Marketing research

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Market research, one of the key factors to a businesses success in its industry. The primary function of market research is to identify the customers needs and views, also allows a business to access thorough information of the industry it’s planning to work within, it also allows the company once its analysed the information to adjust how its run to cope with demand and other aspects which could affect the outcome of their profits at the end.  Market research can be carried out through primary research, secondary research or both. It is also the promotion of the product/service, which a company is selling; promotion is vital to a company’s success due to the fact that, if the public doesn’t know that a product exists how will they buy it?

Most large company’s have their own marketing department to deal with all the necessary information which they receive from their sales figures and market research, also they process this information, interpret it and distribute the information the way they see best fits the situation.

Primary research

Primary (also known as field) research means asking someone for his or hers views or opinions. You will have to ask appropriate questions to find out the information you need. In market research this is called a survey.

A survey may be done: face-to-face, telephone, post, e-mail or questionnaire. The survey which are most popular, are done by phone or face-to-face this method is often used for more in depth surveys for a wider spread of information which the business can use to interpret any way it wants to.

The method is to ask specific questions and have a range or possible answers listed. You then tick or mark the answer you get. The survey can be optically read and the results calculated by computer.

Other methods of carrying out primary research include “test marketing” a new or service in a particular area of the country, using a test panel or setting up a consumer panel. For the survey to be valid the sample surveyed must be large enough to give significant results and it must be focused on a key audience/customer. It all depends on the product or service being surveyed.

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Secondary Research

Secondary or desk research is the use of existing, already collected data. This could be anything from Department of Trade and Industry reports to a company's sale statistics. Also company reports, government statistics, and surveys published by research organisations can be used as secondary sources of information. Desk research is quicker and cheaper than field/secondary research, but findings are not necessarily accurate or always relevant to your product.

In the results from the research of what a business has collected is vital to the businesses survival and the difference between whether it makes a loss ...

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