Sainsbury's organizational structure.
Task 3 (E4, C2, A1) Sainsbury's organizational structure Businesses are structured into different into ways according to the way they operate and according to their culture. The structure of business can affect the way it works and performs. You need to understand the differences between the following types of structure: * Tall * Flat * Matrix * Hierarchical Flat and tall structure:- The term 'scalar chain is a rather old fashioned one and stems from the days when large organizations were bureaucratic, with lots of layers between the top and bottom. Scalar chain refers to the number of levels within the structure or hierarchy of an organization. The scalar chain set out the authority, responsibility and the framework that determined superior and subordinate relationships. The idea of setting out everyone's role and position is to make it clear who is responsible for what, and that there is clear line of authority. Matrix structure:- A matrix structure can be used to combine the grouping method we have identified. In such a matrix it is probable that each member of the organization will belong to two or more groups. A matrix is thus a combination of structures, which enables employees to contribute to a mix of activities. The matrix enables the organization to focus upon a number of aims at the same time, and gives it the flexibility to respond to new markets where
How important are staff/management relations?
A good relationship between staff and management is one in which each party respects and trusts one another, communicates with and understands one another and understands clearly what is expected of each other. Each party must make a fair contribution towards satisfying the interests of the other party. Demands placed on each other must be reasonable. Compromise and co-operation both play important roles in safeguarding the interests of the business while also satisfying the conflicting interests of it's workforce. It is imperative to build and maintain healthy staff/management relations for the following reasons. Good relations help to prevent disputes and if conflict does arise it can be better resolved between staff and management who have already developed a good working relationship which helps to ensure as little disruption to normal operations as possible. Good staff/management relations lead to high morale amongst a workforce. A happy workforce is a more productive one. The employer will also find it easier to retain its employees. Poor relations can lead to an unhappy workforce and dissatisfied management which is likely to result in reduced productivity and the overall failure of the business. The interests of a company and the interests of it's workforce are often in conflict with each other. A number of practices must be in place in order to simultaneously
McGregor -Theory X and Theory Y
Introduction McGregor -Theory X and Theory Y McGregor, an American psychologist, built upon earlier studies into the psychology of the workplace. From these studies he constructed a model of management attitudes, and from this model demonstrated that managers, wittingly or unwittingly, strongly dictated the type and attitude of workers in their employ. McGregor firstly examined the work of Taylor. In the early 1900's the Classical and Scientific (Taylorian) schools of management, suggested that workers were to be given tasks in their simplest forms. Within such Taylorian businesses, the role of management was to ensure that the simplest, most efficient, and productive working methods were used. Employees would have nothing to contribute but their labour. It can be argued that the early success of Ford Motors was to a large part due to the implementation of this structure. The second element McGregor used was the more recently developed Human Relations School. Studies performed by students of the Human Relations School, such as Mayo, found that many employees would produce higher levels of output, and be more aware of quality issues, if they are brought into the decision making that affected their jobs, rather than being just told what to do, and how to do it . There was a recognition by the Human Relations School that employees would have needs over and above those of
McDonald's. What are the Management functions at McDonald's?
McDonald's INTRODUCTION TO McDonald's Mission Statement Mc Donald's vision is to be the UK's biggest, best quick service restaurant experience. Since McDonald's opened its first restaurant in the UK in October 1974, the Golden Arches have become a familiar symbol, now seen on high streets, alongside major roads, on cross channel ferries, in leisure and retail parks and at airports. During 2000, the company bought young people from communities all over the UK to perform on stage at the Dome in Greenwich as part of McDonald's Our Town Story. This explains the History of McDonalds. By the end of 2000, there were 1,116 McDonald's restaurant operating in the UK, representing a total investment in property and equipment of over £1.5 billion. The company employed just fewer than 50,000 people and 18,000 were employed by McDonald's franchises. Today, more than 2.5 million people in this country place their trust in McDonalds every day - trusting the Company to provide them with food of a high standard, quick service and value for money. E1 CLEARLY IDENTIFYING MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND THEIR APLLICATION TO THE BUSINESS A restaurant manager makes sure that customers can come into the restaurant and enjoy the quality food and service they have come to expect from McDonald's. This takes in everything from the welfare of staff through to the performance of the restaurant
Human resources for my business. The recruitment process is extremely important as it will allow me to gain fully qualified beauticians for my business by outlining all the requirements needed in a position at Asian Beauty and it will also save a lot of t
Human Resource Introduction Recruitment is the process of identifying that your business needs a new employee and recognising what the new employee's job should involve. The skills, qualities and experience required for the job will need to be established and as a result of this the right person will apply for the job. Recruitment includes four different stages, the job analysis, the job description, the person specification and advertising the job opportunity. The job analysis is the breaking down of a job into its component parts in order to identify exactly what the job requires such as, how many workers are needed?, and what qualities and skills the workers need. The job description is a document that describes the role of the job, this would contain basic information about the job such as, the job title, duties and responsibilities and who they will be responsible to. The person specification is a document that describes the skills, qualities and qualifications required in a person to successfully do the job and advertising the job opportunity is the process of informing potential employees that there is a vacancy in the business. The recruitment process is extremely important as it will allow me to gain fully qualified beauticians for my business by outlining all the requirements needed in a position at Asian Beauty and it will also save a lot of time and money.