Investigating How Businesses Work

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Laura Johnston 13PG                UNIT 1


                          Investigating How Businesses Work

Human Resources

It is Tescos staff makes the difference where it matters most - with customers. And when you've got 240,000 people around the world with 190,000 in the UK alone, that's a lot of opportunity to make a difference!

Delivering to customers through there staff means that every one of our managers needs to be a strong leader as well as a great trader. A leader who lives our Values and is there for their teams by providing the help and opportunity they need to succeed. Also a leader who helps ensures that work is interesting and satisfying so that the staff can both love what they do.

That's quite a challenge, which is where HR comes in. The role of HR in Tesco is to ensure that managers have world-class skills and tools to serve their people. It is also the role of HR to be thought leaders in the shaping of our business processes around talent, performance management and learning.

So, a strong HR team is key. As well as a team of specialist HR Managers and Personnel & Development Executives, working for Tescos have a variety of other roles, in areas from Staff Involvement to Resourcing. Tescos also have people dedicated to talent spotting, learning and knowledge management, and an Organisational Design Manager.

Recruitment, retention and dismissal


With over 326,000 employees in twelve countries, Tescos plays an important role in creating employment, fostering skills, and generating economic development. This year alone, our UK workforce has grown by 16,000 and we have created 14,000 new jobs in our international operations. Many of these jobs are created in regions often overlooked by investors or with high unemployment.
In addition to the economic benefits of paying salaries and local taxes, we go further by increasing share ownership among Tescos staff, so that they have an active stake in the success of the business. In June 2003 we gave more than 147,000 of our Tescos UK staff shares worth £89 million. A third of these shares came from the most recently matured Tesco profit share scheme, and £57m worth of shares were given as part of the new Shares in Success scheme to all employees with more than a year's service. In addition, Tescos Buy As You Earn scheme gives employees the chance to buy Tescos shares at a 20% discount. These schemes are our way of saying thank you to our Tescos staff.

In a rapidly changing world, Tescos have to ensure that they remain a dynamic and flexible business. One step Tescos took this year was the opening of a high tech IT and business support centre in Bangalore, India. This enables Tescos to support our operations more effectively and to develop new services which were previously unaffordable. It also reflects the intense competition we face not only from within the grocery sector, but increasingly from within the financial services, telecoms and Internet sectors. Tesco has identified 350 roles to transfer to their new centre from the UK. They have consulted with Usdaw and our person on the policies Tescos has in place to support affected staff. Tescos has committed to offering every single member of staff another job within Tesco, although not necessarily in the same role or location. Tescos offered these staff re-training and relocation support, and 12-week work trials.

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Tescos provides an award-winning defined-benefit pension scheme, which now has 127,000 members. Unlike other companies who have moved to money purchase schemes, the Tescos scheme is based on career average earnings. One of the great advantages of the career average approach, compared to a final salary scheme, is that if staff want to reduce their hours as they approach retirement, they can do so without making a big difference to the final pension they receive. As the employer of choice for the over-55s, this is considered one of the major benefits Tesco offers. We contribute ...

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