NVQ level 2 unit 2 Business Administration. Worksheet on Principles of providing administrative services
Business and Administration Unit two: Principles of providing administrative services Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. . The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk 2. Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly 3. When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference 4. Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 9 pages and is made up of 9 Sections. ________________ Name: ________________ Section 1 – Understand how to make and receive telephone calls . Complete the table below with descriptions of at least two different features of a telephone system and how / when they would be used. Feature How / when used 1. Answer phone Allowing customers/clients to leave messages when lines are busy or office is closed. 2. computer telephony integration When a call is answered the staff can read through scripts and get prompts on what information is needed. 2. Prepare a brief report advising people on: . How to follow organisational procedures when making and receiving telephone calls 2. The purpose of giving a positive image
Price as one of the 4 P's.
Task 12: Price Price is another one of the 4P's which is very important in marketing as most people cannot afford to buy anything no matter what the price is instead people's decision on buying a product is usually if the price right and if they can afford it. For price businesses use different types of strategies to price their products, incorrect pricing leads to costumers not buying their products therefore will loose income and turn bankrupt if a sol trader like I am. Price has always been a very important factor in the marketing mix but it's even more vital in today's competitive environment when businesses have to compete ruthlessly with their competitors. There are many factors that affect the price a business might charge. A business usually will look at its competitor's prices and see what they are charging then they can price their according. Also for a new business like mine I'm going to keep in mind that I am a new company without a reputation so I must have low prices other wise consumers will prefer to go to a well known brand so I have to try and get consumers attention. Other factors include looking at supply and demand once they research this they have to choose their strategies depending on the time and product. There are seven main strategies I will be looking at and comparing which one is best for my business and when. Penetration pricing: This is when
In this piece of coursework I will talk about the activities that Jaguar Cars currently has in place so that they achieve their aims and objectives.
Activities at Jaguar There are many activities that jaguar can undertake to insure that they meet their aims and objectives. Activities are specific things that jaguar are doing and can do so they meet their aims and objectives a lot quicker. In this piece of coursework I will talk about the activities that jaguar currently has in place so that they achieve their aims and objectives. The first aim that jaguar has it so meet production targets. There are many ways in which jaguar can ensure that they meet this aim. The first thing that they can do is to continuously update their lantern board. The lantern board is where all the information about the cars to produce is put up and the targets for the day are put up. There are many advantages for this. The first advantage that this has is that it makes the employee's job easier as it shows them what they need to achieve by the end of the day, by doing this it means that the production line will be continuous because all the employees will be doing the jobs that is required of them. If the production line is continuous it will lead to customer satisfaction as they will be getting their cars on time. The second advantage of having the lantern board up is that it keeps the employees motivated, the way in which it keeps them motivated is because it shows them a clear list of what they need to do, and this will make them
Tesco Stakeholders
What are Stakeholders? Stake holders are a certain group of people that have an interest in a business. Each group have their own interests in the business. Tesco has many stakeholders. They are as follows: * Shareholders * Customers * Employees * Government * Local Community * Suppliers * Financers * Pressure Groups Now I will explain what interests each group has: Customers. Generally a customer wants quality goods at a low cost. They would also want a variety of products to choose from. All customers want these things and by Tesco providing them Tesco will attract more customers because of people talking about it (Word-Of-Mouth). Tesco like most business' need their customers because they are the business' income as the customers are the people who buy Tesco's products. The customers are a bit like a pressure group because they apply pressure to Tesco to meet their needs. Meeting the customer's needs can be things such as expanding their stores or giving more variety on certain products. Tesco have feedback forms in their stores which allow customers to communicate with Tesco and tell how stores can be improved. This makes Tesco a more competitive supermarket. The comments Tesco will receive on their feedback forms will have a great influence on Tesco making them improve their stores to suit the customer needs. I think that the customer's comments have
Types of businesses - Marks and Spencer is a (PLC) Public Limited Company.
Task 2- Types of businesses Marks and Spencer is a (PLC) Public Limited Company, it offers its shares to the general public, often through the Stock Exchange. It is the share prices of these types of companies that are displayed in the daily press. Most of the larger companies are public limited companies, so they keep Household names like Marks and Spencer. The first owner of Marks and Spencer was Michael Marks; he started the company as a sole trader until 1894 Michael formed a partnership with Tom Spencer, a former wholesale company IJ Dewhirst, from the partnership the company started to expand. Tom Spencer died on 25 July 1905 and after 2 years Michael Marks died on 31 December 1907. It was then time for the owners today at that time to advance the success of the two founders. In 1926, Marks and Spencer became a public company and 2 years later the St Michael Trade Mark was registered. Through out the years Marks and Spencer has been expanding till today. Food departments have been opened such as café bars during these several years and many other methods have been used through out the years. Overall, we can see that growing the organization Marks and Spencer was done by four steps, firstly starting as a Sole trader, where Michael had to invest his own money and had to take risks. He had to carry out all the functions of the business. For Michael Marks this meant
functional areas in oxfam and sainsburys
In this assignment, I will be writing about the different departments in Oxfam and Sainsbury's. SAINSBURY'S One of Sainsbury's main functional areas is distribution. They ensure goods are delivered in the right place, at the right time and in the right condition. Distribution is also involves arranging for goods to be cost effective. * Planning vehicle routes to avoid back tracking. This keeps fuel costs down and saves time. * Making sure that goods are stored appropriately before they are delivered. * Checking if deliveries match the order. Human recourses The human resources of business are its employees. HR is responsible for employing knew staff and making sure each vacancy is filled. * Advertising job vacancies. * Maintaining staff records. * Advertising promotional opportunities. * Checking health and safety and keeping accident records. Finance In nearly all organisations the most important functional area is the finance department. Sainsbury finance staff support the accountants by keeping financial records. * Record money received * Checking and paying invoices received. * Preparing the pay roll and paying the staff salaries * Issuing regular budget reports to all the departments. Customer service Customer service is also a main functional area in Sainsbury's. This part of Sainsbury's handles complaints positively and professionally. They also: *