A famous Person - Simone de Beauvoir
A famous person - Simone de Beauvoir Né au début du vingtième siècle, Simone de Beauvoir est célèbre pour avoir été une féministe militante. Son oeuvre romanesque, autobiographique et critique souligne sa pensée en tant que femme, philosophe et féministe. Fille d'une mère Catholique qui avait déjà passé des années au couvent, et d'un père très conservateur, raciste, et antirépublicain, elle raconte son enfance dans la première volume de son oeuvre autobiographique, Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée. Rejetant la pensée traditionnelle, Simone de Beauvoir se lie avec Jean-Paul Sartre, alors étudiant à l'ENS (l'École Normale Supérieur), l'une des plus prestigieuses grandes écoles françaises. Ils ne s'arrêteront de se rapprocher, et deviendront amants. Ils partagent même une place à Paris, la place de Jean-Paul Sartre et Simone de Beauvoir, non loin de St-Germain-des-Près. Sartre ne sera pas son seul ou dernier amant ; à Chicago, elle rencontra Algren, avec qui elle rompra et qui va la rejoindre un jour sur Paris. Son oeuvre littéraire est impressionnant. Des romans, articles, manifestes (notamment celui des femmes qui auraient subi des avortements illégaux (tout avortement étant illégal jusqu'en dix-neuf-cent soixante-dix-neuf), en en plus des préface à d'autres œuvres notables, y compris le roman autobiographique La Bâtarde, de
Explain how economists model how an increase in government expenditure can lead to a greater increase in national income.
Explain how economists model how an increase in government expenditure can lead to a greater increase in national income. Ans. National income is the total amount of wealth that accrues to the permanent residents of a country as a result of the production of goods and services within a country during the course of a year. It is important to measure national income because it shows whether the standard of living in a country is rising or falling and it can be used as a means of comparison between other countries. It is also useful to measure income against past income in the same country to see whether the economy is growing or declining. An increase in government expenditure is an injection in the circular flow on income. An injection is an addition to the circular flow of income. The diagram above illustrates some of the injections and leakages in the economy. It is however very important to find out exactly what will be the effect on the economy from an increase in injections. Economists do this by calculating the multiplier effect of the increase in the government expenditure on the economy. The multiplier indicates how many times that the injection of original spending circulates through a local economy. As a result of re-spending, it benefits the local people. The formula for calculating the multiplier effect is 1/(1-MPC). When there is an increase in the
Experiment to investigate the effect of different antibiotics on the bacteria Bacillus subtilis:
Experiment to investigate the effect of different antibiotics on the bacteria Bacillus subtilis: Aim: To see which antibiotic (Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin, Fusidic Acid, Oxacillin, Novobiocin, Penicillin, Streptomyan and Tetracycline) reacting with the Bacillus subtilis has the largest zone of inhibition in mm (+/- 0.5mm) and so which has the biggest effect on the bacteria. Introduction: Gram -positive bacteria are bacteria that are dark blue or violet when gram staining. Gram-positive organisms are able to keep the crystal violet stain because of a high amount of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. This makes up about 90% of the thick, more than 20 layers of peptidoglycan together. Gram-positive organisms normally do not have the outer membrane, whereas Gram-negative organisms do. Gram-positive bacteria include many well -known genera like Streptococcus and Bacillus. Most pathogenic bacteria in humans are Gram-positive organisms and these are used to manufacture antibiotics. Bacillus subtilis, also known as the hay bacillus or grass bacillus is a Gram- positive bacterium, which is mostly found in soil. Bacillus subtilis is not a human pathogen and it can contaminate food but rarely causes food poisoning. Bacillus subtilis spores can survive the extreme heat during cooking and Bacillus subtilis is responsible for causing a sticky, stringy consistency in spoiled bread
Factors that affect learning for different individuals. The factors that currently influence my learning do have a strong impact; my chosen lifestyle means that I need to be employed and work a minimum of sixteen hours per week in order to pay the bills.
Task 2: Factors that influence learning vary between individuals, so factors that affect me may not necessarily affect others. David Kolb observed that "personal habits and routines, beliefs, cultural customs, values, motivation and career aspirations are all influences because they can affect attitudes to study and its priority over other demands on an individual, such as home life or work." (B. Stretch, M. Whitehouse. BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care Book 1: 279) The following diagram shows a range of influences that affect learning. The factors which are identified in the diagram that have the most impact on my learning are: time, friends, aspirations, employment, lifestyle and motivation. Some of these factors influence me negatively and some positively; although I have found that with experience and change in my surrounding environment that these factors differ. I have also found that with experience I have developed ways to overcome the barriers that influence my learning. The factors that currently influence my learning do have a strong impact; my chosen lifestyle means that I need to be employed and work a minimum of sixteen hours per week in order to pay the bills. The time that I spend at work means I have limited time to complete any college work so therefore I need to be motivated continuously to attend college, work and complete assignments. Not only
The Importance of Being Earnest - 'We live, as I hope you know, Mr Worthing, in an age of ideals' what are these ideals in the context of the play in Act One, and how does Wilde present them to the audience?
'We live, as I hope you know, Mr Worthing, in an age of ideals' what are these ideals in the context of the play in Act One, and how does Wilde present them to the audience? In 'The Importance of Being Earnest', ideals are a dominant theme, and to that end are critical in determining the actions of the characters. Wilde is typically subtle in his presentation of these ideals, and consequently many of them come to be used as a means for satirising the society depicted. It is important to establish from the outset that Wilde's presentation of ideals utilizes the different characters as bastions for the various ideals, and in doing that subjects them to scrutiny when ridiculing their respective characterizations. One of the most important ideals presented is fittingly one of the first to become apparent; that being the division of the classes and the social status that they entail. On line 1 of the play, Algernon asks Lane, after playing the piano in the adjoining room: 'Did you hear what I was playing. Lane?' Lane's response: 'I didn't think it polite to listen, sir' is indicative of various aspects of his position. Firstly, his butlership requires that he should abstain from partaking in any activity considered to be distracting to his duties, of which listening to the piano would be one. Secondly, his position in society, that of one of the lower classes, demands utter
Why was the Weimar Republic so unpopular with many Germans between 1919 and 1923?
Why was the Weimar Republic so unpopular with many Germans between 1919 and 1923? After The War a new type of government was set up in Germany. This was the Weimar Republic. Between 1919 and 1923 it had to deal with many problems. 1919 saw the Spartacist Rebellion and the new government was forced to agree to the unpopular Treaty of Versailles. In 1920 the Kapp Putsch succeeded in taking over the government for a while. In 1921 Germany began to pay reparations and inflation began to get out of control. Two years later France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr and the hyperinflation was now out of control. The NSDAP, led by Adolf Hitler and General Ludendorff, tried to take over the government at this time. This bad start had three main causes. The First reason why the Weimar Republic started badly was that there were political problems. Some people were very upset that the Kaiser had been forced to leave. This was a politically a bad start because it showed that some people would have preferred to have had the previous political system. The communists disliked the new republic because not much would change. The workers would still be poor and the rich would still be rich. They wanted the workers to have power. This contributed to the Weimar Republic's early unpopularity because there are a group of people (the communists) who know that they will not agree with the key policies
paper cones investigation
Investigation Report Aim Theory When an object is dropped in air, it accelerates. If it is allowed to drop far enough then it can reach its terminal velocity. This is the maximum velocity of the object during its fall and occurs when the upward force of air resistance acting on the object equals the weight of the object. So at terminal velocity... (P.31, Complete Physics, 1999, Pople, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-914734-5) (P.33, Physics 1, 2000, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-78718-1) Looking for a formula for air resistance... F = force of air resistance ? = density of air = 1.2kgm-3 c = coefficient of drag for the object / dimensionless A = cross-sectional area of object hitting the air / m2 v = velocity of the object / ms-1 (http://damonrinard.com/aero/formulas.htm) Looking for a formula for the weight of an object... W = m.g W = weight / N m = mass / kg g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81Nkg-1 (P.55, Physics, 1991, Robert Hutchings, Nelson, ISBN 0-17-438510-2) So putting these formulae together... From the Physics AS course, v = velocity x = displacement t = time so References to the specification Forces and Motion 2821 Forces, Fields and Energy 2824 Aim of your investigation The aim of this work is to investigate the relationship between the time taken for a paper cone to fall and the mass of the cone. Variables
Describe the expected stage of social development of children aged 4 years. Describe ONE suitable method of observing and recording the social development of children aged 5 years.
. Describe the expected stage of social development of: * Children aged 4 years. D1. Most of the children aged 4 years likes to: * Play in groups with other children * Takes turns and shares (most of the time) e.g. when using drawing crayons * Wants explanations of why? And how? When engaged in conversation * Enjoys role play and acting out e.g. super hero * Likes to talk, carries on with conversation * Changes the rule of a game as he/she goes along * Demands for things e.g. for a certain toy * Plays more imaginary, acting out like a mother * Children aged 5 years. D2. Most children aged 5 years will: * Now choose their friends e.g. has certain friends they like to play with * Takes turns, shares (sometimes) e.g. when drawing and sharing pencil crayons * Enjoys co-operative activities and also group play * Says please and thank you when offered something to eat or drink * Shows kindness to other children, inviting them to play and being helpful * Resolves conflicts before seeking adult help * Carries on with conversation with adults and children * Seeks adult approval 2. Consider how and why practitioners observe children in the setting: * Describe ONE suitable method of observing and recording the social development of children aged 5 years. D3. Written Narrative - Naturalistic. This method is used when what is seen and heard are happening
Wilfred Owen's Anthem for Doomed Youth and Siegfried Sassoon's Attack - Explore the ways in which Sassoon's and Owen's words convey powerful feelings about the First World War in these two poems.
Wilfred Owen's Anthem for Doomed Youth and Siegfried Sassoon's Attack Explore the ways in which Sassoon's and Owen's words convey powerful feelings about the First World War in these two poems. Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon are seen as the two greatest British First World War poets. 'Attack' and 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' attempt to dissuade young men to go to war and to stop them from 'dying as cattle' on the front. These views were not conventional. The British Government and the people on the Home Front were urging people to go to war and said it was 'a noble thing to die for your country. In these poems and many of their other poems Owen and Sassoon redefine war, from being a noble thing to die for you country to the poets mocking the war and describing the brutal reality of trenches and the Western Front. Therefore it is a very controversial poem. Sassoon used his powerful poetic voice to shock Britons and warmongers. His poems savaged the smug cruelty of the generals who sacrificed hundreds of lives of innocent soldiers and told people about the reality of the Great War. Owen had the same views on the war but his work had not yet been published but when he met Sassoon at Craig Lockhart Hospital during the war Sassoon noticed his talent as a poet and it was there that Owen was most inspired writing poems such as 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'. Wilfred Owen's 'Anthem
Blues Music
Blues Music Blues Music began as songs sung by black slaves in the mid - 19th century in the Southern United states. It has taken elements from African, European and American folk music. After the Civil War and emancipation the Blues spread, together with the species that sang and played it, from the cotton fields of the southern states to northern cities such as Chicago and Detroit, where the music became hugely popular. The notes in the blues scale are very dissonant. This may be because the black slaves were in misery working all day, and the scale represents their feelings. In the scale of C, the notes in the blues scale are: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is the chord sequence in 12-bar blues music. It is still sometimes heard in popular music today. Chord of Chord of Chord of Chord Bars 1 - 4 C C C C Bars 5 - 8 F F C C Bars 9 - 12 G F C C Blues music has many characteristics in its melody that makes it typical to the style. It often rolls between 2 notes, and sometimes there is a glissando, which is sliding from one note to another. Blues music may also