Is Money the Only Factor that Motivates People?

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Is Money the Only Factor that Motivates People


I am carrying out this project to find out whether pay is the main motivating factor or whether it is other factors such as job satisfaction and the environment that motivates them that is the key factor. Motivation is vital for a business to work, without it staff truancy and poor productivity may derive. To find out whether businesses are succeeding with this I will carry out a survey at Ove Arup on 25 men and 25 women to get a fair over view of what is thought by people in this area. I will also carry out research from other sources, such as the Internet, to find out about as much about motivational theory as possible.  


I believe that job satisfaction may be the main motivator in this case, because most people who work here have been to university and spent years striving to do this job. However these people will have bills and mortgages to pay so therefore many people will see money as an important motivator.

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Desk Research

Over the years many theories on motivation have been made, these theories help managers and directors make decisions on how they will attempt to make their staff work to their full potential. Some of the main theories that can be used are the theories of Maslow with the hierarchy of needs and Mc Gregor with theory X and theory Y.

Abraham Maslow came up with a hierarchy of needs, at the bottom would be the basics such as food and shelter and at the top is self actualisation where you feel that you ...

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