Art from the ocean

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 “Art from the Ocean” by Ben Lawson

The highly-intricate and exceptional piece displayed above portrays the universal theme of ocean life. This theme is clearly identified instantly by the subject matter consisting of an extravagant octopus grasping onto a pole-shaped object. I believe this finely drawn creature has been placed upon the pages of an ancient, slightly torn encyclopaedia to represent the classification of organisms and to create an antique atmosphere. His artwork addresses fundamental scientific concepts of classification and I believe he is attempting to portray how an organism of this beauty and intricacy cannot be described purely in a scientific manner. Mere words fail to create a realistic picture of the species. I believe Ben Lawson either relied upon direct observation or a visual source to create the detailed masterpiece. His imagination also contributed to the piece by allowing character and movement into the creature. The subject matter is treated extremely realistically with even minor details creating shading, lighting and complexity. The content of his piece can easily be deciphered within minutes of viewing but the meaning relies upon an extended amount of thought and contemplation. His intention was to obscure the encyclopaedia page with the image to cause the meaning of classification to be more difficult to interpret. Ben Lawson has drawn life into the creature to create movement and a sense of action. I believe this again represents the complexity of the organism.

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Ben Lawson created this illustration with the idea of scientific concepts and classification constantly on his mind. I believe the design with the sketch created upon the aging encyclopaedia relates to and describes the content successfully. Lawson solely used black ink pen to create his ocean creature and to be harmonious with the black olden lettering used on the background. The black creates bold, vivid shapes and lines to incorporate essential detail into the octopus. Also, the black pen dominates the piece and attracts attention immediately with its fine detail and boldness. Lawson’s illustration consists of one organic form portraying ...

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