Job specification for a Gym Manager

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                Unit 4 P3

Job description

Job title – Assistant Manager

 Location – Exercise Clinic in Beechview School

 Description Of Business - The Exercise Clinic is a gym serving the local area, dealing with general public and exercise recommendations. It is excellent value for money, has professional staff and a great atmosphere to work out to in addition, it has great equipment for you to use

Purpose of Job – The purpose of this job is to help the director of the business and if they are not in then you are the main person of the business and you must be able to serve the customers in a ideally manner

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 Main Tasks –

  • Give discounts of people over 65
  • Responsible to looking after the equipment
  • Also you are in charge for opening the closing the gym
  • Serve the customers the right to go into the gym

Standards required – You receive our kit when you must wear every time you come to work and you must know that you’re in a working environment

Qualification needed – you need 5 A*’s to C including Maths and English

Also business studies is also desired at GCSE with more than grade C

 Job Type: Job Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 15:30


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