Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care

BTEC National Diploma Health And Social Care Unit 2 Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care Assignment 3 Georgina reed Introduction In this assignment I will be describing how anti discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. I will be discussing difficulties that may arise when implementing anti discriminatory practice in health and social care. Last I will justify ways of overcoming difficulties that may arise when implementing anti discriminatory practices in health and social care settings. P5 Within the health and social care sector it is important that people understand and promote anti discriminatory practice. There are various ways of how they can challenge discriminatory issues and practices. One of the ways in which a carer can promote anti discriminatory practice is to always treat patients/residents the same (equal).another element of active promotion of anti discriminatory practice is to provide active support consist with peoples beliefs, culture and preferences of the individual. Active support encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible, to maintain their independence and physical ability. It encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence. In the health and social care environment you should never treat anyone different compared to others. M3 When

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1036
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Healthcare
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Evaluate the case for using referenda to decide important issues in the UK

Evaluate the case for using referenda to decide important issues in the UK A referendum is a popular vote in which the people, rather than the elected representatives, resolve a political issue. Since the electorate is asked to vote directly on a particular issue, holding a referendum is a way of exercising direct democracy within a system of representative democracy. It is normally on one single issue with a straight yes or no answer on the implementation or continuance of a reform. There are a number of advantages to holding a referendum. They encourage political participation as people are actively asked to take an interest in one issue and vote for what they think is best. Referendums are often asked when parliament can not resolve an issue so by asking the electorate to vote they are provided, hopefully, with one clear answer. Referendums can effectively end a deadlock when discussing a political issue. They can increase the legitimacy of major reforms or measures that the government is planning to implement and are a good way of determining the public mood and can provide justification for introducing a certain reform. Referendums should give a clear answer to a question however there are often problems with this. Referendums are also the most direct form of democracy as the people's views are clearly represented and help to make political decisions more legitimate.

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1173
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Politics
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Investigation on whether Rubber obeys Hooke's Rule

Investigation on whether Rubber obeys Hooke's Rule Plan Introduction Hooke's Rule states that extension of a material is proportional to the tension force applied to it unless the elastic limit is reached, which is the point at which the material no longer obeys Hooke's Rule. There are only a few materials that obey this rule. In this investigation, we will find out whether rubber obeys Hooke's Rule. We will measure in detail the way in which the extension of a rubber band depends on the tension in the band. This will be done by applying various amounts of weights, as it is a continual variation. Hooke's Rule = F = ke * F = Force in Newtons * k = Spring constant * e = Extension in Centimetres Rubber is a natural polymer which is made up of long chains of molecules which are bent back and forth with weak forces acting between them. As the rubber band is stretched, molecules straighten out and allow the rubber band to become larger. Eventually, as the molecules become fully stretched, the long chains will become parallel to each other and can stretch up to ten times its original length. Extra force will make the rubber band break. If the rubber is not stretched to breaking, once the force is removed the molecules tend to curl back again into their original position because of the attraction and cross-links between adjacent molecules. The return is elastic. Hypothesis I

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2411
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Science in the News: Should old people be allowed to drive?

Environmental Social Economical This is my coursework broken down into digestible chunks. Anything I used came from this piece of text. For (they should be able to drive) > They are experienced in driving. Therefore have more practises driving on the road. [8] > More convenient, you can get where you want, whenever you want. [11] > Not as dangerous in a car, as elderly people may feel intimidated at a bus stop. [12] > It is discrimination to not let them drive. [13] > They have passed there test, so they have as much right to drive than anyone else. [14] > Gives money to the Government for road tax. > Petrol stations gain money. > They can talk with family and friends comfortably without feeling awkward around others. > If more old people drive they will buy new cars, from car dealers. Putting more money into the local economy, adding to the Multiplying effect. > It they drive a car, they will pay money towards having it cleaned, giving money to car cleaners. Against (They shouldn't be able to drive) > Poorer eyesight is very common with older people. [15] > Adds to Global warmer. [16] > Uses fossil fues > Slower reaction time as you get older. [2] and > Saves money as petrol is rising. [17] > It is more sociable to go on a bus and talk with the community. > Could put others in danger. >

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 969
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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Promoting The Rights And Responsibilities Of Service Users In Care Settings

AO1: Promoting The Rights And Responsibilities Of Service Users In Care Settings Task 1C: What difficulties or tension might arise between the rights and responsibilities in a care setting such as Queensland? Include: * Balancing people's rights against their responsibilities. * Balancing the needs of people who use service with the availability resources. * Role boundaries. * Legal requirements. * Tension between organisational policies and service user's needs. * Tension within individuals. * Tension between service user and care workers. * Tension between service user and the organisation. Balancing people's rights against their responsibilities Maintaining a balance of rights and responsibilities is essential to constructing and preserving a good relationship between the service user and care worker. In a Balanced rights and responsibilities one person does not overpower another, and so that they can be clear about how they should distribute power. Balancing rights and responsibilities together can be very difficult for care workers and the service users and can also build tensions. All service users in Queensland have a right to be treated equally, along with their right it is care workers responsibility to provide equal care for the service users. Service users have a responsibility towards those who are offering the service. They also have rights. Balancing

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2837
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Healthcare
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Properties of Waves.

Properties of Waves There are many different waves including water, sound, light and radio waves. All waves have the same range of properties, they can all be reflected, refracted, totally internally reflected, diffracted or interfere with each other. Waves are repeated oscillations (vibrations) which transfer energy from one place to another. Sound energy in the atmosphere is transferred by the oscillation of air molecules. Movement energy in water waves is transferred by the oscillation of water molecules. Amplitude is the measure of the energy carried by it. Frequency (f) is the number of complete wave cycles per second and is measured in Hertz (Hz). Wavelength (?) is the distance between two successive peaks or troughs and is measured in metres, m. Reflection Light waves travel in straight lines but reflecting them using mirrors can alter their direction. Reflection is the bouncing off of any type of wave from a surface. Reflection can be used to guide a laser past obstacles to a receiver. Shiny surfaces such as mirrors are smooth so reflect all light strongly as all the waves pass in one direction only. Rough surfaces look dull as they reflect light in many different directions causing it to scatter. This is called diffuse reflection. If light waves are reflected, the colour of the surface affects the colour of the reflected ray. Concave surfaces are used

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1031
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Poetry from other cultures

Poetry from other cultures Compare and contrast the notions of culture and identify in 'Half-caste' by John Agard and 'Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan' by Moniza Alvi. The poems I have chosen to analyse are 'Half-Caste' by John Agard and 'Presents from my aunts in Pakistan' by Moniza Alvi. I have decided to focus on these poems because I believe they project strong messages and discuss the issues of identities and mixed race. Furthermore, both poems are autobiographical and the poets are from different cultures to each other. As readers, it is very interesting to understand their different views about mixed race backgrounds as we are from a different culture to them. John Agard is a respected Caribbean poet who has won the Paul Hamlyn Award in 1997. On the other hand, Moniza Alvi was born in Pakistan and has achieved the Poetry Business Prize in 1991. Both poets confess the difficulties of living in different cultures and not knowing their fixed nationality. John Agard was born on 21 June 1949 in Guyana. His mother was white and Portuguese but his father was a black Englishman, therefore making him half-caste. He began to write poems at the age of sixteen and many were published in the school magazine. In the 1970's he moved to England where he not only progressed to become a literary poet but also moved on to develop into a performing poet. From there, he has

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1300
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Who's cheating on the vinegar?

Chemistry Course Work - Neutralisation of ethonoic acid Who's cheating on the vinegar? Task: A chip shop owner buys his vinegar from 4 different suppliers A, B, C and Safe way. He suspects that at least one of them waters down the vinegar supplied to them by the manufacturer. You are the analytical chemist assigned to investigate this. You have already planned an experiment that will give you the evidence you need. The following results have been taken from a similar experiment. Your task is to analyse these results and present your conclusion. You must then evaluate the experiment by assessing its success in answering the original question, explaining any anomalous results, and suggesting any possible improvements. Aim: I have been asked to find out if any of the suppliers have been watering down the vinegar they have supplied to the chip shop owner. I will do this by using a technique called Titration. Vinegar is ethonoic acid What is Titration? Titration is a form of neutralisation. This is a process of determining the concentration of a substance in solution. A measured amount of a known solution concentration (molarity) is added to an unknown volume of a second solution in carefully measured amounts until a reaction of definite and known proportion is completed. Neutralisation is when a Hydrogen ion and a Hydroxide ion react together to form water which is

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 877
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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The Use Of Enzymes In Industry

The Use of Enzymes in Industry Skills I and J Enzymes are extremely useful and therefore are used in many industries. The reason for them being so useful is that they work quickly and efficiently to speed up the rate of many different reactions without going through changes themselves; this also makes them reusable.[5]This is all down to them being biological catalysts. The food industry is a major industry which relies on enzymes and probably the main place in this country where they are used. Throughout the industry there are numerous different areas which involve enzymes to make the process quicker. Some of these are; Fruit, Dairy, Brewing, Starch and Baking. Throughout the process of making fruit juices enzymes are used; as fruits contain pectins which are polysaccharides and cause cloudiness in the juices. To reduce this pectin and increase the amount of juice degrading enzymes are added at the pressing stage as the fruits are being modified. Therefore customers get better juice which isn't as cloudy and the company's gain more profit as they are making a larger quantity of juice.[7] Dairy products like cheese are made with the help of two enzymes, pepsin and chymosin. As cheese is made from raw material milk, the milk has to be warmed and these two enzymes added in order for the milk to form 'curbs and whey'. The product of this is a cloudy thick liquid containing

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1019
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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To investigate the effect of temperature on the enzyme catalase.

To investigate the effect of temperature on the enzyme catalase Aim: To investigate the effect of temperature on the enzyme catalase Apparatus Celery extract (catalase) Labels 20 Volume hydrogen peroxide Distilled water 6 100cm beakers 20cm and 50 cm measuring cylinders Balance Stopwatch Trough Clamps & stand 50cm conical flask + bung + tubing + 3 way tap 0cm syringe Beehive shelf Gas syringe Goggles Water bath at 25 & 35°C 250cm beakers & thermometer for water bath Method .Weigh out 1 sample of celery extract of 10g in a conical flask. 2.Place in a water bath at 25°C. 3.Place about 20cm hydrogen peroxide solution in a container in the same water bath. 4.Leave for 10 min to equilibrate. 5.Set up the apparatus as follows: -Fill a trough with water -Fill a measuring cylinder with water and invert in the trough (ensure that no air bubbles are in the water) -Secure the cylinder with a clamp & stand -Position the bung and 3 ways tap to fit on a conical flask, ensure that this can be held in place with a clamp & stand -Put the end of the tubing in the measuring cylinder 6.Make sure that the tap is closed and fill a syringe with 10cm hydrogen peroxide from the water bath. 7.Take the first conical flask containing the celery extract; arrange the apparatus as above and empty the syringe into the flask closing the 3-way tap start the stopwatch.

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1317
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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