Enzyme amylase action on starch

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Jack Chen



Assessed Practical: Enzyme amylase action on starch

Aim: To find if the amount of starch present would affect the rate at which the amylase breaks it down.

Hypothesis: The more starch there is, the longer it will take the amylase to break it down; the lesser starch there is, the faster it will take the amylase to break it down.


Independent variable: The amount of starch

Dependent variable: The time needed for amylase to breaks starch down.

Constants: Same amount of amylase, and same temperature.


Starch suspension

Amylase solution


Iodine solution

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White tile


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Method: Put twenty very small drops of iodine solution, spaced well apart, onto a white tile. Use a pipette to add one drop of starch suspension to one of the iodine drops. Record the color it goes. Take up exactly 10 cm3 of the starch suspension into a syringe. Wash the outside of the syringe under a tap to prevent contamination with the amylase solution. Now take up exactly 5 cm3 of amylase solution into the same syringe and draw in a little air after it. Rock the syringe backwards to mix the contents and ...

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