"Do you think the annual 'Great Singapore Sale' should be retained or done away with?"

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Name: Marissa Sim (23)                Class: S2/08                Teacher: Mrs. Louisa Yue

Personal Exposition – Draft 2

“Do you think the annual ‘Great Singapore Sale’ should be retained or done away with?”

Walk down Orchard Road any time from May till early July this year, and people lugging numerous hefty parcels around will not be an uncommon sight. Most shops and department stores would have posters and signs hanging prominently from the shop windows, announcing large discounts and amazing offers. From teenagers to the elderly, majority would welcome the annual Great Singapore Sale (GSS) and look forward to snapping up huge bargains from this long-anticipated event. With so many people awaiting this event, the GSS should definitely not be done away with.

The GSS is something many people anticipate, as it benefits them. However, the largest group of people that look forward to it, are the consumers. The GSS is a good chance for consumers to grab the opportunity to save a significant amount of money, as they can chalk up huge savings by buying discounted items. This can certainly benefit them when purchasing more expensive products such as household items, as they get better prices and bigger savings, as the amount saved tends to be higher. For example, a 15% discount on a washing machine, costing about $2000 would mean a $300 saving, which is a significant amount of money, especially to the lower-income families. This also allows the lower-income families to buy luxury items that they cannot afford without the discount, especially when price slashes occur as a result of the close competition between retailers, giving the consumers better offers. Moreover, during the GSS, many sponsors hold competitions with large prizes and offer free gifts and prizes for shopping at certain places. They may even encourage more spending by giving a larger discount when consumers purchase more goods. With this many advantages to the GSS, it is no wonder why numerous consumers look forward to it.

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Besides benefiting consumers, the GSS is also something retailers look forward to. During the GSS, customers are encouraged to spend more money. This allows retailers to earn higher profits as even though the profit per item is lower, the total profit is likely to increase because of the sheer volume sold. This is certainly the case when few people are willing to buy more expensive items. However, during the GSS, people may be willing to buy them at reduced prices, especially for items with controlled prices. Items with controlled prices make it difficult for retailers to give discounts during ...

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