Discuss the typical characteristics of impressionism with reference to a range of works.

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The birth of the Impressionist movement came about with the certain scientific discoveries such as the camera.  It brought science and art together to produce a number of quality paintings.  It inspired artists to express their true view of what became more experimental and to express there true view of what they thought art should be.

In the 1860s a great deal of interest was aroused by scientific developments the results of which were published in journals.  One of the major discoveries for the Impressionists was the optical research on the constitution of colour and light.  The development of the prism and the discovery that white light is made up of the whole spectrum of colours was crucial for the development of modern art.  It implied that white light could be broken up into constituent colours. This encouraged the artists to try out different approaches and techniques and to express their true view of what art should be.

The camera also influenced the evolution of art. It made artists question the nature of representation and their intentions when recording from life.  It also could produce an image without much effort.  This dissuaded some artists from continuing painting and instead to pursue a career based on photography.  It encouraged those who continued painting to be more creative and to use different colour techniques.  One of the theories put forward by placing colours side by side so that they influenced each other.  By placing red and yellow side by side, from a distance, the colours seem to merge together creating the colour orange.  Chevraul was the man associated with these colour theories.  Another of his discoveries was revolutionary art theories was that shadows were not necessarily black or brown, they could be blues, greens, purples or other hues.

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Although these discoveries did influence art, and help start the movement of impressionism, not all artists painted using the same technical terms.  

The Impressionist movement was an evolution of what Coubert started the artist who bridged Coubert and the development of impressionism was Eduard Manet.  He was a French painter whose work inspired the impressionist style by his use of simple colour areas and his brush technique.

His studied in Paris and was taught by the academic French painter Thomas Cauture.  He also visited Germany, Italy and the Netherlands to study the paintings of old masters.


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