The first objective that jaguar has is to deliver exciting new products. This would help jaguar to meet their first aim of meeting their production targets due to the fact that jaguar has recently released the XF model.
The first thing that jaguar is doing to ensure that they meet this objective is that they inspect 1 in 10 cars for any problems, by doing this it means that the cars cannot be returned because of the poor quality, this would increase their sales as they would be known as a company that produces high quality cars.
Also by having the lantern board it means that when Jaguar is producing the cars they will be of a high quality. This means that when the cars go to the new owners they will be happy because there will be no faults and this will lead to Jaguar fulfilling this objective of delivering exciting new products as the customer would enjoy the car.
By Jaguar having CAD, CAM and CAE it means that the cars that they produce will be of better quality this will mean that the finished product that they give to the customer will be of high quality meaning that they will be happy. By doing this it would also help Jaguar as it would make their reputation a lot better because of the fact they are producing higher quality cars. This would also lead them to achieving their aim of increasing shares in the UK luxury car market as their good reputation would lead to more people buying their cars.
Jaguar also looks at its competitors to see which cars they have released, this gives them new ideas that they can use to adapt their cars. By using new ideas it would mean that they will be achieving their first objective as they will be releasing new products for the customers.
The first objective and the first aim are both linked as they can both be achieved by doing the same activities. Also by fulfilling these aims and objectives we have already seen that it would contribute to achieving the other ones.
The second aim that Jaguar has is improving quality and customer satisfaction. Jaguar has many ways of doing this.
The first thing that Jaguar is doing to meet this aim is to have tours of the plant. This means that the customers who have ordered a car can see their car being built as it goes along the production line. This would increase customer satisfaction as it would ensure that they feel more involved in the making of the car. This will help them to meet this aim.
The second thing that Jaguar is doing to achieve this aim is to keep 100% production time which is an objective set by jaguar. By doing this it would mean that the quality of the car will be better as it would mean that stages of the production process will not be missed out. For example if Jaguar do not continuously build the cars then it could mean that the workers may forget a stage when they come back to finish of the car. If this does happen then it may lead to a fault in the car and the customer will not be satisfied because of it. Also by keeping 100% production times it will lead to customer satisfaction as it would mean that the customers will be getting their cars on time.
Customer satisfaction can again be achieved by offering a valet service. This means that when an existing customer’s car is in Jaguar for servicing they will provide another car that they can use in the time that it is getting fixed. This will increase satisfaction as it will insure that the customers will think that Jaguar cares as they are doing everything they can to ensure that their customers are happy.
Jaguar also packages their cars properly when they have been fully built. This is done because it ensures that the car is not damaged while the car is being transported from the factory to its destination. This will lead to customer satisfaction as it ensures that the cars that they receive will not be damaged.
The second objective that Jaguar has is to maintain 100% production during running times. If Jaguar do this then it will be vital in helping them achieve their second aim which is to improve quality and customer satisfaction as it would mean that the quality is maintained.
By having good quality cars it would lead to customer satisfaction.
The third aim that Jaguar has put into place is to keep overall costs to a 2004 level. This is the year that Jaguar had spent the least in making their cars. If Jaguar keeps their costs to a minimum then it would mean that they would have a larger profit because of it.
The first activity that Jaguar has it to use JIT (just in time system, this is when jaguar orders the parts when they are needed) if Jaguar use this then it would mean that they would make the cars just in time for them to be sent to the customers. By doing this it would mean that they do not have to pay for costs such as looking for a place to store all the cars because they have been made to early.
The second activity that Jaguar has is to have good team work within the work force. If there is good team work then it would mean that the team would work more efficiently meaning that the machinery will be kept on for a shorter time decreasing jaguars costs. Also having good team work would also include areas of improvement, fore example in jaguars employees think there is something wrong with the way in which work is being done it can be brought forward and this idea may help Jaguar keep their costs to a minimum.
Jaguar also has quality circles. This is when employees get together and discuss how things are currently going within the business. This may arise current problems that the business ahs and if these problems are sorted out then it could result in Jaguar keeping their costs down because all the employees fully understand what is required of them.
Jaguar has something called problem cords. This is when the employee presses a cord or some sort of buzzer which alerts engineers when they have a problem with work or the machinery. This activity would help Jaguar keep their costs down as it would mean that the machinery can be fixed as soon as possible, this would mean that the production line does not have to be stopped for a long time. If the production line was stopped it would also lead to customer dissatisfaction as it would mean that the customers may not get their cars on time because of the delay in producing them.
Jaguar have a saying called “right first time” this means that when producing the cars they hope to get every car perfect the first time. By doing this it would lead to customer satisfaction and it also helps Jaguar keep their costs down as it ensures that they do not have to pay extra money to fix the cars for the customers if it is not right.
The third objective that Jaguar has is to keep staff absenteeism below 12% through the 2008 financial year. The corresponding aim to this is to keep their costs down to the 2004 level
If Jaguar have good team work it would mean that an employee’s job would be a lot easier because of the fact that all the people know what they are doing. Also by having good team work it means that it avoids conflict between each employee as they all are happy with what they are doing. This would keep staff absenteeism low as they would feel happy to come into work because of the positive environment around them.
Having quality circles would mean that the employees would be happy at their work as they would feel that they have a right to express their feelings. This would keep staff absenteeism down as they would think that there views are judged also if their views are taken into account and the work area is improved they will be happy because of the fact that the work area is not better.
By having problem cords it means that the employees will have fewer problems with their work and will also mean that they if they do come across a problem it will be easily resolved. This would mean that the employees would be happy because of the fact that their work would be easier. This would stop staff absenteeism because of the fact that the work that they are doing is easier because everything is running smoothly.
By having support from the managers it would mean that the employees will be happy because of the fact that they can go to somebody when they feel that there is a problem. By the employees being happy it would keep staff absenteeism down because of the fact that the employees would not have any reason why they are not happy at work.
The fourth aim that Jaguar has is to increase shares in the UK luxury car market. There are many ways in which Jaguar can achieve this.
The first activity that Jaguar has is to use its private railway link. By doing this it would mean that they will get their cars to the customers on time, this will lead to customer satisfaction and will lead to Jaguar having a good reputation. If this happens then it would lead to more people buying their cars thus leading to an increase in their share in the luxury car market.
Jaguar believes in a saying called “Kaizen”. Kaizen s a Japanese word and means continuous improvement. This is good for Jaguar to believe as it would help them with their work as it would make them think that they should keep on improving there services. By doing this it would mean that they would continue to deliver exciting new products and this would help them achieve their objective of increasing their share in the UK luxury car market as more people would buy the new products. Kaizen also encourages team work within a business, this would lead to Jaguar increasing their share in the luxury car market as the rate that they produce their cars would be a lot faster and by having a positive working environment it would also mean that the quality of the cars would go up. If this happens then it would lead to jaguars reputation increasing and this would lead to more people buying jaguars thus increasing their share in the UK luxury car market.
The last objective that Jaguar has is to minimise XF model returns.
There are many things that Jaguar can do to insure this. The first activity that they have is to use the railway links to ensure this, by ensuring that the cars are delivered to their customers on time then it would keep them happy and they would want to keep the cars. However if the cars were given late and were rushed to the customer then it may have resulted in the care being damaged. If this happens the car may be returned to Jaguar.
The second thing that jaguar does is that they use kaizen encourages continuous improvement of the business; manufacturing process; reducing waste and finding better manufacturing techniques. This would help them minimise XF model returns as this motto will ensure that they make the cars to the best of their abilities.
If jaguar continues to do these activities then it will help them achieve the specific aims and objectives. As we have seen all the aims and objectives are linked together as they all help to achieve one another. This means that if jaguar does all of the activities then it would help to achieve all of them.