task 5(distinctions) btec 1st

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Evaluate the effectiveness of the execution of a sales promotion for a selected product or service, recommending improvements.

In this task I will have to give the strengths of my sale promotion, I will say if it worked well and why it did and then I will list the weaknesses of my promotion and say why they were weak. I will describe that I worked in a team and the bad and good points of our team work. Then I will say how popular the promotion is, will it be appealing and will it be successful. Lastly I will recommend ways to improve the promotion in the future.

The strengths of my promotion are:-

  • The promotional theme
  • The promotional message
  • Location
  • Timescale

Why these are strengths:

I think that the promotional theme is reasonable “special offers” usually people look around for special offers so if any one see this on a sale promotion hey will be automatically attracted towards it. So I think that the promotional theme has a strong affect on people to attract them and get them into the shop.

The promotional message is the main strength of this promotion because it is a very good deal and many people would prefer to go for it. In a promotion there has to be a promotional message to attract the customers as this is their main aim so the promotional should be something that becomes strength of the promotion.

The location is strength because the shops that the leaflet is going to be in are on high street and many people are on high street so it is a way of advertisement for the promotion as many people would pass by and look at the promotion while they pass.

The timescale is also a big strength in my promotion because it is for a long time. So till the promotion ends Phone 4 U will have made many customers.

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The weaknesses of my promotion are:-

  • Merchanding
  • Style
  • Legal

Why these are weaknesses:-

Merchanding is a weakness as it will be displayed in the window display where many people may not read it clearly. If the shop is closed there would be no advertisement as the promotion would not be seen. People would only look at the promotion when they are looking at Nokia phones as the promotion will be with the Nokia Phones so this is not enough. It should be displayed in other places as well such as on the till and with other Phones.

The ...

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