Internal and External Stakeholders of Alton Towers

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Unit 2 A1                        

Internal and External Stakeholders of Alton Towers

        A stakeholder is someone who shows an interest within the business; an internal stakeholder is a person or a group of people who work internally with in the business and show an interest. Where as an external stakeholder is a person or a group of people who operate outside the business of Alton Towers but who still show an interest in the business.

Alton Towers has both internal and external stakeholders:  the internal stakeholders are:

  • Employees
  • Managers
  • Ride designers
  • Parenting company
  • Directors
  • Financiers

The External stakeholders of Alton Towers are:

  • Customers
  • Local community
  • Schools
  • Suppliers
  • Competitors
  • Other businesses
  • Coach companies
  • Sponsors


Identifying why each is a stakeholder


Employees: Employees are perceived as stakeholders of Alton Towers as they are interested in their jobs and their payment for the labour they provide.

Managers:  managers are stakeholders as they work for the business/ enterprise of Merlin Entertainments; they are also perceived as stakeholders as stakeholders as they check stock levels, profit and the operations taking place to ensure that they are effective.

Ride Designers: Ride Designers are stakeholders as they have an interest in designing new rides for the theme park as that is what they are paid to do and if many of their designs are good and are chosen then they also have other parks approach them to design rides.

Parenting Company: Alton Towers parenting company is a stakeholder as it funds money for new rides and are also interested on how well the park is doing, they also want the park to make as much money as possible.  

Directors: Directors are stakeholders to Alton Towers as they make all the vital decisions to build new rides, or sack staff ect. These are also on charge of many contracts for businesses operating within the park.

Financiers: Financiers are stakeholders in Alton Towers as they organize ways to make the park money to fund for new rides and facilities. They also loan Alton Towers money as, they want it paid back with interest and they are also in the business to do well and be successful, as then more rides will be needed and they will be able to make more cash from the interest rates.

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Customers: customers are stakeholders in Alton Towers as they have an interest in the in new rides, and all the facilities, services and special events that occur in the park throughout the year, they are also interested in what is happening in and around the park to do with new ideas.

Local Community: The local communities are stakeholders in Alton Towers as they live close to the theme park and are affected by all the noise and air pollution the park produces, they are also affected by all the traffic nearby as it is only a small town/ place and ...

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