Analyses report of the success of a business’s policies
Unit 20 Assignment 1
Human Resources in hospitality
In this report I will be analyzing the success of three policies in The Palms Hotel & Spa.
Working Hours Policy
A full time employee in The Palms Hotel & Spa has a basic day of 8 working hours and a meal period of 30 minutes. The Palms Hotel & Spa usually locate the employees work schedule in a designated area in each department, although in this hotel workers do not have a permanent work schedules, due to the nature of the hotel, their schedule change’s depending on the circumstances of the hotel. If an employee wishes to take days off he would head to his head of his department but before that he has to finish his weeks worth of work schedule. The Palms Hotel & Spa offers the overtime pay, which is basically if an employees needs to stay extra hours in the hotel for a certain reason in his department but an employee can not work overtime unless approved by the head of his department in order to record and approve the extra time and work that is done by the employee, also employees that work over time get paid one and one-half times their regular rate.