The Marketing Mix

A Market is the coming together of buyers and sellers exchanging their goods for money. For innocent the buyers would be the customers and the sellers would be the workers at the shops or supermarkets. In innocents case the goods would be mainly refreshments like smoothies, but also others such as veg pots, thickies etc.

Marketing is where companies try to maximise their sales and profits by satisfying the consumers’ needs and wants and turning them into profit.

The marketing mix is also known as the 4 P’s. These are:






Market segmentation

Market segmentation can be split up in many ways, for example Age and Sex, Geographical area and Occupation and Income. Here is an example of this;

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For supermarkets the market segmentation is the way in which the market is split up into smaller markets where the customers have the same needs. This can be many different segments, for example the basics such as bottle sizes, food (veg pots), but also others like business makers, sellers etc.


To set a price for a new product a business needs to take into account different things. These are the 3 C’s (cost, competition and customers). The overall price of a bottle of smoothie needs to take in ...

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The essay is adequately written, however mistakes are made which make the essay hard to read in places. The sentences when read separately are well written however when placed together they don't always read well, this causes the need for the paragraph to be reread. The author does make spelling and grammatical errors but these are of rare frequency, overall the spelling and grammar is of a good standard.

In the essay the author frequently describes the subtopics but rarely advances from this, expansion of the subtopic is needed to gain extra marks. The author has also confused the employers with the employees. This is basic knowledge so mistakes shouldn't occur, the sellers in a market are not the shop floor employees but the firm itself. However the author has used good knowledge to analyse the process of price setting for the firm, this is done by referring to 'price makers' and 'price takers' which is A Level standard work. The inclusive of the authors thoughts at the end of the 'Price' and 'Place' sections show good evaluation skills and they are relevant to the said sections. I would have referenced more examples and expanded on the 'Merchandising' section to gain extra marks.

The author starts the piece with a good definition of a market, this sets the tone for the overall quality of the essay. Following on from the well defined term the rest of the opening paragraph is relatively poor, this is because the author starts answering the question without introducing the essay content. This forces the assessor to reread the paragraph to gain an understanding on what the author means. The written content in the 'Product' section is lacking quality and is briefly explained. I would have used the supplied table to help with answering the question and the suitable inclusion of key terms would have picked up extra marks.