Recruitment and training at Perrys Motor Company.

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One of the important tasks for the human resources function in a business is the recruitment and selection of the new employees, without the right employees the business wouldn’t be able to run efficiently, serve its customers properly or make any profit for the company. The reason the Perrys may need to employ more workers is because of increased sales, a staff member may have left, a member of staff might have been promoted or a member of staff goes on temporary leave. All of these reasons may force the Perrys recruit new staff to keep the business going as normal.

The process that the Perrys use to recruit new staff is a complex process and has many stages, the stages in the recruitment process are:

  • Identify vacancy
  • Write job description
  • Write person specification
  • Advertise the job
  • Send out application forms
  • Receive applications
  • Shortlist candidates
  • Interview
  • Select the best candidate
  • Make a job offer

Advertising the vacancy

There are number of ways that the Perrys advertise jobs, here are ways that they advertise their jobs.

  • The internet on their own website
  • Recruitment agencies
  • Newspaper
  • Jobcentre

If the Perrys are looking for a regional manger they will advertise in regional newspapers. It is essential that they advertise the jobs in the right place to ensure that people see the advertisement.

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The interviews are conducted by the human department staff and interview panel they have three to five interviewers depending on how big the position is. During the interview the applicant will be asked a range of questions that will have been selected before the interview was held. The first type of question is usually open ended question, Perrys use open questions as means gaining the most information about the candidate as possible. It is important that has a timetable to ensure that interview is fair on ever candidate, so every candidate has the same amount of time in ...

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**** Many good points here and they have found out about the situation at Perrys. There are a number of omissions which I have put right in my comments. The actual process for recruitment, training and motivation will vary from business to business but the basic procedure is as described.