Mcdonalds Training

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McDonalds Training and Development

Training and recruitment is one of the most important actions that must be performed by a business because they would always need employees and they must train them so that they should know what has to be done at work. If the employee recruited is not trained to use particular equipment it might result in minor or severe injuries or there might not be any work done at all.

In McDonalds there are several training. Some of the main reasons why training is given to the employees is to ensure that they follow the health and safety rules, the work is efficient and fast and that the employees can carry out the tasks confidently. One of the purpose for training such as burger training would be that the employee learns how to make the burgers clean because if the employee doesn’t wash his hands and touches those burgers then this might spread infection and the customer might sue the company.

There are different types of training given to the employees at McDonalds.

  • Induction Training
  • On-Job Training
  • Off-Job Training
  • Job Rotation
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All these trainings take place at the workplace. Induction training is given when an employee starts to work at the workplace, this would include a tour of the work place so that the employee knows what is kept where. He/she would also be given training on how to use the equipments he has to work with.

Employees are given a guide to health and safety rules and the people working in the kitchen must follow the health and safety rules, if he/she needs more time to get familiar with the health and safety rules they are given ...

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The report in some parts show sexist use of text. This may be an error, and this is quite easily done when writing a report. Although some areas state 'he' and others state 'She/he'. It's important that all of these are written as 'She/He' to ensure that this is an accurate and fair report. Some aspects of the report do not make sense. At the top of the report is states that all types of training are within the workplace. However further down the report the section 'Off Job Training' is outside the workplace. This doesn't make sense, and should be corrected. At the bottom of the report, the student states '£20', and then further on it states '£200'. I'm assuming the correct amount is '£200', and this should be corrected within the report.

The section 'On Job Training' is too vague and lacks detail. The student should include additional information within this section, to show the exmainer that the student has an in-depth understanding. For example, the report could include 'Employee's will often undertake a number of failures at their work environment, especially when their start work for the first few weeks. It's important that these failures are managed carefully and when the employee fails, the manger ensures that this wouldn't be undertaken again, and prevents the error from occurring. This is effective, as the employee will understand what She/He has done wrong and what to do next time which is useful'. On the flip side, the student understands why businesses may undertake job rotation, as this is to ensure that if an employee is away for one reason or another the employees will be able to undertake the work with relative ease. The student understands this, which is quite good and shows the examiner good understanding.

In summary, the report is quite good. The report states a number of different ways that McDonald's use for training new employees. However some sections lack detail, such as the 'On Job Training'. In addition, there's some grammar/spelling errors within the report which need amending. The student acknowledges that businesses will need to train new employees, to ensure that their job role will be undertaken efficiently by the employee. In addition, the student understands how Health & Safety plays a large part of training within McDonald's, as employees are dealing with consumer's food and this is an important aspect for each employee to grasp.