INTRODUCTION Attempting to make an assessment of Personnel management in comparison to Human Resource Management, I will try in the first part of my argument to provide both definitions of those terms, and briefly explain some generally acceptable functions of both PM & HRM. In the second part I will discuss the evolution of Personnel Management, and finally I will compare and contrast PM & HRM using material from HRM & PM journals, books and abstracts from relevant literature.

Making a brief introduction to the issue, I could say that it has been notably observed during the past decade that a revolution has been taking place in Personell Management in most developed economies.(Sisson K.1994). Those changes would rather be described as an ‘’Evolution’’ function of PM towards the Human Resource Management with a strategic perspective for the organizations and that can be explained as the HR activities which are used to support the firm’s competitive strategy.


The Personnel Standards Lead Body (1993) has defined Personnel Management’s purpose as being to ‘’enable management to enhance the individual and collective contributions of people to the short and long-term success of the enterprise’’.

We can identify the major functions of Personnel Management as: · satisfying particular needs of an organizations stakeholders. · developing, motivating, aspiring employees so as to meet organization’s objectives. · creating the proper environment for management as to perform recruitment, selection and training to current and potential employees. · empowering teamwork and co-operation cross departments. · taking a leading role as a force of change or a force of stability. · cope with international, national or local changes on employment practices and their managerial or organizational implications. · finally PM provides directly or indirectly a range of services which support organizational processes.

There is a range of Key Activities and actions that Personnel Management embraces and are presented in the following table. Those are carried out by both line managers and personnel managers and the main 6 categories that they stem from are: (1) The organization itself, (2) Employee Resourcing, (3) Performance Management, (4) Employee Development, (5) Reward Management, (6)Employee Relations, (7) Health safety and employee services, (8) Employment and personnel administration.



The concept of Human Resource Management has emerged as a better way to manage people in an enterprise, considering them as the most valuable asset of the business, both individually and collectively, which in turn contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives. Storey (1989) has pointed briefly that HRM can be regarded as a ‘’set of interrelated policies with an ideological and philosophical underpinning’’.

The main aspects of HRM can be summarized as: · adding value to people by HR development and performance management. · creating a strong corporate culture by the means of mission and value statements and reinforcing it by training, communications and performance mngt systems. · gaining commitment to the underlined values, aspirations and objectives. · people are considered the most valuable assets of a business contributing positively to the organization’s future. · integrating HRM strategies to business strategies. · business philosophy which aids in the achievement of competitive advantage. · top management driven and management oriented activity.

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Throughout the years various experts in the field have provided different views of HRM, such as ‘Beer et al(1984) ’The Harvard Framework’’ which focused on the topic that HRM belongs to line managers and pertains managerial decisions so as actions that affect employee-management relationships. Torrington (1995) stated the concept of mutual policies that promote the mutuality of goals, influence, respect, rewards, responsibility which in turn provide greater economic performance and human development.

Moreover Legge K.(1989) in her studies considers HRM policies interrelated with strategic business planning as the means of reinforcing organizational culture, creating a source of competitive advantage and ...

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