BTEC National Business                Mitesh Parmar

Unit 1 – Introduction To Business                Mr. Dankwah


(c) Set out the main points of the contribution of five key different functional activities carried out in a selected business organisation towards its strategic aims and objectives.

Human Resources

        Human Resources will be in charge of employing all new staff that the business need. However in order for this to work, Human Resources need to know what kind of staff they need how many. HR will also go through all the applications of the applicants; this will happen so they can narrow the amount of people to be interviewed down. They will narrow it down by seeing if the person can offer what the company requires.

For Tesco’s this will be good communication skills, working with others and working alone, this is because Tesco want to know if the employee will be able to offer “customer service” at the standard of Tesco. If the employees do this then they will be able to achieve their aims and objectives of the business as they are “to treat all customers how they wanted to be treated” and to “try harder for customers then anyone else”.


        Marketing makes the audience aware that there is a specific product out there. However in order to market the product, the department have to know how much it is going to cost, how much it will roughly cost them, what size, colour and design will take form before marketing the product itself.

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        Marketing will be via Radio, Television, Newspapers, Flyers, and Billboards etc. as these are the main forms of marketing a product.

        Tesco will Market via television and radio. They will put the adverts on television during times when many audiences would be watching, e.g. during the breaks of a Saturday night show. Tesco would put adverts on radio during rush hour time on the most listened to radio station to get more audiences. However the unique thing about the Tesco adverts is that they will give offers on products. By Tesco showing their products to the public via marketing ...

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