Describing Businesses
McDonalds are one of the biggest restaurants and franchise in the world, because of its hamburgers. McDonald's is the leading global foodservice retailer. A franchise is that a business name can be sold to a company or an individual. The franchisees often pay a fee so that he can get the decorations from the large business. However the franchisee can only sell the franchisor's products. Purpose The purpose of McDonalds is to make a big profit of course, but McDonalds wants to provide food services all over the world. Size and Scale There are more than 31 000 local restaurant in the world. So McDonalds has more than 400 000 employees so it is a large business. ( Ownership McDonalds are independently owned and operated. It's a franchise which means you basically buy the name, brand, and make money off of it. Barry's Butcher And Dhillon Supermarket are being run by 2 people so it's a partnership A partnerships is between two and twenty people of course this business is only being run by two people, so it's a partnership. Before when two people setting up a business together they are drawing a deed of partnership. A deed of partnership is to protect both of the partners from debts so they are having their own agreements to prevent from this happening. So if one partner runs a big debt his partner can be asked to pay it off.
Aims & Objectives of a business
AO1 Unit 1 Business Aims Aims & Objectives of a Business When a new business starts up, they have a number of aims and objectives to look up to as a goal of the new business. An aim is when the business has set up some goals to achieve; it is a statement of purpose, meaning the aims are made for the business for a reason, e.g. we want to get £3200 from the next profit share etc Business Objectives are a clear view of targets which have been set out by the business. The business then plans out how to achieve these targets/aims by a number of ways to suit the targets, so then can be achieved to help the business stand. The Objectives are broken down so that they are easier to achieve. The objectives help measure the progress towards its aims. E.g. of common business aims, * To make profit * To increase market share * To provide services * To improve the quality of a product or service To Make Profit One of the most important objectives of a business is to make profit. Without profit, a business is unable to do all the things a business wants to in order to continue being successful, for example, without profit, the business can't keep its shareholders happy, it can't pay higher wages to its employees, it can't invest in better technology to improve its products and so on. A company that does not make profit will find it difficult to reinvest money into research
NVQ level 2 unit 2 Business Administration. Worksheet on Principles of providing administrative services
Business and Administration Unit two: Principles of providing administrative services Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. . The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk 2. Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly 3. When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference 4. Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 9 pages and is made up of 9 Sections. ________________ Name: ________________ Section 1 – Understand how to make and receive telephone calls . Complete the table below with descriptions of at least two different features of a telephone system and how / when they would be used. Feature How / when used 1. Answer phone Allowing customers/clients to leave messages when lines are busy or office is closed. 2. computer telephony integration When a call is answered the staff can read through scripts and get prompts on what information is needed. 2. Prepare a brief report advising people on: . How to follow organisational procedures when making and receiving telephone calls 2. The purpose of giving a positive image
Functional Areas of NHS and Tesco
FUNCTIONAL AREAS Most businesses consist of a number of different departments, each of which has a specific job or task to do - these are called 'functions'. Tesco With 270,000 employees and a net income of 2.13 Billion Tesco is one of the biggest food retail shops around. As well as being one of the biggest it has many functional areas which include: * Human resources o Human resources are a vital part in any business. Especially in Tesco. They are used in the store and out. Some of the things that Tesco use "HR" is: * Absenteeism - If anyone is absent you need to be able to contact Tesco so that they can arrange for someone else to do your shift. * Disciplinary Procedures - If a member of staff is naughty/aggressive etc then they need a procedure in which the employee can be punished. * Grievance Procedures - Arrangements or procedures for dealing with grievances, such as complaints about bullying, harassment or discrimination; or appeals against. * Teams - Tesco have many different teams as they have many departments in-store. This would be a good way of structuring something as then not everyone is in the same pile. It's a lot easier to manage. * Job Descriptions - Everyone who works needs to know their job descriptions. People at HR can tell employee's this and can tell new recruits everything they need to start working. * Recruitment - If a job
Ownership, Aims and Objectives. In this assignment I have been asked to research a variety of companies and put them into three main areas of ownership. These are: the private sector, the public sector and the charity and voluntary organisation sector.
OWNERSHIP, AIMS & OBJECTIVES Introduction In this assignment I have been asked to research a variety of companies and put them into three main areas of ownership. These are: the private sector, the public sector and the charity and voluntary organisation sector. Within the private sector there are six more types of ownership, these are: * Sole Trader * Partnership * Franchise * Co-operative * Private Limited Company * Public Limited Company Saddleworth Museum The Saddleworth museum is a small business as it operates at maximum across a single town. Saddleworth museum is in the public sector. The purpose of Saddleworth museum is to provide entertainment and education about the local history. The service is provided for local people and tourists that may be interested in the subject. The main objective of the business is to make a minimal profit which can help the business run for longer so it can still inform the public about local history. Break even means that the company makes no profit, whilst not being in debt (or usually just 'breaking' out of debt). If the business made a profit it would probably use it to keep the museum running or hold an event, maybe even give it to a charity. It may develop the parts of the museum that are struggling, or buy maintenance. Employees are all volunteers and probably do not get paid. The type of people that would be suited for
Price as one of the 4 P's.
Task 12: Price Price is another one of the 4P's which is very important in marketing as most people cannot afford to buy anything no matter what the price is instead people's decision on buying a product is usually if the price right and if they can afford it. For price businesses use different types of strategies to price their products, incorrect pricing leads to costumers not buying their products therefore will loose income and turn bankrupt if a sol trader like I am. Price has always been a very important factor in the marketing mix but it's even more vital in today's competitive environment when businesses have to compete ruthlessly with their competitors. There are many factors that affect the price a business might charge. A business usually will look at its competitor's prices and see what they are charging then they can price their according. Also for a new business like mine I'm going to keep in mind that I am a new company without a reputation so I must have low prices other wise consumers will prefer to go to a well known brand so I have to try and get consumers attention. Other factors include looking at supply and demand once they research this they have to choose their strategies depending on the time and product. There are seven main strategies I will be looking at and comparing which one is best for my business and when. Penetration pricing: This is when
Tesco Stakeholders
What are Stakeholders? Stake holders are a certain group of people that have an interest in a business. Each group have their own interests in the business. Tesco has many stakeholders. They are as follows: * Shareholders * Customers * Employees * Government * Local Community * Suppliers * Financers * Pressure Groups Now I will explain what interests each group has: Customers. Generally a customer wants quality goods at a low cost. They would also want a variety of products to choose from. All customers want these things and by Tesco providing them Tesco will attract more customers because of people talking about it (Word-Of-Mouth). Tesco like most business' need their customers because they are the business' income as the customers are the people who buy Tesco's products. The customers are a bit like a pressure group because they apply pressure to Tesco to meet their needs. Meeting the customer's needs can be things such as expanding their stores or giving more variety on certain products. Tesco have feedback forms in their stores which allow customers to communicate with Tesco and tell how stores can be improved. This makes Tesco a more competitive supermarket. The comments Tesco will receive on their feedback forms will have a great influence on Tesco making them improve their stores to suit the customer needs. I think that the customer's comments have
aims and objectives of sainsburys and oxfam
Introduction In this report I will be writing about both Oxfam and Sainsbury's .I will also be writing about Sainsbury's aims and there business objectives. A business aim is what the business is aiming for and a business objective is how they are going to achieve there aims. Business objectives should always be SMART. This stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable and Time bound. Sainsbury's Sainsbury's is a plc (public limited company) all businesses that are public limited company are the largest type of business. Another example of a public limited company is ASDA. Businesses are split into three types of sectors primary, secondary and tertiary Sainsbury's is in the tertiary sector. The tertiary sector provides a service buy selling food and products. The tertiary sector buys goods from the secondary sector. Oxfam Oxfam's is a charity it is in the voluntary sector. Oxfam is also in the tertiary sector however; instead of just selling products, it also provides a service to other charities. It does this buy selling cloths at a very cheap price. Oxfam's purpose is not to make a profit. Its purpose is to earn money for charities so they can make the world a better place. This means that instead of keeping the money they earn for them selves they donate it to various charities. Additionally if Oxfam does not keep the money they earn they cannot afford to pay
Do you think it is a good idea for companies to use corporate social investment to promote their corporate image?
Altered Attitudes cc . "Companies used to find it bad taste to gloat about their generosity but now realise that they can use their good work to promote their corporate image." Do you think it is a good idea for companies to use corporate social investment to promote their corporate image? Yes, companies become aware of the impact of their activities on all of their stakeholders and express their commitment to contributing to sustainable economic growth, while also improving the quality of life of their employees and their families, of the community where they conduct their business and of society at large. The idea is to develop all three dimensions of a company, which generates long-term value and contributes significantly to obtaining long-lasting competitive advantages. It's ability to provide effective customer care. This corporate identity forms the basis for all the relationships it establishes through its financial and commercial activity, the execution of its social actions and the day-to-day expression of its corporate 2. What is meant by "corporate citizenship"? Corporate citizenship is a term used to describe a company's role in, or responsibilities towards society. For this reason it is sometimes used interchangeably with corporate social responsibility, and in fact many companies including Microsoft, IBM and Novartis have used it in this way to describe
Types of businesses - Marks and Spencer is a (PLC) Public Limited Company.
Task 2- Types of businesses Marks and Spencer is a (PLC) Public Limited Company, it offers its shares to the general public, often through the Stock Exchange. It is the share prices of these types of companies that are displayed in the daily press. Most of the larger companies are public limited companies, so they keep Household names like Marks and Spencer. The first owner of Marks and Spencer was Michael Marks; he started the company as a sole trader until 1894 Michael formed a partnership with Tom Spencer, a former wholesale company IJ Dewhirst, from the partnership the company started to expand. Tom Spencer died on 25 July 1905 and after 2 years Michael Marks died on 31 December 1907. It was then time for the owners today at that time to advance the success of the two founders. In 1926, Marks and Spencer became a public company and 2 years later the St Michael Trade Mark was registered. Through out the years Marks and Spencer has been expanding till today. Food departments have been opened such as café bars during these several years and many other methods have been used through out the years. Overall, we can see that growing the organization Marks and Spencer was done by four steps, firstly starting as a Sole trader, where Michael had to invest his own money and had to take risks. He had to carry out all the functions of the business. For Michael Marks this meant