Explain the different types of economies of scale - Discuss which economies are likely to occur as a result of a) horizontal integration b) vertical integration.

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Explain the different types of economies of scale.

Discuss which economies are likely to occur as a result of a) horizontal integration b) vertical integration.

        Economies of scale are said to exist when in the long run (all factors of production are variable) costs fall as output increases. This is due to firms expanding in size and output, which causes the long run average costs to fall. These economies of scale are experienced as the business expands until a point is reached where average costs are constant as output increases. After this point if the business expands anymore, it is likely to experience diseconomies if scale and decreasing returns to scale will set in. Therefore the long run average cost curve is U-shaped.

        Economies of scale are reached through a variety of ways. Different sources of economies of scale are technical economies, managerial economies, purchasing & marketing economies and financial economies.

        Technical economies arise because larger factories and plant sizes are usually more productively efficient than small ones. Economies of scale which occur due to technical economies do so as a result of the production process. For example a small firm may not be able to make full use of its expensive equipment if it cannot afford to employ someone to operate it full time. However the more the machinery is used, the lower the average cost of the job.

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        Managerial economies of scale are reached by specialisation. In a small firm there may just be one general manage whereas a large firm might be able to employ more specialist managers for different departments within the company. Specialisation leads to greater productive efficiency and therefore lowers the average cost.

        Purchasing & marketing economies occur when large firms are able to bulk buy raw materials at reduced prices per unit, to lower their average costs. For example the larger the firm, the more likely it is to be able to afford to buy its raw materials in bulk and secure ...

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