The location should very accessible for corporate customer to visit. It should have easy access to transport links corporate customers would look for location which is very much near to their business areas. They want different types of transport to available to them to get to their business meeting or areas on time. Corporate customers will be preparing for a business meeting or conference therefore they would look for quieter locations to stay. This is because they don’t want disruption to occur while they prepare for a meeting or conference. Corporate customers would also want restaurants to be near the hotels. This is because business people are busy at all times so if the restaurant is closer to the hotel then it would save their time.
Groups will also look for suitable place where good transport links are available. They may want to see number attractions, beaches and shops near the location. This is because they may want to do activities near the beaches and may want to do shopping during the weekends so having shops and beach near location will certainly satisfy the groups. They want restaurants to be near the hotels. This is because they are in big groups so it will be difficult to travel far.
Families would want to check the availability of the hotel or the restaurant. This is because families don’t prefer to take their children to hotel or restaurant around 8:00pm or 9.00pm. They want dinner to be at 6.00pm and later on get their children to the bed on time. Families would look for hotels that meet their needs for example they will look for hotel which has good facilities available to families and children at good price. Family are very much likely to book them in advance. This is because family normally don’t want to go restaurants which are normally very busier as they may have to wonder around with their children to find a table. Families don’t want that happen and that’s why they book It in advance.
The availability of the hotel can be vital to corporate customers. They will look to book a hotel that has meeting rooms for business people and look for other business facilities such as a suitable room with internet facilities and telephone for business people to use. They are likely to book it these in advance as they want have time to waste. They would also want hotels to provide them restaurant where business people can have lunch together.
Groups may look for the availability of the hotel. Groups may check if the hotel has enough rooms for everyone. Groups are very much likely to have very tight budget so they may look for cheap hotel that fit into their budget. They are likely to book it in advance so that they can all be accommodated. Groups want large restaurants to be available to them. This will allow large groups of people to sit together.
Complementary services
Corporate customer such as would expect many complimentary service at the hotel such as internet facilities, telephone facilities and car parking facilities to be available to them. Some hotels offer extra services for corportae customers such as orderinng meals directly from their rooms.
Family would expect the hotel to provide them extra service such as activities for their children to take part in and swimming pool facilities. These extra services will satisfy the customers. Some hotels and restaurant provide meals for kids for free.
Many hospitality organisations will offer groups of people some extra services for example 24 hours room service and many leisure facilities such as gym. There are also many places they can visit . The hotels might even disocunt for larger gorups of people.
Family would expect hotesl/ restaurants to be suitable for family to have their dinner. Some family want hotels to provide them vey traditional food at high quality.
Corporate customers would look for 5 star hotels which meet their needs and expectation. Corporate customers will spent plenty of money to receive high standard of service. They know at 5 star hotel, they are likely to receive high standard of service and product.
Groups such as school group would expect to book a low standard of hotels as their budget is very tight however groups such as business group will look to book their accommodation with high standard of hotels . This is because the company is paying it for them.