Service quality in museums, a case study - cambridge and county folk museum
UNIVERSITY OF BRIGHTON ABSTRACT SCHOOL OF SERVICE MANAGEMENT MA IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT DISSERTATION TOPIC: SERVICE QUALITY IN MUSEUMS, A CASE STUDY: CAMBRIDGE & COUNTY FOLK MUSEUM By Eleutheria Kendristaki This study investigates service quality in the museum sector. Service quality has become a central issue in service industries for many years. However, it has only recently been discussed and its importance emphasised in museums. As competition increases in the leisure sector, quality service is an advantage that increases the number of new and repeat users. This dissertation includes a detailed literature review of service quality in general service industries and the issues of applying service quality to the museum sector. The case study-investigates whether or not the Cambridge & County Folk Museum delivers quality of service to external customers. The Folk Museum, like many major independent museums, faces decreasing visitor numbers due to changes in leisure patterns and public tastes. The service quality of the Museum needs to be reviewed, as it is preparing for a period of major redevelopment. This research project includes several surveys. Potential audience and current visitor questionnaires are used to assess the Folk Museum's quality of service from the point of external customers through ten determinants of service quality. Staff and receptionists
Contabilidad on line
TEMA 1. INTRODUCCIÓN A LA CONTABILIDAD .1 Definición de contabilidad La contabilidad es una ciencia económica que persigue, entre otros objetivos, los siguientes: Reflejar el verdadero patrimonio de la empresa. Determinar el resultado. Dar la información necesaria para la organización y dirección. En la definición de contabilidad aparece el concepto de PATRIMONIO que es necesario que se entienda correctamente. .2 Patrimonio e inventario Definición de patrimonio El patrimonio está integrado por un conjunto de BIENES (por ejemplo) y DERECHOS sobre los que recaen una seria de OBLIGACIONES. Podemos considerar BIENES los solares, edificios, ordenadores, vehículos, maquinaria, etc. Los DERECHOS pueden ser las deudas que tengan las personas o empresas por la compra del producto que fabrica la empresa, o aquellas que tengan las personas a las que la empresa presta dinero. Las OBLIGACIONES pueden ser las deudas que la empresa tiene con aquellas personas, o empresas a las que compra, o de las que recibe préstamos. También lo son las cantidades aportadas por los socios a la sociedad, aunque se sepa que no se recuperarán hasta que la empresa desaparezca. De lo dicho, podemos deducir el siguiente esquema: Pero en contabilidad denominaremos: a) Conjunto de bienes y derechos como: ACTIVO b) Deudas de la empresa por compras a terceros o préstamos recibidos como:
Why Is the Middle East a Conflict Area?
Why Is the Middle East a Conflict Area? Over the last hundred years, the Middle East has been one of the most troubled regions in the world. According to the Economist, "With barely an exception, [the Arab world's] autocratic rulers, whether presidents or kings, give up their authority only when they die; its elections are a sick joke; half its people are treated as lesser legal and economic beings, and more than half its young, burdened by joblessness and stifled by conservative religious tradition, are said to want to get out of the place as soon as they can." However, at one time, the Middle East eclipsed the West in intellectual, scientific, and literary achievements. To examine what factors contribute to the Middle East's present circumstances, a team of scholars, headed by Egyptian sociologist Nader Fergany, published the Arab Human Development Report 2002, an analysis of the Arab world's strengths and weaknesses. The study found three key attributes for success in the modern world that the Arab community lacks: freedom, knowledge, and womanpower. According to the study, the absence of freedom is most visible in the region's absolute autocracies, sham elections, and restrictions on the media and on civil society. The authors contend that "the [global] wave of democracy that transformed governance . . . in the 1980s and early 1990s has barely reached the Arab states."
Survey Readiness In Health Care
Running Head: Survey Readiness In Health Care Improved Survey Readiness In Health Care Organization Reduce The Number Of Deficiencies [Name of the writer] [Name of the institution] Abstract p?rt ?f J?int C?mmi??i?n ?n ?ccr?dit?ti?n ?f H??lth C?r? ?rg?niz?ti?n? ?urv?y pr?p?r?ti?n, tw? pr??p?ctiv?, int?rv?nti?n?l ?tudi?? w?r? c?nduct?d. Th? fir?t ?tudy c?mp?r?d th? h??pit?l ?t?ff th?t p?rticip?t?d in ?urv?y-r??din??? r?und? t? ?t?ff th?t did n?t. Th? ??c?nd ?tudy c?mp?r?d th? ?c?r?? b?f?r? ?nd ?ft?r th? ?duc?ti?n?l in-??rvic? ?f th? gr?up th?t h?d n?t p?rticip?t?d in th??? r?und?. Th? m??n t?t?l ?c?r? ?f th? r?und? gr?up w?? 92 p?r c?nt ?nd f?r th? n?-r?und? ?tudy gr?up b?f?r? in-??rvic? ?duc?ti?n w?? 85 p?r c?nt. Th? diff?r?nc? w?? ?t?ti?tic?lly ?ignific?nt. Th? n?-r?und? gr?up'? m??n t?t?l ?c?r? r??? 14 p?r c?nt ?ft?r in-??rvic? ?duc?ti?n. In-??rvic? ?duc?ti?n n??rly d?ubl?d th? lik?lih??d ?f ?c?ring 90 p?r c?nt ?r b?tt?r. ?? p?rt ?f ? c??rdin?t?d ?urv?y-r??din??? pr?gr?m, ? c?nt??t c?n b? ? u??ful ?nd ?ff?ctiv? m?th?d t? ?????? ?nd impr?v? ?t?ff kn?wl?dg?. Impr?v?d ?urv?y R??din??? In H??lth C?r? ?rg?niz?ti?n R?duc? Th? Numb?r ?f D?fici?nci?? T?bl? ?f C?nt?nt? ?b?tr?ct 2 Intr?ducti?n 4 Lit?r?utr? R?vi?w 7 M?th?d 29 R??ult? 32 Di?cu??i?n 34 C?nclu?i?n 38 R?f?r?nc?? 39 ?pp?ndic?? 58 Impr?v?d ?urv?y R??din??? In H??lth C?r? ?rg?niz?ti?n R?duc? Th? Numb?r ?f
Project on Mutual funds
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the early days, savings were essentially diverted to the banks, post offices, national savings schemes, etc, as these instruments were considered safe and sound instead they had low return. There were no other options available which were safe, as safety was of primary concern to the investor. With the increase in salaries and surplus fund available in the hands of the people, the risk appetite of the people also underwent a sea change. People started looking for better options to invest their surplus fund even if it meant taking little risk. The urgency with which returns are expected led to people flocking the stocks market even without understanding the basics of such investment. The results were catastrophic with two stock scams destroying the hard earned savings of the people and shaking the confidence in the institution of stock market. This led to the development of the new concept of wealth management in India. In the early stages, mutual funds were not treated as an investment option. Some of the funds which were in existence did not have the required clientele base and couldn't showcase their capabilities. However, with the advancement of the concept of wealth management, mutual fund has become an important investment option for the people. The mutual fund industry in India started in 1963 with the formation of Unit trust
SunCity - developing marketing strategy for problem
Sun City-Introduction Introduction In 2005 Sun City was primarily a tanning salon; it offered stand up and lie-down sunbeds. It opened its one and only shop in Kettering town centre in Northamptonshire and it was small and unknown in the town as it is not a franchise and has no other shops. Now, in 2007 things have changed, the company has grown and is now a well known tanning salon including features such as a nail bar, and hairdressers. The store is based in the town centre just off the high street; this aids in attracting a lot of customers. Especially as they offer walk in appointments, no need to book. The back of the store is also facing into the town centre's main car park, which they have used to their advantage by displaying billboards and advertisements. Recently Sun City has expanded and although still primarily a tanning salon, now offers nail therapy, hairdressing, and spray tanning. Because now they offer more of a variety of services they are able to sell more upmarket well known brands of products e.g., tigi hair products and californiation spray tanning. Sun City has also recently refurbished their salon to make way for their hairdressing and nail therapy. The salon looks very professional and clean and modern, as shown above. With their vast range of products on show this allows for more purchases to be made. When Sun City first opened 2 years ago, it
Investigating Travel and Tourism
Investigating Travel and Tourism Introduction Travel and tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries and one of its largest. These are some of the reasons to understand why. Changing socio-economic circumstances. The main change was the Industrial Revolution. Urbanisation occurred as people moved to towns to get regular employment with days off. Since the industrial revolution, income and holidays increased. The income had a positive correlation with tourism; as the income increased so did tourism. In 1948, the holidays with pay was introduced. This meant everyone could have a holiday and have some time to enjoy themselves. During post war there was the rise of teenage culture. Sexual liberation became more important for youths on holiday. People started to budget for holidays and slowly, working hours reduced. This meant people had more leisure time to do as they wish. Also more and more women had the freedom to do what they want and weren't put down. Technological Developments. In the 19th century and early 20th century, seaside holidays were the fashion. The transport was the railway, and it became more and more popular with families visiting the seaside especially Blackpool for the North West of England, areas like Manchester. During the post war the jet engine was introduced. It had a pressurised cabin which stopped people's ears from popping. These
La banque dans l'économie
. La banque dans l'économie .1. Le rôle de la banque La banque est une institution qui a évolué dans le temps, tout en essayant de trouver les moyens adéquats pour simplifier la réalisation opérative et sûre des paiements, dans l'espace et dans le temps, et pour identifier les procédures nécessaires à le change d'actifs présents propres ou collectés contre un volume supérieur d'actifs futurs. Les banques agissent, d'une part, en tant qu'intermédiaires entre ceux qui ont des ressources à leur disposition et ceux qui en ont temporairement besoin et, d'autre part, en tant que mandataires de ses clients pour la réalisation des différents services bancaires, financiers et, parfois, d'assurance et administratifs. .2. Les fonctions de la banque En tant que fonctions principales de la banque, on peut mentionner: * la fonction de garde et de conservation des valeurs ; * la fonction de gestion du mécanisme des paiements internes et externes ; * la fonction d'attraction et de collecte des ressources (d'agrégation) ; * la fonction de transformation des ressources à vue ou à court terme en ressources à long terme ; * la fonction de placement des crédits sur le marché monétaire et sur le marché financier ; * la fonction de substitution du " risque total ou zéro " avec un " risque très réduit ". .3. Les techniques bancaires Pour le
Evaluation of Birzeit University MBA Program
Master of Business Administration Strategic Management Course A research about "Evaluation of Birzeit University MBA Program" Fall 2003 - 2004 TABLE OF CONTENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 INTRODUCTION 4 Overview 4 Statement of the Problem 4 Purpose of the Study 5 Significance of the Study 5 Delimitations and Limitations 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 Overview 6 The General History of the MBA 6 The Current Trend 7 Accreditation 8 Related Research by Others 9 Conclusion 9 METHODOLOGY 10 Research Stance 10 Procedures for Sample Selection 10 Methods of data collection 10 Primary Research Method 11 Rapport 11 Ethical Concerns 11 BENCHMARKING 12 Overview 12 American Universities 13 European Universities 22 Middle Eastern Universities 31 Birzeit University 39 FINDINGS 41 Overview 41 Presentation and Analysis of Findings 41 SWOT Analysis 64 SFAS, EFAS, and IFAS EXHIBITS 66 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 70 Interpretation of Findings 70 Implications and Recommendations 74 Suggested Strategies 75 Recommended Strategy 76 REFERENCES 77 APPENDICES 79 Appendix I: Satisfaction Survey 79 Appendix II: Graduates Survey 83 Appendix III: Market Survey 86 Appendix IV: Interviews 89 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The goal of Master Business Administration (MBA) programs is to add value to its graduates and make them better managers. The aim of this study is to evaluate the MBA
Mutual Fund
INVESTMENT OPTIONS: MUTUAL FUNDS STAND OUT Savings form an important part of the economy of any nation. With the savings invested in various options available to the people, the money acts as the driver for growth of the country. Indian financial scene too presents a plethora of avenues to the investors. Though certainly not the best or deepest of markets in the world, it has reasonable options for an ordinary man to invest his savings. Let us examine several of them: Banks Considered as the safest of all options, banks have been the roots of the financial systems in India. Promoted as the means to social development, banks in India have indeed played an important role in the rural upliftment. For an ordinary person though, they have acted as the safest investment avenue wherein a person deposits money and earns interest on it. The two main modes of investment in banks, savings accounts and Fixed deposits have been effectively used by one and all. However, today the interest rate structure in the country is headed southwards, keeping in line with global trends. With the banks offering little above 9 percent in their fixed deposits for one year, the yields have come down substantially in recent times. Add to this, the inflationary pressures in economy and you have a position where the savings are not earning. The inflation is creeping up, to almost 8 percent at times, and