Scene V, Blanche: "Come in"-"Ahhh Merciii" Discuss this extract in relation to the rest of the text paying attention to structure, form and use of language.
Scene V, Blanche: "Come in"-"Ahhh Merciii" Discuss this extract in relation to the rest of the text paying attention to structure, form and use of language. The ending section of scene five of Tennessee Williams's play 'A Streetcar Named Desire' has provoked much confusion and debate as to the writer's motives in regards to the portrayal of Blanche. One school of thought on the matter is that, in spite of the fact that Williams largely based the character of Blanche upon himself his primary aim in the play is to punish her for her failure to show empathy towards her homosexual husband Allan. Williams was of course a homosexual himself, living in a largely homophobic world where gayness was not a talked about subject. He often brought the issue up in his other works such as 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' where the characters Brick and Skipper and both portrayed as possible homosexuals. Blanches lack of empathy and compassion are highlighted once again in this extract when she totally fails to take into account the feelings of a second young man, and instead uses him to live out her fantasies of desire for her late husband. During the exchange between Blanche and the young man she is portrayed as seductive and dominant "I want to kiss you" making it clear that she is the one initiating the situation, this is a dramatic contrast to her normal persona around other men such as Mitch
Assess the Usefulness of Official Crime Statistics to a Sociological Understanding of Crime
Assess the Usefulness of Official Crime Statistics to a Sociological Understanding of Crime The Government publishes official statistics on crime in Britain annually. The main source of these statistics are gathered from recorded crimes by the police and courts and through the British Crime Survey (BSC) which is a large-scale victim survey conducted annually by the Home Office. The combination of both of these statistics should provide a picture of the full extent of crime in Britain, however, sociologists believe there are a number of factors that influence these figures and that these official statistics do not reflect a true representation of crime in Britain today. We shall explore these factors and perspectives further to assess whether the official statistics do serve a purpose in the reporting of crime in Britain. From the functionalist perspective Emile Durkheim stated that deviance is a necessary part of all societies and that police and the courts are necessary to keep deviance in check and to protect social order. Durkheim argued that crime is an inevitable part of society and that all social change begins with some form of deviance and in order for change to occur, and that yesterday's deviance must become today's normality. That a limited amount of crime is necessary and beneficial to society and that society could not exist without some form of deviance and it
Efectos de la pobreza en individuales
Efectos: La pobreza causa diversos efectos en la sociedad, tanto a individuales como a la sociedad en grupo. La razon de esto es que cada accion de un individual afecta a otro y a otro, es como una cadena de efectos lo cual concluye en un problema de sociedad. No importa si alguien goza de una vida lujosa, ya que la pobreza siempre afectara a todos los seres de la poblacion ya sean ricos o pobres por igual. Efectos de la pobreza en individuales: Devido a la pobreza hay diversos efectos que danan la vida de los individuales, estos efectos son a largo plaso, ya que es muy dificil salir de la pobreza aunque hay gente que se ha logrado superar pero esta es la racion minima de la sociedad. Ya que las posibilidades de superacion son minimas en este pais. Ejemplos de estos efectos son: - La prostitucion. Esto pasa ya que las mujeres no encuentran major trabajo que usar su cuerpo, ya sea para alimentarse ella misma o alimentar a miembros de su familia. A la ves hay veses que la misma pobreza las pone en un mundo de maltratos donde hay personas que abusan de la situacion en las que ellas se encuentran y lo que hacen es insitarlas a la fuerza a que trabajen como prostitutes fuera de su voluntad. - Robo: debido a la falta de comida, y de otras nesesidades primarias, las personas roban y se convierten en delincuentes. A la misma ves pueden haber muchas causas diferentes que llevan a
Personal Responce to Hamlet
Essay One - Question 1 Personal response to Hamlet and its enduring power of Shakespeare's Characterization Shakespeare's characterization of the characters allows the exploration of ideals that are relevant to all human beings regards of context. In "Hamlet" Shakespeare uses the characterization of Hamlet to examine the human quest for answers about death, duty and the opposing forces of moral integrity and the need to avenge his father. This essay will bring characterization to the forefront in response to how it has shaped the play of "Hamlet". A great deal of characterization of Hamlet is presented through the use of soliloquies. In his soliloquies, Hamlet shows his true feelings of dejection and disillusionment. The soliloquy starts with a supposition, "O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, thaw, and resolve itself into a dew". Hamlet is clearly seen as an escapist as he wants to run away from his duties and responsibilities. Here, he again gives the audience the impression that he is aware of his flaw. His wish to commit suicide is expressed clearly, but he knows he can't do so as it goes against the laws of God. "That the Everlasting had not fixed his cannon 'gainst self-slaughter." Life has become a very futile exercise for him, where nothing seems to be holding his interest anymore. It has becomes very colorless and meaningless. We notice all this when he
Billy Elliot - Billys struggle against gender roles discussed.
Essay "Billy Elliot" Billy´s struggle against gender role restrictions for the opportunity to dance ballet is compared in the film with Jackie´s fight as a striker against his company. This happens on two narrative levels. To be more precise, the desperate fight of the miners that Billy´s father supports at the beginning, as well as he can, is displayed by the useless efforts to prevent Billy from developing into a good ballet dancer and becoming sophisticated. The industrial progress taking place in the depressed area and the cultural advance in Billy´s family cannot be prevented -neither by his father nor by anyone else as the end concluding scenes of the film shows. A scene demonstrating this parallel quite vividly is the (also) parallel sequence where Billy in a lesson works hard to improve his dancing on the one hand and the police defeat the striking workers in their own neighborhood on the other. Taking a look at Billy´s part in the film, I would even say that Billy does not only achieve a cultural education for himself, but he is the one who who makes culture and new working class values accessible to his family. For instance he does not only start to learn ballet, but he also shows an interest in the content described in famous stories such as "Swan Lake". He is the one who thinks differently. No one else in his family would have the courage to behave like
Biology CourseworkTo determine if the distribution of flora across Ellerbeck is due to chance. The valley containing Eller beck possesses a huge variety of different species of plant life, particular species are often found in specific places
Biology Coursework To determine if the distribution of flora across Ellerbeck is due to chance. The valley containing Eller beck possesses a huge variety of different species of plant life, particular species are often found in specific places across the valley, to find out why these particular plants grow in the particular places I mean to investigate where different species of plants are located and what the conditions in those particular places are, investigating the effects of several factors on the distribution of these different species across a specific area of the valley. I believe that the varied distribution of the different species investigated is directly related to, and can be explained by the differences in the factors I will be measuring, that certain plants will grow in certain places in the area because they are more suitably adapted, in whatever way to the conditions in that specific place. This is a rough diagram of Ellerbeck. I plan to perform my investigation using two information gathering techniques, after first establishing a straight line across the valley by taking a bearing using a compass from one point at the top of the South side of the valley and following that bearing down the valley, across the beck and up the other side whilst performing both a line transect and an interrupted belt transect. I also plan to perform an interrupted belt
Titration Lab Report
CHEMISTRY LAB Titration Curves of Strong and Weak Acids and Bases Processing the Data: Questions: . Examine the time data for each of the Trials 1-4. In which trial(s) did the indicator change color at about the same time as the large increase in pH occurred at the equivalence point? In which trial(s) was there a significant difference in these two times? In all the 4 trials, the time taken for color change and the time taken for a large increase in pH was the same, leaving no significant difference between the two values. 2. Phenolphthalein changes from clear to red at a pH value of about 9. According to your results, with which combination(s) of strong or weak acids and bases can phenolphthalein be used to determine the equivalence point? The combination of a Strong Acid and Base will give us the equivalence point: there will be a color change of phenolphthalein at pH 9. It is also observed that the reaction between a Weak Acid and Strong Base can be used to obtain a pH of 9. 3. On each of the four printed graphs, draw a horizontal line from a pH value of 9 on the vertical axis to its intersection with the titration curve. In which trial(s) does this line intersect the nearly vertical region of the curve? In which trial(s) does this line miss the nearly vertical region of the curve? For Trials 1 and 3, the horizontal line from pH 9 intersects the S curve. For
Has the creation of the Single European Market been a success?
Has the creation of the Single European Market been a success? The Single Market was contemplated in the Rome Treaty. It consisted of an eight-year programme to be completed between 1985 and 1992 and one of the main objectives was to eliminate barriers that existed to trade in the then European Community. Its completion was considered to be one of the most ambitious targets and one of the most enduring successes.1 The Single European Act provided the legal framework that made the attainment of the target of a Single European Market by 1992 a realist possibility, through a process of harmonisation for existing legislation. The mobility of capital, labour and goods and services became reality in simultaneous with the establishment of a new European trading block in which competition between countries and companies has increased. The key objectives of the Community are in the Rome Treaty. In this essay I will analyse whether or not the Single European Market has been a success, defining success as 'a favourable accomplishment'. The original plans for a Common Market as known in the Treaty of Rome, which emphasized the creation of a Common Market and Customs Union between the member states, meant the removal of tariffs and other obstacles to trade between the original Six and, as expressed through the Common External Tariff (CET), the adoption of a Common Trade Policy
Corruption-A fact of life in the indian society
Corruption: A fact of life in the Indian Society The consequences of corruption are well known. But, in India, these consequences are not well-realised. The public has not had an adequate realisation of the dangers of corruption. Corruption is Anti- national and Anti- economic development. We, as the inhabitants of this nation, have either given up hope of making our country less corrupt or, we have accepted corruption as a fact of life. It is not easy to define corruption. But in a narrow sense, corruption is mostly concerned with bribery and it takes several forms. Corruption has progressively increased and is now rampant in our society. Now, corruption is not only confined to politicians or the government alone. The fact is that most of the Indians are involved in corrupt practices in one way or the other, either due to greed or due to so called compulsion. There are not many causes of corruption. But amidst these few causes, there is one main cause. That one main cause is us, the people of India. Just so that our work becomes easy and fast going, we pay bribes and make sure our wanted work is done. The main cause is growing competition in this growing country. As the country grows, so does the corruption and blocks the growth. This is one of the reasons for India still being a less economically developed country. From small time clerks to the high profile politicians,
The Weakness of the Directory was the main reasons for Napoleons rise to Power. How far do you agree?
The Weakness of the Directory was the main reasons for Napoleon's rise to Power. How far do you agree? On 10th November 1799 the Coup of Brumaire brought about a leader who would bring France's power to the forefront of Europe, a nation feared by all others. The coup was the final of a series of coups between 1797 and 1799. This shows that the Directory was extremely weak which caused Napoleon to rise to power, however there were other reasons as well, such as Napoleon's political connections, his success in wars and his own personal strengths, and the opportunities he creates for himself. The revolution in France was by no means a quick process, taking over ten years before stability was finally regained and Napoleon came to power. During the ten years there were many different types of government all with different ideas, however not one of the governments really affected the peasants, thus the people of France became fed up. Fed up of paying taxes to sort out the massive financial chaos, fed up of paying for pointless wars and so people just didn't care enough to stop Napoleon rising to power, despite warnings about him from Benjamin Constant, who believed he was to self-centred, which through policies in the Napoleonic Code actually turn out to be true. The revolution also created a whole in the army due to many of the military generals who were loyal to the king,