employemnt standard

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Support Employment Standards

Support services and operations

  1. Briefly explain why it is important for as business to run smoothly and efficiently and what can be done to ensure that this continues?

It is important for the business to run smoothly and efficiently as this lead to clients satisfaction, cost effectiveness, and secure the employment of employees. To achieve this need to work out the time limit, make sure client is happy and satisfy with the treatment before leaving the salon, treat the client and staff with respect and be professional all the time.

  1. Describe your own responsibilitries in the work place with regard to quality assurance?
  • Follow health and safety procedures
  • Act to protect themselves and others
  • Use equipment properly
  • be professional
  • provide complete information to client before treatment
  • follow the ethical code of practice

  1. What can you do to ensure that clients are return to business?

Good codes of practice always bring the clients back to business. Welcome the client and make them comfortable inform the client if they need to wait, record the arrival time of client after treatment ask the client if happy with the treatment. Arrange the next appointment if necessary and ask the client to purchase any products greet them at the door and keep the client record card up to date.

d. Give details of the policy in your training/work establishment regarding consistent procedure?

In my work usually follow the health and safety policy staff should be trained, equal opportunity policy to treat equally. Should follow the procedure of personal hygiene and presentation and professional code of practice.

  1. If you identify a matter that needs improvement what action would you take?
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I would discuss it with my supervisor or manager and take immediate action to resolve the problem. Example: a staff not following the rules of hygiene and presentation I am going to talk to the staff ask for following the procedure and they don’t follow it than I will talk about the issue to my supervisor. As it will effect the image of business and may put the away.

  1. Why is it important to ensure that record cards are complete, accurate, confidential and legible?

Under Data Protection Act the client information stored electronically or ...

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