The aim of this project is to describe the Human Resource functions for my chosen business.

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The aim of this project is to describe the Human Resource functions for my chosen business.

The business that I have chosen to do is a supermarket called ‘Safeway’. The four main areas that I will be looking at is the following:

  1. Human resources planning
  2. Recruitment and selection
  3. Training and development
  4. Performance management

All the four function help Safeway to run a positive business with the help of the HR function. All of this function has different roles but they all help each other in certain ways. Human resource planning will help the recruitment & selection, the hr planning should know when is the right time to start looking for staff form looking at past data. Then it is up to the Recruitment and selection team to look for the right people. Another example will be the training and development and performance management. The performance will look at the staff progression and pick out there weakness and tell the Training development the problem and it is then up to them to decided on a program to help them with the problem.

I will now tell you more about the four functions and also describe how these functions help Safeway.

Human resources planning

        Human resource planning is the process when the business needs to work closely with other departments to ensure the firm is employing the right kind of people with the: Right skills at the right time. It is important for the business to use the workforce plan, which contains:

  • National and local changes in the population analysed by numbers, ages, skills and location.
  • An analysis of the current internal labour supply
  • Consideration of any proposed development in the company’s organisation, location and structure.

This is information is very important as it help a business in many ways; it is used to evaluate the likely effect on labour turnover, the implications for recruitment, expected training requirements for existing and anticipated new staff, and the possible effects on morale and labour relations.

The biggest disadvantage to creating a labour turnover is that estimating future demand for labour. The demand will change as a result of the firm changing strategy actions.

How do Safeway use ‘Human resources planning’?

Safeway’s definition- to ensure that Safeway have the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

From looking at the statement we can see that Safeway get right down to point of what they are trying to achieve.

At Safeway they uses 4 main steps to pick the right work force. They are mainly using past data to predict the up and coming years.

By using past data Safeway can see how many staff they hire a year. This data can give them an idea of how many staff they are likely to have for the coming few years. If Safeway gets a rough idea of how many employees they need and they can start to plan a head and start to hire staff as soon as possible.

Another way is that they look at the number of customers and the demand for the sales. The more customers they have the more Safeway need to employee. So they give their customers the best possible service Safeway can offer to their staff.

Safeway mainly depend on their management team. They give the HR department the best possible view of the estimate the number of new employees that will be required in their department.    

HR planning helps Safeway organise them selves, such as

  • Holiday Planning
  • Shits planning
  • Work schedule

This is the role of the HR planning team at Safeway to coves these function. With out the planning there will be chose. As staff will not no when they are coming in to work, when to have a break, when they are going to have a holiday etc. as we can see the HR planning helps Safeway in many ways, this planning helps Safeway run successful with out any problems occurring.

Training and development


        Training does not just begin when a new employee starts a new job at the work place; it is just the begging of there training. The business investing with in the employee is essential if the business is to get the best out of each in employee.

Training is the process that helps to improve the performance of an employee in any given area of the business. Training can help employees to cope with technological development. Good training programme should firstly assess the needs of its work force. Once this has been done a suitable programme to meet these needs can be well known and delivered at an appropriate time. Care should be takes to ensure that feed back is gained in order to assess whether the training has met the needs of both there recipients and the business.

The types of training are normally depending on the needs of the employer and the employee. A lot of business draw up a training contract, which is, am agreed document laying out the needs of the employee or the aim of the training and the action to be taken. There are two types of training “on the job” or “off the job”

On the job training (not just for new employees also for staff who have already been at the business)

  1. Observing or learning by watching others – also known as shadowing. Watching an experienced worker is a useful was of learning about the job.
  2. Mentoring- this is when the new employee will be assigned to an experienced worker. Not to learn how to perform the job but to gain personal support
  3. Coaching- demonstrating the technique to the trainee and then allowing he/she to practise the appropriate job role they will be doing.
  4. Secondment or attachment – this may involve the employee widening his/her skills by visiting other departments or learning other skills.
  5. Action learning- this involves employees undertaking special assignments, usually outside their own departments or even company. This is further attempted to widen their experience.

Off the job training

  1. This type of training the venue tends to be away from the actual place of work. This mainly common with job courses, which can vary in length from a few hours to months, or even sometime years.
  2. The courses can be either ‘in house’ can be tailored to meet the specific needs of both the business and the individual concerned. If it is in the house it tends to be cheaper they sending the employee to different location.
  3. An e.g. ‘in houses’ is induction courses these are runed by the personnel department.
  4. External courses are mainly popular in schools when they send their staff for teacher courses. This tends to be costly, as the school has to find a replacement, and pay for the course and the travel.
  5. Recently using CD, which is good for much business, as they do not need to send their staff to any location, has done courses.

Cost of training

Much depends on the skills to be imparted and the number of people to be trained, but the main costs consist of:

Resources material for the employees

Trainer’s fees or salaries

Administrative costs of the training department

Loss of production while aiding the employee during the induction period

Cost of any external examinations.

How do Safeway use Training and development?

Safeway’s definition- training is a process where individuals are helped to acquire or learn a skill. This skill may be primarily manual, for instance the operation of the check out scanner. This is called a ‘hard’ skill because hard equipment is involved. Otherwise, the skill may be primarily intellectual such as selling techniques. Training primarily focuses on the technical skills that Safeway colleagues require to be effective within their job role.

Safeway’s definition -Development is concerned with individual growth. It relates to acquiring a broad set of ‘soft’ skills through planned activities and experience. Management of people, handling interpersonal relationship in the workplace and leadership are typical broad skill sets that are developed. They are also made up of a series of others skills such as communication, time management and courtesy. There is no fixed end point to this development because individuals can continually improve.

At Safeway they uses something called the “learning cycle”. Safeway believe that all people learn in many different ways by using this learning cycle they can get the best out of their employees.


Stage 1 – having an experience

        Most people have plenty of experiences from which they could learn however many people do not use there experiences that they have. Learning can be both reactive and proactive. Reactive learning is where you let the experiences come to you and proactive is where you deliberately seek out new experiences.

Coaches or mentors can help identify suitable experience to close a development gap as wee as reviewing with individuals want to encourage individuals to be positive and to seek learning experiences for themselves.

Stage 2 – Reviewing the experience  

        To learn from experience it is important to review what has happened. Very often this stage is missed out and people tell the company that they are too busy to do this.

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Stage 3 – Concluding from the experience

        There would be little point in reviewing the experiences if Safeway do not draw up a conclusion. This is where Safeway learn what the employee has learnt, what worked well and what cloud being done differently.

Stage 4 – Planning the next steps

        When Safeway reach a conclusion with the employee, they then plan a ladder for them to reach their aims. The aims are conclude from the result they feel they have gained from this process.

At Safeway they understand that employee development ...

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