involved, the first is when the copper (II) sulphate is added to the potassium iodide: 2Cu2+ + 4I- --> 2CuI + I2 The second half equation takes place when the sodium thiosulphate is titrated into the solution containing the Cu2+ and iodine: I2 + 2S2O32- --> S4O62- + 2I- As I need to find the concentration of the Cu2+ I have to look at both half equations to find the ratio of Cu2+ to S2O32-, which is 1:1. This is because in each step of the reaction there are 2 moles of each. This will mean that the number of moles of Cu2+ will be the same as the number of moles of S2O32-: n = c x v n of S2O32- = 0.102827763 x 24.225 1000 = 2.491002571 x 10-3 mol n of Cu2+ = 2.491002571 x 10-3 mol Now that I have the number of moles of Cu2+ I can

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  • Word count: 463
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Effect of Mouthwash on E-Coli Bacteria

Interpreting and Evaluating Mann-Whitney U test I have decided that I would like to use the Mann-Whitney U test to interpret and evaluate my data. This is because I would like to compare data sets to see whether the medians from the different brands of mouthwash I investigated were significantly different from one another as I have unmatched data and this would help me to demonstrate their differences clearly. Effect of Mouthwash on E-Coli Bacteria Results For E-Coli Result No. Mouthwash A (mm) Mouthwash B (mm) Mouthwash C (mm) Mouthwash D (mm) 2.14 4.65 6.22 .81 2 .88 3.86 5.34 .98 3 2.46 4.39 4.82 2.12 4 2.79 4.29 6.10 .88 5 2.74 3.35 4.98 2.06 6 2.54 3.23 5.40 .91 7 2.81 4.12 5.83 2.43 8 .95 3.54 5.17 .78 9 2.65 4.16 5.51 .65 0 2.27 3.48 5.65 .54 Average 2.423 3.907 5.502 .916 Average Results Mouthwash A B C D Median (mm) 2.423 3.907 5.502 .916 Ranking the Data ) Mouthwash C 2) Mouthwash B 3) Mouthwash A 4) Mouthwash D ? R1 (Mouthwash C) = 55.02 ? R2 (Mouthwash B) = 39.07 ? R3 (Mouthwash A) = 24.23 ? R4 (Mouthwash D) = 19.16 Comparison of Mouthwash A against B: U1 = ( n x n ) + (0.5n ) (n + 1) - ? R U1 = (10 x 10) + (0.5[10]) (10 + 1) - 24.23 = 130.77 U2 = ( n x n ) + (0.5n ) (n + 1) - ? R U1 = (10 x 10) + (0.5[10]) (10 + 1) -

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  • Word count: 1240
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Adaptations of Small Intestine for Absorption

MARIS STELLA HIGH SCHOOL SEC 3 PURE BIOLOGY Topic 6 Nutrition in Mammals T6.3 Absorption of Food & Functions of the Liver . Adaptations of Small Intestine for Absorption It is very LONG, about 5-6 m. This gives plenty of time for digestion to be completed, and fordigested food to be absorbed as it passes through. It has very FOLDED surface. The inner wall is thrown into numerous folds & furrows. Thus the surface area for absorption is greatly enlarged. It has minute finger-like projections (about 1 mm long) called villi covering the whole internal surface of the small intestine. (Each square millimemtre of surface has about 20-40 villi and there are about 5 million in the ileum.) Each villus bears even smaller projections, microvilli. The villi & microvilli further increase surface area for absorption. Villi contain network of blood capillaries & lacteals for transporting digested, absorbed food away. One-cell thick epithelium. The digested food can easily cross the wall to reach the capillaries & lacteals. *There are intestinal glands between bases of villi. These secrete intestinal juice to help in digestion. (refer to T6.2) 2. Summary of Absorption 1. Simple sugars, amino acids, vitamins & minerals l (diffusion) blood capillaries of villi l hepatic portal vein l liver --- hepatic vein --- heart 2a. Soluble glycerol l (diffusion) epithelium

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  • Word count: 490
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Music Composition Brief

COMPOSITION BRIEF I will compose a piece of music for my instrument keyboard My composition will be in a blues story. Blues, type of music was first developed during the late 19th century by African American performers, as a form the first recording of the blues was in 1895 George W. Johnson's recording of "laughing Song" which was the first song to be recorded, which all was after a civil war. 2 bar blues: The most common musical form of blues is the 12-bar blues. The term "12-bar" refers to the number of measures, or musical bars, used to express the theme of a typical blues song. Nearly all blues music is played to a 4/4 time signature, which means that there are four beats in every measure or bar and each quarter note is equal to one beat. I will use some of the features/techniques studied in my 3 study pieces Sprightly: Bass part uses a Pedal Note, the same not is repeated with a melody over the top. Key -C major 4 beats in a bar Right hand part is syncopated, it accents notes that are not on the beat structure ='AA' Melody use a Bb to create a C chord ( C E G B B ) Bar 5-6 are the same as bar 1-4 but with shortened rhythms (diminutia) using the C blues scale C Eb F C G Bb C the bass line also uses notes Melody use 3rds, 2 notes are played together CE, FA, GBb Keyboard Techniques Staccato - bass notes are played short sharp Right hand had accents,

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  • Word count: 531
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Music
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Acid-Base titration by double indicator method

Date: 01/12/2010 Objective To determine the proportions of sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide in a mixture solution using double indicator method. Procedures . 25 cm3 of the mixture solution was pipetted into a conical flask. 2. Two drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added into the conical flask. 3. The mixture solution was titrated with the given standard hydrochloric acid(0.098M). 4. The mixture was titrated to the end-point. 5. At the end point, the pink colour of phenolphthalein indicator was just discharged. 6. The burette reading (x) was recorded. 7. Two drops of methyl orange and a further quantity of acid were added 8. The mixture was titrated to the end-point. 9. At the end point ,the yellow colour of the methyl orange changed to orange. 0. The reading of that further quantity of acid (y) was recorded. 1. The steps above were repeated 3 times. Results: Volume of piptte used: 25 cm3 The concentration of the hydrochloric acid used: 0.098M x Trial 2 3 Final burette reading / cm3 2.40 31.80 29.40 2.70 Initial burette reading / cm3 0.10 9.50 7.20 0.30 Volume of acid used(x) / cm3 2.30 2.30 2.20 2.40 Mean value of x= (12.30+12.20+12.40)/3 =12.30 cm3 y Trial 2 3 Final burette reading / cm3 9.50 38.80 36.60 9.80 Initial burette reading / cm3 2.40 31.80 29.40 2.70 Volume of acid used(x) / cm3 7.10 7.00

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  • Word count: 642
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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With reference to alternative research findings, critically assess Aschs study into conformity

With reference to alternative research findings, critically assess Asch's study into conformity A study that criticises Asch is by William & Sogon (1984) who claimed that the group Asch created did not reflect all groups found in society. They found that majority influence was significantly greater among friends than among strangers. Therefore Asch failed to realise that he could have obtained much stranger majority influence if he had replaced groups of strangers with an in0group of friends of the genuine participants & consequently this limits Asch findings to only groups of strangers & as a result lacks generalisability to other populations. And to support this Abrams et al (1990) argued that 1st year psychology participants would show more conformity if the other group members were perceived as belonging to an in group (other 1st yr psychology students) than if they were perceived as belonging to an out group (history students). Eagli & Carli (1981) criticise Asch study for being gender biased. They claim that in Western societies a masculine bias exists & as a consequence women show higher levels of conformity than men in the Asch study. They also found that in feminist societies, women actually show less conformity than men. This criticises Ash because he ignored complex gender characteristics that would have affected his results. Also David & Turner (1996) criticise

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 596
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Psychology
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