Change Management and Leadership

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Change Management and Leadership

Executive Summary

A good leader realizes that things will change. Change is inevitable for a company’s growth. Without change a company cannot grow or compete with the competition. Affective change management is controlled by the success of its leader. A leader must consider options and alternatives that will benefit the company and it’s employees.


Many companies deal with change by informing employees as the change occurs. While other companies do not provide information until the day of the change. There are positive as well as negative results from different styles of leadership when dealing with change in the workplace. A good leader possesses the skills to conform to their employees. Some good leadership styles to take into consideration include: charismatic, instrumental, and missionary leadership. Although, all leadership styles depend on the situation and the employees that it will effect.


Impact of Change Management

As Gill Roger states, “[…] change must be well managed - it must be planned, organized, directed and controlled - it also requires effective leadership to introduce change successfully: it is leadership that makes the difference.” Without a good leadership role in place, change will result in a bad outcome. Most change occurs from problems or opportunities that are presented to the CEO or higher management. Although leaders aren’t always the CEO, they can be the manager, or a spokesperson that has the ability to make changes that will benefit all that is involved. Although changes are not always surprising, a Leader needs to be ready for change at any time. As change occurs a leader needs to be capable of giving the employees direction and a goal to work toward. Management also needs to take the employee’s views into consideration when making decisions in regard to the change in the workplace. Employees are the key to a successful company.

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Good Management Techniques

Companies publish their values or mission statements in an attempt to structure a specific culture. A company establishing the culture and values of the office is a way of keeping the company uniformed – everyone working toward the same goal. By teaching the values the company wants to emphasize, the company will grow in the way the leader wants it to.

Management and leaders also need to take the employee’s values into effect when promoting change. If a leader is aware of the resistance that may occur with an employee, they can adjust their own behavior ...

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