Business Costs

In a business there are three different types of business costs these costs are:

Direct & Indirect

Direct costs are expenses that can be attributed making a particular product such costs include factory labour, raw materials and operating machinery.

Indirect costs are the general overheads of running a business for example; salaries, telephone bills and rent. Firms that make more than one product will want each one to earn enough sales revenue to cover its direct costs and make a contribution to indirect costs. If all the products together make enough contribution then the business will make a profit.
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Fixed & Variable

Fixed costs are costs which do not vary. They are mostly indirect costs - Management salaries, telephone bills and office rent. They have to be paid even if the firm produces nothing.

Variable costs are costs that cab change every time a bill etc... must be paid, these are mostly direct costs such as factory labour, raw material etc...Some costs are semi variable, they only vary slightly because they have a large fixed element, for example workers wages - most people receive a basic salaries and only part of their pay is linked ...

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The spelling and grammar were fine. The layout and font were good, as they looked professionally done. This essay has received five stars, for answering the question perfectly.

The analysis for this question is minimal as it was only a state and explain question, and there is no room for any analysis to be brought in. The standard of the answer was brilliant, so even if you want to just understand costs I would recommend reading the essay. The author improves the standard of the essay by also including how the cost concepts he/she explained relate to real life with examples and their own business. Examples are very good for business studies essays as they show wider reading and understanding.

The author answers the question about costs very well, as he/she sets out a section for each cost and describes each very well. The author improves their response by giving examples, which make it easier for the marker to understand what they are talking about.