Rights of employees and employers. .

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Unit 2 – People In Business                Myles Howson. 11G.

Section 5.

Rights and responsibilities of employers and employees.

When a person applies for a job at Tesco, if they get the job they are than an employee of Tesco. They will then have several expectations of Tesco in the same way as Tesco will have expectations of them. Some of the things that Tesco will expect from their employees are; to arrive to their workplace on time, be a willing worker (try the best they can at their job), be prepared to learn new skills, be sociable with employers, other employees and customers, meet the health and safety regulations of Tesco, to obey the terms and conditions that are in their contract of employment and to take good care of Tesco’s equipment and property. Tesco’s employees will be expected to follow Tesco’s standard procedures, for example notify the employer if they are going to be away sick. All these things are things that Tesco rely on their employees doing in order to run Tesco smoothly. Tesco also have responsibilities. They are;  to behave in a reasonable way towards employees,  to explain Tesco’s aims and objectives to the employees so that they can work towards them, to offer the appropriate training to employees, to implement equal opportunities at work, to comply with health and safety regulations, to calculate employees pay and to carry out reasonable and lawful instructions.

Tesco produce a contract of employment for all their employees. The contract that is produced is a legally binding agreement between Tesco and the employee. A contract of employment means that the employee agrees to work for Tesco in return for a weekly wage. The contract of employment is generally a written document stating the terms and conditions of the employees contract. Some of the things that are included in the contract are:

  • Employees name.
  • Employers name (Tesco).
  • Date of starting job.
  • The employees job title.
  • The place of work (which store).
  • The hours the employee must work.
  • Their holiday and sick pay information.
  • Their notice information.

In many cases both Tesco employees and Tesco bosses are affected by legislation. This basically means in simpler terms that employees of Tesco have a legal right for the expectations to be met and so do Tesco. There are two main areas of legislation which affect employee and employer rights and responsibilities. These are:

  • Employment law.
  • Health and safety legislation.

These are the areas where the law imposes obligations on both employees of Tesco and Tesco itself which must be followed. The rights of Tesco are:

  • They expect their employees to for fill the terms of their contracts.
  • They can use set disciplinary procedures against employees if they are not for filling the terms of their contract.
  • They expect all employees of Tesco to co-operate with the boundaries Tesco have put in place to comply with the health and safety at work act.

The rights of the employee are:

  • The right to work in a safe environment.
  • The right to receive statutory sick pay while they are ill.
  • To return to work after an illness.
  • To have time off work for public duties. Example – Jury services.
  • To have the information of their rights supplied to them.
  • There should be no unlawful reductions from their pay.
  • There has to be equal pay for male and female employees if in the same job.
  • They should not be dismissed from their job for unfair reasons.
  • Pregnant woman should have the right to maternity leave… and have the right to return to their job when they are back.
  • For all employees to be treated equally.
  • There should be no discrimination against people because of their race, sex, age or any disabilities they may have.

Discrimination in employment – there are two types of this which are; direct discrimination. Example – “I am not going to employ you because you are a man”. The other type is; indirect discrimination, in this type of discrimination it is far more difficult for a member of one sex than the other to meet the requirements. Example – “I am only going to employ a person with long hair that has to wear a bra”.

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The sex discrimination act – this act was made and started in 1975, this act forbids employers from discriminating against sex during employment, training and recruitment. This means that they cannot give men and woman different training because of sex. This also specifically forbids discrimination against married woman. This act also covers; No discrimination for jobs, promotion, job training and dismissal.

If Tesco want an employee to have extra training or there first set of training they have to do it on there own time because an employee does not have to accept to do the training out of ...

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